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- Music in our life: Route Paper
Music in our life: Route Paper
Rout paper for students1. Let`s remember words read and translate.
Types of music Emotions
Pop Sad
</ Rock Relaxing
Classical Energetic
Opera Fast
Folk Loud
Rap Cheerful
Jazz Boring
Country Calm
Techno Fantastic
Если сделал всё и справился без затруднений 4 балла.
2. What emotions have you feel when are you listening to different kind of music? Write then say.
When I listen to pop music I feel fantastic. What about you?
When I listen to music I feel . When I listen to music I feel .
When I listen to music I feel . When I listen to music I feel .
Написал верно 5 вариантов - 4 баллов. Написал 8 вариантов и ответил устно 8 баллов
3. Listening to interview. Match the correct answer.
1. Where was Christina Aguilera born?
a) Florida b) New York c) Kentucky
2. How old is Hank Williams?
a) 71 b) 73 c) 67
3. What is Mandy Moor first single?
a) I wanna be with you b) Candy c) When will my life begin?
Всё понял и отметил верно 10 баллов.
4. Rewrite the sentences using the present perfect continuous use
have/has been + Ving
1. She is playing a violin now. (for 3 years)
2. They are playing a guitar at this moment. (for 10 years)
3. She is playing a piano now. (for 2 hours)
4. He is playing a banjo at this lesson. (for 6 months)
Справился 6без ошибок 4 балла. Есть ошибки, но исправил 1 балл.
What mark have you today?
Я закончил урок со следующей оценкой. In the end of the lesson I have a .
«5» - от 24б.
«4» - от19 б.
«3» - от14 б.
I can read and talk
I can write
I understand the theme
Home work
SB p.40, ex. 7