- Учителю
- урок английского языка по теме 'Спорт'
урок английского языка по теме 'Спорт'
Конспект открытого урока английского языка
в 8 классе по теме «Спорт»
английского языка
Пасека С.А.
2014 год
обработка лексики по теме «Спорт»;
совершенствование умения аудирования
развитие лингвистической догадки;
развитие творческого мышления
воспитание уважения к партнёрам по команде;
воспитание умения работать в группе.
Оборудование урока:
- мультимедийный проектор, презентация;
- карточки «Dominoes»;
- карточки «Open the brackets»;
- карточки с названиями разных видов спорта;
- фотографии учителей;
- фоновая запись музыки из телепередачи «Самый умный» (звучит на протяжении всего урока);
- запись музыки для спортивного танца группы поддержки;
- УМК «English» В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа и др.
Ход мероприятия.
Организационный момент. (Слайд 1)
Teacher: Good morning, have a great day! I am glad to see you again! You are in good spirits, aren't you? Let's get the ball rolling. We have an unusual lesson today. First of all, we have some guests today. In the second place, I offer you to have a lesson in a form of competition because we have recently finished the theme "Sport". (Слайд 2) Let's focus on the most important task first. Оur aim is to review and work through this material. And also to show to guests our skills.
You know that sport plays a great role in our life.
Sport is fun for girls and boys
It's much better than the toys
You can run and you can jump
You can have a lot of fun.
Teacher: So, you should split up into two teams and give your teams a name connected with the topic "Sport". (Учащиеся делятся на две команды и придумывают своим командам названия, связанные с темой «Спорт»)
Our competition will consist of five parts. (Слайд 3) For each part every team gets some points. The team that gets more points at the end of the competition wins. Are the rules clear for you?
Лексико - фонетическая зарядка. (Слайд 4)
Teacher: Let's begin our competition. The first task is "Limbering - up". (Слайд 5) What is this? (рисунок мяча) Yes, you are right. It is a ball. Can you name the sports games with the word "ball"? (Учащиеся называют слова со словом "ball": baseball, basketball, football, handball, motor ball, netball, softball, volleyball) All together! (Учащиеся хором повторяют слова)
Now finish my sentences, please: All in all I like to play… Mind the stress and rhythm while saying. (Учитель произносит фразу, дети добавляют слово из списка; затем один из учащихся повторяет фразу, а следующий учащийся - слово и т. д., последний повторяет всю фразу со всеми словами)
Аудирование. (Слайд 6)
Teacher: The second task is a "Quiz". It consists of four sectors. Each part has a number of questions. You choose the sector (sport, place, person or equipment), I read you a question and you answer it. If you don't know the answer - the other team has the right to answer. (Слайд 7)
The sector "Sport" contains the names of different kinds of sport. In the sector "Person" you should name a person doing this or that kind of sport. In the sector "Place" there are places where you can do a particular kind of sport. And in the sector "Equipment" you should enumerate necessary for the sport I name you. Is it clear?
Таблица с секторами:
Вопросы к сектору "Sport":
This game is a field game. There are 11 players on each team. They play with a round while and black ball. (Football)
This game is outdoor game. It is played on a lawn. (Lawn - tennis)
This game is outdoor game between 2 teams of 11 players. It is a very long game. (Cricket)
It is played on a court. There are 5 players on each team. They try to shoot the ball into the hoop. (Basketball)
It is the oldest sport existed even in Saxon times. It is very popular in many countries. (Boxing)
Вопросы к сектору "Person":
How is called a person who plays football? (Footballer / Football player)
How is called a person who plays basketball? ( Basketballer / Basketball player)
How is called a person who plays tennis? (Tennis player)
How is called a person who plays running? (Runner)
How is called a person who plays hockey? (Hockey player)
Вопросы к сектору "Place":
Where is football played? (A football ground / Stadium)
Where is basketball played? ( A gymnasium)
Where can you do swimming? ( A swimming pool)
Where can you play tennis? (A tennis court)
Where can you play golf? (Aground for golf)
Вопросы к сектору "Equipment":
What do you need to play tennis? (Two rackets, a tennis ball)
What do you need for diving? (An aqualung)
What do you need to play basketball? (A basketball ball, two baskets)
What do you need to play football? (A football ball, two gates)
What do you need to play rugby? (An oval ball, two gates)
Грамматическая зарядка. (Слайд 8)
Teacher: The next task is "Open the brackets". Each team has a sheet of paper with some facts about the history of sport. You must open the brackets and write the sentences using Present Perfect Passive or Past Simple Passive. Then we will correct your works.
Задания для команд:
The "Dinamo" Club was organized (to organize) in 1923.
Basketball has been known (to know) since 1896.
Football has been played (to play) with proper rules since 1863.
The first Olympic village was built (to build) in 1932.
The new rules of water polo have been introduced (to introduce) since 1950.
National volleyball championships in Russia have been held (to hold) since 1933.
The "Spartak" Club was founded (to found) in 1935.
Rugby has been organized (to organize) all over Britain since 1845.
The anthem has been played (to play) at the opening and closing ceremonies since 1958.
The first Olympic Games in the southern hemisphere were held (to hold) in 1956.
Teacher: Well. Time is up. Go to the blackboard and write your own sentences. (Участники из каждой команды поочерёдно выходят к доске и записывают предложения. Правильный вариант появляется в презентации) (Слайд 9,10)
Физ. минутка. (Слайд 11, 12, 13)
Teacher: I think you are tired, my dear! I offer you to rest. Let's greet our group of cheerleaders! ( Девочки показывают спортивно - танцевальные движения под музыку, остальные - повторяют)
Закрепление новой лексики. (Слайд 14)
Teacher: The next task of our competition is called "Dominoes". Each team has soma cards with different kinds of sport. You must assemble Dominoes very quickly. Who is the fastest? (Учащиеся собирают из карточек цепочку домино)
(Слайд 15, 16, 17)
Teacher: Well. Time is up. So, show me you dominoes, please. (Учитель вместе с детьми проверяет правильность выполненного задания)
Диалогическая речь. (Слайд 18)
Teacher: Well, very well. And the last part of our competition is the "Captain's dialogue". It was your home task. You prepared a conversation about "School sport day". One captain was ill and didn't take part in the Sport Day. He is calling his friend to get the news about it. These words and word combinations you must use in your dialogue in correct form: (Слайд 19)
to break…record;
most of all;
Relay race;
to win;
to take part.
Teacher: Captains, come here! We listen to you!
Подведение итогов соревнования.
Teacher: So, our lesson is over and it's time to count the score. (Учитель вместе с детьми подсчитывает количество баллов и объявляет победителя)
Teacher: Thank you very much for so wonderful lesson, my dear! You were up to the mark! We have not losers! And our aim was to review and work through material about sport. And also to show to guests our skills. I think we were equal to a task. Your marks are… Thank you for attention! Good bye! (Слайд 20,21, 22, 23, 24,25)
Список использованной литературы:
Кузовлев, В. П. Английский язык: Учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений с приложением на электронном носителе / В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др. Российская академия наук, Российская академия образования, издательство "Просвещение" - 16-е издательство - М,; Просвещение 2011г.
Маслыко, Е. А. «Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка» / Е. А. Маслыко, П. К. Бабинская и др. Минск «Вышэйшая школа», 2004
Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. Пособие для учителей, аспирантов и студентов. Изд. КАРО Санкт - Петербург, 2008. - 224 с.
English - speaking countries. Английский язык. Страноведческий справочник. 2 изд., испр. И доп. - Саратов: Лицей, 2010 - 208 с.
Журина, Т. Ю. 55 устных тем по английскому языку для школьников. 5-11 классы / Т. Ю. Журина - 11 - е изд., стереотип. - М.: Дрофа, 2006, - 158 [ 2 ] с. - (Библиотечка «Дрофы»)
Трофимова, М. А. Внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку для учеников 5 - 8 классов. Праздники, конкурсы, тематические мероприятия, инсценировки, игры и занимательные задания / М. А. Трофимова, - 2-е изд., стереотип. - М.: Издательство «Глобус», 2010. - 217 с. - (Учение с увлечением)
Дзюина, Е. В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке: 5 - 9 классы./ Е. В. Дзюина, - М.: ВАКО, 2009. - 144с. - (Мастерская учителя иностранного языка)