- Учителю
- Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'Foodand Drinks'
Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему 'Foodand Drinks'
План - конспект открытого урока по английскому языку во 2 классе
Учитель английского языка Волкова Нина Геннадиевна, ГБОУ СОШ №43 с углубленным изучением английского языка, г.Севастополь.
Тема: «Food and Drinks».
Цель урока: систематизировать и закрепить полученные лексико-грамматические навыки по теме «Еда и напитки» и подвести к диалогическому взаимодействию; формировать понятие о языке как способе общения между людьми; развивать навыки устной диалогической речи; вызывать у детей мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.
Оснащение: карточкики с заданиямими (в электронном и печатном варианте), картинки-наклейки для постера, электронная презентация урока.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Ход урока:
I Организационный момент:
Greeting: Good morning, dear children! I'm glad to see you!
We've got many guests today. Let's say "Hello!" to everybody.
Warming up: Children sing the song "Hello, how are you?"(Презентация)
Thank you for your singing, take your seats, please.
Saying the topic and the aim of the lesson:
Look at the screen. Tell us, please, what's this? (Children see a picture on the screen and name different food and drinks: It's …)
Can you guess, what is the topic of our lesson? (Ch.: Food and Drinks…) Yes, you right.
At the end of the lesson you'll be able to
talk about the food;
talk about the time;
II Основная часть:
Актуализация знаний:
Teacher shows the watch and asks:
What's this?
What's the time?
T. gives papers with a short test
Work in pairs and match the time with pictures (См. Приложение 1)
Now look at the screen and check your cards (reading aloud)
Развитие навыков чтения:
So, what's the time? - (Ch.: It's 12 o'clock. It's breakfast time.) That's why I'm hungry and thirsty. I can smell some food, but what's this?
Could you help me and match the picture and the word and stick them on the board? (Pupils come to teacher's table, take the picture and the word and stick them)
Let's read what is on the board (I can smell… Let's eat!)
Создание проекта:
My dears, now you'll work in two groups (Pupils are divided in two groups). You've got two stories. Your task is to finish them, stick the picture and write the word under it. (Background music sounds)
Time is over. Let's listen to your stories. (Two representatives of each group show their posters and read them)
Let someone be Jane. We invite Jane in the middle of the classroom. She'll answer our questions (Opposite group asks questions to the hero of the story, he/she answers )
III. Подведение итогов
Your presentations were great, actors were brilliant!
Now you can
talk about the food,
talk about the time,
can't you? Yes, you can. We've got the evaluation tree on the board. I give you apples on which you should write your names. If you think you can do it very well, stick your apple on the very top of the tree, if you can't - put it somewhere lower.
Stand up, please. Thank you for your work. Let's say "Goodbye" to our guests.
The lesson is over.