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- Материал по английскому языку на тему 'Инклюзивная среда-утопия или реальность?'
Материал по английскому языку на тему 'Инклюзивная среда-утопия или реальность?'
Лучший проект на иностранном языке
Инклюзивная среда: утопия или реальность.
Автор: Абдуразакова Аида Шамиловна, 10"a" класс, МБОУ АСОШ, с. Агвали, Цумадинского района
Руководитель: Абдулаева А.М., учитель английского языка МБОУ АСОШ
The project plan
1. Introduction:
1.1 Why did I choose this topic?
1.2 What is an inclusive environment and what is inclusive education?
1.3 Creating an inclusive environment
1.4 Problems in inclusive education and the Solution of these problems
2. Conclusion:
2.1Utopia or reality?
Good afternoon dear guests and teachers. I am Aida Abdurazakova. I am a pupil of 10th form. I live in Agvali (the viliage of Tsumada) and also I have been studing at comprehensive school of Agvali.
I want to present you my topic:
Creating an inclusive environment: The role of Equity and diversity in Education.
All people learn when provided with acceptance, support, encouragement and opportunities.
Begin by recognizing prejudices; orientationism and status
All people learn when they are given permission to be different.
And also other prejudices racism, elitism, religionism
All people learn when they are appreciated and valued for who they are communicated.
( The girl underwater) Must be recognized that creating an inclusive environment doesn't happen overnight.
Inclusive education or including education includes everyone.
All children come together in learning and cooperation. Inclusive schools recognize diversity and embrace it.
Inclusive education teaches patience, compassion and support for their peers.
(the song)
1.1 Why did I choose this topic?
I consider it is very exciting and impressive problem. It affects all mankind. Especially me as I want to become a doctor and a doctor must think about not only physical assistance but about moral support and this one is much more important than the first.
1.2 What is an inclusive environment and what is inclusive education?
Fundamental to the concept of inclusive education is the idea that "all children are different" and every child has the opportunity not only to be enrolled in an "ordinary" school, but also to learn to his or her fullest potential while there. This is what it means to create an inclusive, learning-friendly environment.
Inclusive education happens when children with and without disabilities participate and learn together in the same classes. Research shows that when a child with disabilities attends classes alongside peers who do not have disabilities, good things happen.
For a long time, children with disabilities were educated in separate classes or in separate schools. People got used to the idea that special education meant separate education. But we now know that when children are educated together, positive academic and social outcomes occur for all the children involved.
system competence of specialists in educational institution
system competence of children with special educational needs
1.3 Creating an inclusive environment
individual-based educational program for children with special needs
Creating Inclusive Environment
teaching techniques
creating a barrier-free physical space
structure-functional modernization of the educational institution
technological modernization of the educational institution
substantial modernization of the educational institution
1.4 Problems in inclusive education and the Solution of these problems
Many teachers, school administrators and parents are worried about the consequences of enrolling children with disabilities in their schools. They are concerned about how this may affect the performance of the other students in their schools, since they find themselves in competition with other schools for student enrolment, funds and support (this is the reality for many schools throughout the world). However, if all schools became inclusive and learning-friendly, and would welcome all the children from the surrounding communities into their schools, these fears would be much less relevant because all the schools would compete on a more equal footing. Inclusive and child-friendly education should therefore be seen an approach to school improvement: inclusion is about making quality education available to all.
Even when all children are enrolled in school, some may still be excluded from
participating and learning in the classroom. For instance, they may be children:
_ for whom a lesson or textbook is not written in their first language;
_ who are never asked to contribute;
_ who never offer to contribute;
_ who can't see the blackboard or a textbook or can't hear the teacher; or
_ who are not learning well and for whom no attempt is made to help them
The Solution of these problems
Early detection, identification and intervention are essential for children with disabilities to reach their full intellectual, social, emotional and physical potential. Parents of children with disabilities will in many cases need support from child-care, education and health professionals, as many feel insecure when raising a child with a disability.
They also may need to learn some basic techniques and skills in order to better communicate with their children and support them in their development.
Specially-designed furniture should be made available for those who need chairs and tables that differ from standard classroom furniture.
2. Conclusion:
2.1 Utopia or reality?
Children with disabilities are not a homogeneous group, where "one solution fits all." It is therefore important that we try out different strategies to find the ones that work for us, and for the children in our classrooms. We all know that every child is unique and different. They have different abilities, learn in different ways, and at different paces. Inclusive and barrier-free environments should therefore be created in every school and community throughout the world so that all children will be enabled to develop to their full academic, social, emotional, and physical potentials. It is important to remember that a child's academic potential can not be developed separately from her/ his social, emotional and physical potential, as they are interdependent aspects of a child's development.
Once said
"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing."