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  • Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITION

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITION

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Урок англійської мови у 7 класі

за підручником А. Несвіт WE LEARN ENGLISH


Цілі уроку: Розширити кругозір учнів про звичаї, традиції і повір'я святкування Різдва в Україні, Великій Британії, Сполучених Штатах Америки та Австралії, повторити раніше вивчену по темі лексику і закріпити нововведену, навчити учнів писати різдвяні поздоровлення ; розвивати навики аудіювання, монологічного мовлення, письма; розвивати пізнавальний інтерес учнів, їх творчі здібності , вміння працювати в групі над проектними роботами, прагнення до самовдосконалення і вміння самореалізуватися; розвивати увагу, спостережливість, мислення; виховувати учнів на традиціях українського народу, підвищити інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання. Проектні роботи учнів по темі (4), Картки зі словами і виразами по темі для повторення, з назвою теми, країн, плану розповідей учнів, а також для роботи з окремими видами діяльності на уроці: "Mind map" по темах "Family" i "Christmas", картки для поздоровлення, з тестами на аудіювання, 2 плакати - для оформлення різдвяної телеграми і з ялинкою; «прикраси на ялинку» - кружки чотирьох кольорів для рефлексії і самооцінювання; матеріали для сюжетно-рольової гри: прапори країн, які групи представляють, скатертина, ваза з колосками, кутя в тарілці з ложкою, голубці, вареники, свічка, макет коробки телевізора, 5 мікрофонів, картинки з видами Великої Британії, США, Австралії ; магнітофонний запис пісні "Blue Christmas" і тексту для аудіювання, скотч, для підручники Алли Несвіт WE LEARN ENGLISH для 6 і 7 класів.

Підготовка до уроку. Групові проектні роботи "Christmas in Ukraine", "Christmas in Great Britain", "Christmas in the USA", "Christmas in Australia".

Форма проведення уроку: Role Play -"TV bridge"


I. Greeting.

  • Good morning!

  • How are you? (Fine, thanks. What about you?)

  • I'm superb. Do you know why I'm in a good mood? (No. )

  • Because I'm glad to see you happy and smiling at the English lesson. (Glad to see you too.)

II. Warm up.

  • Who can make a forecast for the coming weeks and the lesson?

  • I can do it. It will be winter in a month. It will be cold and frosty. The people will be in a hurry. They will celebrate Christmas and New Year. I think it will be hot and interesting at the lesson..

  • I agree with you. But first of all look at the mind map, review and sum up the topic

"Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITIONРазработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITIONРазработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITION

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITIONРазработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITION

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITIONFamily". Mind Map. A little world created by love

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITION

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITIONРазработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITIONРазработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITIONРазработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITIONРазработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITIONРазработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITION

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITION

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITION

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITION

Разработка урока в 7 классе по теме CHRISTMAS – FAMILY TRADITION

- to respect each other - to supper together, discussing problems, plans

- to love each other - to spend free time together

- to support each other - holiday celebrations (Christmas, New Year, Easter)

- to help each other - birthdays, gifts

- never argue - picnics, going to the seaside

- to share household chores - watching TV, visiting relatives

Pupil1. A family is a little world created by love. It has its own territory which is a house or a flat. It has its own population. These are the family members. They speak their own language. Everyone in our family is unique. We look alike in appearance, but we are different in our characters, hobbies and interests.

Pupil2. All the families have their own rules. The most important rule is to respect each other. Family members must share their house­hold chores, then they will have more free time to spend together. We love each other and never argue. We help and support each other. This helps our family to be a unit, a little world created by love.

Pupil3. We have many traditions in our fami­ly and I think it's great. We like to have dinner together, celebrate our birthdays, public holidays, prepare presents for each other and organize games and competi­tions. We often go on picnics and play sports. We spend a week at the seaside in summer. We like to spend our free time together and try to keep our family traditions with great honour. This helps our family be a unit, a little world created by love.

II. Aims.

Teacher. I've got a great surprise for you today.

  • Share it, please.

  • OK! First of all listen to the song and try to guess what are we going to speak about in the lesson.

Слухання магнітофонного запису пісні "Blue Christmas".


I'll have a blue Christmas without you

I'll be so blue thinking about you

Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree

Won't mean a thing if you're not here with me

I'll have a blue Christmas, that's certain

And when that blue heartache starts hurting

You'll be doing all right with your Christmas of white

But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas.

  • Of course, about Christmas. By the end of the lesson you'll improve your skills in listening, speaking and writing and extend active and passive knowledge of vocabulary on topic "Christmas celebrations" watching TV bridge. Besides, you'll practice to write Christmas congratulations, should be able to have a Presentation your great piece of creative work - your Projects and enjoy our unusual lesson, of course.

  • I need an assistant. Who wants to help me? Make up a mind map completing my sentences, please.

II. Brainstorming and mind map on topic "Christmas"

Speaking about Christmas we speak about … (Holy Supper, kutia, Christmas decorations, presents, Christmas menu, Christmas carols, cards, Santa Claus, pudding, Christmas traditions, customs and so on).

Christmas is the time of …

  • the family gathering,

  • giving and receiving

  • hope and wishes

  • thinking about other people

  • visiting relatives, Godparents and grandparents

  • watching TV, business and so on.

III. Group work. Role play "TV bridge"

1. Teacher. Welcome to our studio. You are watching TV show "TV Bridge" with me as a main producer of the show. The representatives of Ukraine are here, in our studio and Tolia is my operator. Glad to see you, Great Britain (The United States of America, Australia)

  • Hi! Glad to see you too.

Preset your works using the following plan:

  1. Christmas as a family tradition.

  2. Christmas as a country holiday.

  3. Christmas menu.

  4. Christmas wishes.

Is it clear?


Is everything OK?


Are you ready for the presentatoin?


Let's start.


2. Presentation of Project works.

Group1. Christmas in Ukraine

Christmas is first and foremost a family holiday. Many Ukrainian family units keep Christmas traditions alive. We celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January according to the Gregorian calendar.

Sviata Vecheria, or Holy Supper, is the main Christmas tradi­tion in Ukrainian homes. The dinner table sometimes has a few wisps of hay on the embroidered tablecloth. . When the Ukrainians see the first Star in the eastern evening sky, Sviata Vecheria begins with a prayer.

We have herring, cabbage, dried fruit compote, borshch, va:renyky, holubtsi and kutia. Kutia is cooked of boiled wheat dressed with honey, nuts and poppy seeds. Varenyky may be filled with mushrooms, potatoes or cabbage. Holubtsi may be filled with rice, potatoes or buckwheat.The traditional Christmas greeting is "Christ is born!" to which we reply "Let's glorify him!"

People who live in the villages keep such an old tradition: the head of the family brings in a sheaf of wheat called the dldukh. It symbolizes the family's ancestors and represents the importance of the ancient and rich wheat crops of Ukraine. People who live in the big cities put a few stalks of golden wheat in a vase to decorate the table. The family gather round a table, light candles and eat a ritual spoonful of kutia. Every Ukrainian hostess prepares it exclusively the way her mother and grandmother taught her. Peo­ple usually lay the table with 12 meatless dishes.

At the end of Sviata Vecheria the family often sing koliadkas, Ukrainian Christmas Carols. In many communities the groups of young people so called Vertep (Nativity Play) go from house to house, sing koliadkas and collect donations.

I want to add that at Christmas time we visit our godparents and grandparents. Give them presents and receive presents too. Children have winter holidays. The growns-up don't go to work on that day. Of course, we have a decorated fir tree or pine. Some families leave a little kutia in the plate on the table for their ancesters and turn on the fir tree lights for the whole night. On Christmas eve all is magic and guessing future in different ways.

Group2. Christmas in Great Britain

Each country has its own customs, traditions and holi­days. Traditions play a very important role in people's life. Talking about traditions in Great Britain, we should talk about the most popular holiday Christmas. The British are proud of their traditions and have kept them up for hundreds of years.

Christmas is a family holiday. It is on the 25th of December. Families gather together to share their happiness, attend church and exchange presents. People make and buy gifts for their relatives, decorate churches, shops, schools, homes and streets with Christmas trees, co­loured lights, make special food for the holiday dinners, send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives. Children hang up stockings to receive gifts from Santa Claus. People wish each other "Merry Christmas" during this holiday.

Every year the people of Norway give the city of Lon­don a present. It's a big Christmas tree, and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Central streets of London are beauti­fully decorated long before the holiday arrives.

Before Christmas, groups of singers go from house to house. They collect money for charity and sing carols, traditional Christmas songs. On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of mistletoe in every house. Under this bunch boys kiss girls.

Christmas Eve is on 24 December. On this day everybody is very busy and in a hurry Of­fices close at 1 o'clock, but the shops stay open late. On Christmas Eve children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds. . Another important custom of Christ­mas is to send and receive Christmas cards. The 26th of Decem­ber, Boxing Day, is an extra holiday after Christmas Day. This is the time to visit friends and relatives or perhaps sit at home and watch football. The grown-ups don't go to work on that day

Group3.. Christmas in the USA.

Going home for Christmas is the most cherished tradition of the holiday sea­son. No matter where you may be the rest of the year, being at home with

your family and friends for Christmas is "a must". Everyone joins in to help in the preparation of the festivities and each household needs to make lots of food. Christmas is the most festive time of the year in the US. Students from elemen­tary school through college have one or two weeks' vacation, beginning shortly before Christmas and ending after the New Year. Many families go away for the holiday and there are numerous parties.

In the USA the spirit of Christmas ar­rived about arrives about a mouth before the holiday itself. Late in Novem­ber street lights and store windows are decorated with the traditional Christ­mas colors of red and green. Families decorate their homes, inside and out, with colored lights and evergreen. The manufacture and distribution of Christ­mas items is big business.

Usually families gather around the Christmas tree, open their gifts and then sit down to enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner - turkey or ham, sweet potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce and nuts. For dessert, there is usually fruit cake, plum pudding, or mince pie.

As in Great Britain, American children hang their stockings by the fireplace, hoping that Santa will fill them with candy and toys.. Children write letters to Santa Claus and tell him what present they would like to get. . People send Christmas cards to relatives and friends. Many companies give presents to their employees.

A Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of Christmas in most homes. Presents are placed under the tree. On Christmas Eve or Christmas morning families open their presents. Some children hang up stockings so that Santa Claus can fill them with candies, fruit and other small gifts.

There is a tradition to send money or gifts to those who are less fortunate, be­cause the message of Christmas is to share what you have with others.

Звучить запис пісні "Jingle bells"

Teacher. Have you recognized the song? It's high time for relaxation. Let's sing it together.

4. Пісня "Jingle bells".

5. Telegram. Teacher. We've received a telegram from our friends from New Zealand. Can you read it by yourself?


Group4..Christmas in Australia

I want to tell you about Christmas traditions in Australia. People who live in Australia don't have a winter Christmas. It's summer here, so they usually celebrate Christmas time with the air conditioner running to keep cool!!! Very hard for some people to believe!

You must also remember that Australia, though huge in size, has a population of just over 18 million people. The ancestors of the peo­ple who live here came from England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Europe, Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Middle East, Vietnam, Chine, Japan, as well as North and South America. So you can imagine that each of them brings the colour, customs and festive rituals of Christmas celebrated in their homelands. The Austra­lians are able to appreciate culturally diverse Christmas celebra­tions.

People usually have family gatherings in the backyards of their houses, picnics in the parks, gardens and on the beach. For many of them, it is to be with friends and relatives, to share love and friendship and not to forget in the traditional manner. For many of them, it is, of course, a time to enjoy gourmet food. A typical Christmas menu includes seafood, glazed ham, cold chicken, duck or turkey, cold deli meats, pasta, sa­lads, desserts of all types, fruit salad, ice cream plus Christmas mince pies, fruit cake, shortbread, and chocolates.

Teacher. Some words for conclusion now.

6. Christmas greetings.

1. Warmest wishes for a Happy Holiday Season!

2. Bring Christmas time

Into your heart

3. Christmas is a special time

To remember special people like you!

Merry Christmas!

4. The wonder of Christmas

May fill your heart

With peace and joy!

5. Be as happy as can be at this Christmas time. Merry Christmas!

6. May this Christmas be the nicest that you have ever known!

7. May all your Christmas and the coming year

bring happiness your way!

8. May happy moments

And pleasant memories

Make this a very special Christmas

For you and those you love.

9. May your season be warm

With the memory of good times past

And bright with promise of

Joys yet to come.

10. We wish you many years,

For your good health

And God's blessing too,

Many happy years to you!

Teacher. Thank you so much for your interviews. Let' s sum up.

Group1 .Christmas has always been one of the most favourite times of the year for everyone throughout the world. The magical events of Christmas are believed to hold each and everyone's heart with joy and freshness. These magical events have been recreated in many traditions followed during Christmas. The Christmas tree, the star, Christ­mas carols are some traditions that all combine to form the spirit of Christmas. All of these traditions give a touch of liveliness and harmony to the season of celebrations. And, no matter which part of the world you are in, the tradi­tion of Christmas blossoms with fun and celebration and carries along with its faith, hope and love.


Snow is falling all around me,

Children playing, having fun.

It's the season

Love is on the stamp here,

Merry Christmas everyone!

We gonna have the party tonight

I'm gonna find that girl

I don't need to miss at all

You kiss by candy lips.

Oh, miss, wait,

Freckles playing

All the old songs,

Love to give.

Oh, I wished that

Everyday was Christmas.

What a nice way to spend the year.

We gonna have the party tonight

I'm gonna find that girl

I don't need to miss at all

You kiss by candy lips.

Snow is failing all around me,

Children playing, having fun.

It's the season

Love is on the stamp here,

Merry Christmas everyone!

IV. Tests.

Teacher. Christmas is a magic mystery for Ukrainians. Everything is important and guessing the future. I think you will keep our Christmas customs and traditions with great honour. You were watching TV bridge on topic Christmas. Thank you and merry Christmas!

Teacher. You've got a good piece of information. Try to do tests on reading and listening.

Task 1. Read the texts. .Match the following definitions to the words according to the number of texts.

A. It's a traditional bird. People eat it on Christmas Day.

B. This is the 24th December, a day before Christmas.

C. First they appeared in Britain in 1843. Then the custom to exchange them spread throughout Britain and the whole world. A message "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" can be read on them.

D. Children hang them on their beds or put them under the Christmas tree. Father Christmas puts presents into them.

E. This day comes after Christmas. People visit friends and bring them gifts.

F. This person comes into children's homes on Christmas Eve. He has a white beard and white and red clothes. He brings presents.

G. It's an evergreen plant. The tradition to put it in homes and decorate it with apples, nuts, and paper roses originated in Germany in the 16th century. Later other decorations were included.

H. These are Christmas songs.

1. Santa Claus 2. Christmas cards 3. Christmas stockings 4. Boxing Day.

5. Carols 6. Turkey 7. Christmas tree 8. Christmas Eve

Keys: A - 6, B - 7, C - 2 , D - 3, E - 4, F - 1, G - 7, H - 5.

Task 2. Tick the right answer.





Sviata Vecheria, or Holy Supper, is the main Christmas tradi­tion.


They have Christmas in summer.


Being at home with their family and friends for Christmas is

"a must".


Kutia is their traditional dish.


They celebrate Christmas on the 25th December.


Children hang up stockings to receive gifts from Santa Claus.


They celebrate Christmas on the 7 of January.


The traditional Christmas greeting is "Christ is born!"


They send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives.


Peo­ple usually lay the table with 12 meatless dishes.


They eat seafood and ice-cream at Christmas time.


A Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of Christmas.

V. Practice. Writing Christmas cards.

Teacher. I hope you know about the tradi­tion to send Christmas cards and, of course, the next task is to write Christmas card.. (See Christmas greetings. An example on the blackboard)

VI. Hometask. To write a letter to Father Frost.

VII. Feed-back. Учні оцінюють себе, вибираючи кружок з кольором відповідного рівня, підписують прізвище, пишуть на ньому своє враження від уроку (Great! Fun! Interesting! Thank you! Many thanks! Fine! Nothing like it! OK! Not bad! Great pleasure. So - so. I (don't) like the lesson) і приклеюють скотчем на плакат з ялинкою, таким чином прикрашаючи її.

Teacher. I like your project works, your presentation and preparation for the lesson. Thanks everybody. Звучить пісня "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".

May all the days of all the years

That God has still in store

Be filled with every joy and grace

To bless you more and more.

May hope of heart and peace of mind

Beside you ever stay,

And that's the golden wish I have

For you, this Christmas day/


  1. Alla Nesvit WE LEARN ENGLISH : Підручники для 6, 7кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл. Київ: «Генеза».

  2. Англійська мова та література. - Харків: «Основа». - 2005. - №36.

  3. English..- Київ: «Шкільний світ». - 2007.- №43.


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