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- План-конспект урока по теме 'Travelling bug', 11 класс
План-конспект урока по теме 'Travelling bug', 11 класс
План-конспект урока по теме "Travelling bug", 11 класс
Тип урока: комбинированный с использованием технологии развития коммуникативных навыков учащихся, критического мышления.
Тема: Путешествие
Цель урока: Узнать причины по которым люди путешествуют
Задачи урока:
научиться использовать -ing формы в предложении с конструкцией, начинающейся с местоимения it
способствовать развитию практического владения языком, умению вести беседу;
расширить кругозор по теме;
развитие лингво-культурной компетенции;
активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций по теме.
развитие коммуникативной и информационной компетенции.
развитие умения слушать и понимать иноязычную речь на слух.
создавать условия для формирования способности к критическому мышлению;
воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать. уважать другое мнение;
формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группе.
Оборудование урока:
Медиа проектор, интерактивная доска или телевизор
Презентация в PowerPoint
Формы и способы применения ИКТ на данном уроке: Используется учебная презентация, которая демонстрируется на большом экране с помощью проектора.
Используемые методы обучения: Объяснительно - иллюстративный метод, частично - поисковый метод, репродуктивный метод, дифференцированный подход к обучению английского языка.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент. Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения.
Правило "трёх "да"
T. Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you here.
Ps. Glad to meet you too.
T. Take your seats. Is everything OK?
Ps. Yes
T. Are you ready to start our lesson? Ps. Yes
T. Do you think you'll learn something new today? Ps. Yes, we'll certainly do!
II. Стадия вызова. Актуализация и обобщение имеющихся у учеников знаний по теме.
Слайд 1
Видео о путешествиях
T: What is the theme of our lesson?
Корзина идей
T: During our lesson you are going to work in groups. We are discussing the theme "travelling".
In informal speech you can soften ideas or make them less precise by using the following words and phrases.
Expressions for being imprecise are extremely common in spoken English. We need to use imprecise language when we are unsure of facts.
It's also useful when we want to spare the listener the effort of listening to too many details. It is particularly useful because you can use them when they don't know the exact word in English.
During our lesson, I would like you to use the phrases to express your opinion. You can see a poster with useful phrases.
Слайд 2
a bit (of a)
in a way
in one way or another
just kind of
sort of
or something along those lines
or that kind of thing
or some(thing) like that
or whatever
Слайд 3
T: Question of the lesson: "What are the reasons people go on holiday?"
Слайд 4
T: Make up a cluster: Reasons for travelling.
Слайд 5
World's Top Ten Tourist Destinations
T: Look at the chart. Do any of the statistics surprise you? Why?
Слайд 6
Pictures of the countries, discussion, pupils analyze the chart.
Слайд 7
Pictures, Discussion
T: Name the countries. What do you know about the places in the photos? Would you like to visit them?
III Осмысление. Получение и осмысление новой информации, соотнесение полученной информации с уже имеющимися знаниями.
Listening (Приложение 1)
T: Listen to three people talking about where they would like to visit and why. Match three or four of the reasons to each speaker. Try to note as you listen any words related to the reasons. You can find this table on your desks.
Ведение бортового журнала.
Слайд 8
Theory of grammar: -ing form with preparatory it
It can be used as a preparatory subject or object for an -ing form, especially in informal style.
In this structure with worth, the object of the -ing form can become the subject of the sentence.
Слайд 9
Practice of grammar.
Слайд 10
IV Стадия рефлексии - систематизация новых и старых знаний и определение возможностей их применения.
Слайд 11
Pictures of 3 countries
T: It's time to make up your own projects. You choose the card with the name of the country and your task is to present it in the best way, so that we would like to visit your country. While listening you are to complete the table. According to your notes we will vote which group is the leader.
Students' projects
T: Let's vote for the best project with the help of stickers.
Слайд 12
T: Let's go back to the question of our lesson and answer it.
V Рефлексия учебной деятельности.
T: What did you learn today? What can you do now?
St: I can talk about the reasons why people go on holiday. I can soften ideas and make them less precise.
Приложение 1
Speaker 1 - Susan. One place that I would really like to go and visit is Iceland. I think it would be really exciting to go there because it's a place I don't know too much about and it just kind of seems quite exotic. It might not be the most popular destination for a holiday, but for me it'd be a place well worth paying a visit because I'm really interested in doing outdoor activities and I think that would be a great place to go and do things like glacier-hiking, white-water rafting, or that kind of thing. I also think there are so many interesting things to go and see in terms of, you know, spectacular geographical features, because there's a lot of volcanoes, glaciers, and a lot of geothermal activity so there's things like geysers that you can go and see ... I'd also be interested to meet some Icelandic people ... um it's always
fascinating seeing how other people live, and um to sample a bit of the Icelandic cuisine because I'm not sure what that would be like.
Speaker 2 - Martin. I'd really love to go to Peru and walk the Inca Trail .... um the Inca Trail is a four-day hike through the jungle and then up through the Andes, ending up at Machu Picchu, which is an ancient Inca city, high up in the mountains. I'm really interested in the Incas and their civilization, how it developed, how the people lived, how they were conquered by a small group of Spanish soldiers, in I think the sixteenth century. Um, I've got friends who've done the trait and I've seen their photos and talked to them about it and they say it's just a really incredible experience. I'm sure I'd find it really exhilarating trekking through the mountains at high attitude ... The scenery is spectacular, you camp in the jungle, eat round the campfire ...You need a good level of fitness because you're walking at an altitude of 4,000 metres or something tike that, and it's hard work tugging all your equipment with you, but in a way it would be an experience of self-discovery and a journey where I could really test myself and find out my own levels of stamina and uh endurance or whatever.
Speaker 3 - Ralph. What I'd like to do is spend a month backpacking round Europe. My brother did that last summer; he got an Inter-rail card which allows you to uh travel on trains all over Europe. The card costs about f300 I think, something like that, but it's amazingly good value because you can go virtually anywhere for a whole month. Obviously it'd be crazy attempting to get to every country inside a month, so I'd limit myself to maybe eight or ten places. I'd definitely go to Italy, France and Spain, I'd love to see the old Roman ruins in Italy and also visit the museums and galleries and see all those great paintings. I'm
studying Italian at school so it would be a good opportunity to practise and sort of get a bit more fluent. Um, I actually think it would be fun backpacking on my own, a real adventure. I don't think I'd be lonely, 'cause you meet loads of other people doing the same thing. When my brother did it he hooked up with some guys from Denmark and they spent a week travelling together. I couldn't afford to stay in hotels so I'd probably try to get overnight trains. It's a bit of a pain kipping on the train, but I'll survive I'm sure.