- Учителю
- Урок на тему В зоопарке
Урок на тему В зоопарке
Пояснительная записка
На уроке учитель ставит перед собой задачи реализации обучающего, познавательного, развивающего, воспитывающего аспектов. С этой целью учитель пытается создать условия для усвоения учебного материала, отобрав языковый материал, тесно связанный с жизнью; дать возможность учащимся использовать ранее полученные знания и жизненный опыт на уроке в новых ситуациях.
Учитель старается осуществить личностно-ориентированный подход в процессе реализации задач и достижения цели урока:
- формирует мировоззрение
- развивает интерес к происходящему (высказывание собственного мнения на поставленную тему);
- даёт возможность выразить эмоции и чувства, отношение к миру через собственное мнение и варианты творческой работы;
На уроке используются формы работы:
- фронтальная, беседа с классом (контроль полученных знаний на предыдущих уроках, которые в дальнейшем в ходе урока позволяет сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать полученную ранее и новую информацию).
- групповая с элементами соревнования (даёт возможность проявить интеллект и сопереживать вместе с коллективом).
- парная (практика коммуникативных навыков в условиях, максимально приближенных к жизни, с учётом возрастных особенностей, заинтересованности учащихся в теме).
Работа над текстом с использованием раздаточного материала, работа над лексикой с использованием словаря, дискуссия, творческая практическая деятельность, аудирование, а также использование наглядности, мультимедийного проектора помогает учителю разнообразить урок и решить задачи, тем самым достигнуть цели уроков.
Мною представлена разработка урока по теме "Животные" для учеников 4 класса.
Good morning children! I am glad to see you. Let`s start our lesson. What day is it today? And what date is it today? What`s the weather like? What was your home task for today? (project "my favorite animal")
Well, who would like to be the first one? Well done! Excellent! You have prepared the interesting project! Thank you!
And now let`s talk a little bit about animals. Answer my questions, please. By the way, before we start, don`t forget about comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives - er & the est.
Are elephants fatter than tigers?
Are dolphins cleverer than whales?
Are cats bigger than mice?
Are tigers faster than dogs?
Are birds bigger than hippos?
Are lizards longer than snakes?
Are hippos cleverer than monkeys?
Are giraffes taller than tigers?
Which animal is bigger a whale or a frog?
Which animal has got a short tail a kangaroo or a sheep?
Which animal is thinner a seal or a lizard?
Which animal is cleverer a mouse or a dolphin?
Thank you for your answers.
Now look at the board. Can you see the crossword? You should fill in the boxes with words As fast as you can. Don`t forget about spelling.
This animal is big, it`s grey.
It is green, it has got a long tail.
It`s a clever animal.
It is very tall.
It`s fat.
It is longer than a lizard.
It is rather fat, it can swim.
I have got some cards with words written in them. You have to guess the animal! (giraffe, monkey, lizard, bird, elephant, tiger, mouse, crocodile…) What color is it? Is it big or small? Is it short or tall? Is it long? Can it swim\fly\jump…
OK! Let`s revise the poem "When I`m at the zoo…" (pupils watch the video)
When I`m at the zoo,
What can I see?
Lot`s of funny animals
Looking at me.
I see a tall giraffe,
Eating from a tree.
I see a silly monkey,
Laughing at me.
I see a clever dolphin.
Swimming at the sea.
I see a little seal,
Clapping one, two, three!
I see a lazy lizard.
Sitting in the sun.
I see a big whale,
Having lots of fun.
I see a baby hippo,
Learning how to run.
And one crocodile,
Crying on its own!
That was good!
Look here please. Here you can see some cards with texts about animals. Let`s read them and answer the questions.
Are giraffes short animals?
Can they be 10 metres long?
Where do they live? ( in Africa)
What do they eat?
Are elephants large and heavy?
Are they clever?
Where do they live?
Do they have a long nose?
What do they eat?
Have they got a long tail?
Can they see in colour?
Where do they live? (in trees, on the ground, in the water)
Are they fast runners?
Do lizards have teeth?
Where do crocodiles live?
Can they swim very fast?
Can they hear?
What can crocodiles eat? (small fish, birds, big animals, smaller crocodiles)
How many years do crocodiles live? (about 70 years)
Facts about Crocodiles
Many crocodiles live in Africa. Big crocodiles can be 5-6 metres long. Baby crocodiles are 20 cm long. Crocodiles swim very fast. They can stay under water for 2-3 hours. They often sleep with their mouths open. They can hear very well. They can live for months without food. Crocodiles can eat everything: small fish, birds, big animals and even smaller crocodiles. They can kill people too. Crocodiles live for about 70 years.
Facts about Lizards
Lizards are reptiles. They have a long tail, eyelids and usually have four legs. Many lizards can see in colour. They live in trees, on the ground and in the water. They are fast runners. They like sitting in the sun too. Big lizards can live about 20 years or even longer. Some lizards eat insects with their long tongues, other eat bigger animals or fruit and flowers. Lizards have teeth. People sometimes have them as pets.
Are you tired? Let`s play "Ted says". So, when Ted says smth you do it, when I say it, you don`t! (stand up, run, jump, fly, don`t fly, sleep, sit down)
It`s time for the hardest task for today! You have to translate the sentences from Russian into English.
Обезьяны смешнее, чем бегемоты.
Бегемоты бегают очень быстро.
Крокодилы длиннее, чем ящерицы.
Собаки меньше, чем слоны.
Дельфины умнее, чем рыбы.
Жирафы выше, чем кошки.
The time is over and our lesson is over, too. Your marks for this lesson…………… Please, wrte down your home task for Friday: ex.4 pg. 63 reading. Have a good time! See you on Friday!