- Учителю
- Урок на тему: «Путешествие в страну профессий» 5 класс
Урок на тему: «Путешествие в страну профессий» 5 класс
Тема урока: «Путешествие в страну профессий» 5 класс
Тип урока:обобщающий.
Оборудование: Телевизор, учебник.
Цели урока:
1) активизировать лексические навыки по теме «Профессии»;
2) совершенствовать навыки поискового чтения;
3) повторить грамматические конструкции: формы настоящего простого времени глагола to be, оборота to be going to… в высказываниях о будущей профессии;
4) совершенствовать навыки аудирования и говорения;
5) продолжать обучениеработе с проектом.
Форма урока: игра-путешествие
Технологии, методы и приемы работы:
1) элементы педагогической технологии воспитания Н. Е. Щурковой;
2) частично-поисковый метод;
3) игровая методика;
4) технология использования ММП;
5) элементы проектной методики.
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
Good morning! How are you today? Let`s begin our lesson.
Today we are going to travel. We`ll see a country of different people.
At first, let's repeat names of professions. (Видеоурок)
Here`s the magic Engine. It will help you. But we should read and show a special poem about it. Are you ready? Begin. (Читаем и показываем стихотворение)
A MagicEngine
Engine, Engine number nine
Going down Chicago line
See itsparkle, see it shine
Engine, Engine number nine
But to make our Engine run fast we should find a special word. Look, read, copy out:
1) job - регулярно оплачиваемая работа
2) profession - профессия, специальное образование
3)occupation - род занятий
Which word should we use? Right you are. This is the word profession.
Oh, wonderful. We begin.
The first station is «Scrambled word».
Unscramble them, please:
Thanks for a good job. And the next station is «Broken bridges». Build them up. Use the forms of the verb «to be» and fill in the blanks.
My sister ___ a doctor.
You ____ a driver.
I ____ a lawyer.
We ____ students.
His father ___ a policeman
This station is called « Lost answers »
Who writes poems?
Who works with computers?
Who helps children to learn?
Who flies in airplanes?
Who drives a car?
Who helps sick animals?
Who draws beautiful pictures?
The next station is «Mixed sentences». Match the words and the sentences
He protects people. a policeman
He takes care of our teeth. a postman
He studies at school. a vet
She brings letters and newspapers. a dancer
She helps sick animals a pupil
She works in a theatre. a dentist
Динамическаяпауза. We are tired.
Let`s play, OK? (a ball-game)
8. This station is called «Riddles».
Read and guess, what are these people?
Mr. Hopkins works out-of-doors almost the whole year. He works at the weekends. His family has some animals. His wife and two sons help him to take care of animals. Mr. Hopkins likes his job.
What is Mr. Hopkins ?
There are a lot of different books and magazines at her work place. Mrs. Clifford works both with people and books. She helps people to find necessary books and magazines, tells them about writers and their novels. She thinks her job is very important.
What is Mrs. Clifford ?
9. Look we are in the «Magic forest». Fill in the gaps with the words in the box.
A sportsman ………. fast
His father ………. a car.
A housewife………. well.
Students ………. poems .
A postman……. …letters.
10. You`ve met a lot of different professions. Imagine that you have «a time machine». Tell me please: «What are you going to be»?
«I'm going to be a/an ______ ».
Well, you know a poem about your future professions. Who can recite it?
What Are You Going to Be?
What Are You Going to Be?
I`ll be a …,
That`s the life for me.
Thank you. Now write your own poem about your future profession.
And retell me please about your future profession.
11. And our last station is «Happiness».
12. Thank you for a good work. Here are your marks for today.
Your homework is to learn your poem by heart.
Приложение 1
There are a lot of different books and magazines at her work place. Mrs. Clifford works both with people and books. She helps people to find necessary books and magazines, tells them about writers and their novels. She thinks her job is very important.
What is Mrs. Clifford ?
Mr. Hopkins works out-of-doors almost the whole year. He works at the weekends. His family has some animals. His wife and two sons help him to take care of animals. Mr. Hopkins likes his job.
What is Mr. Hopkins ?
Приложение 2
Match the words and the sentences
He takes care of our teeth. a policeman
He studies at school.
a postman
He protects people. a vet
She brings letters and newspapers. a dancer
She helps sick animals. a pupil
She works in a theatre. a dentist