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  • План урока по теме 'World Major Religions'

План урока по теме 'World Major Religions'

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Choose the correct answer.

1. The Wise Men read in old writings that a new star would appear when

a) a great king was born

b) a new queen was born

c) a princess was born

2. The Wise Men studied

a) medicine

b) the stars

c) geography

3. Herod got very angry at the thought that

a) his people didn`t like him

b) the Wise Men didn`t come to see him

c) someone was going to take his place

4. The Wise Men followed the star towards

a) Egypt

b) Bethlehem

c) Jerusalem

5. The Wise Men`s gifts were

a) gold, frankincense and myrrh

b) gold, silver and jewels

c) flowers and sweets

6. An angel appeared to… in a dream.

a) Mary

b) Joseph

c) Herod

7. Herod gave orders to kill

a) all the boys aged two or younger

b) all the children in Bethlehem

c) all the girls in the surrounding area

8. After Herod`s death an angel in another dream told Joseph to go back to

a) Bethlehem

b) Jerusalem

c) Israel

9. Instead of going to Israel they went to

a) Nazareth

b) Rome

c) Bethlehem


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