- Учителю
- План-конспект урока в 9 классе по теме «Интернет»
План-конспект урока в 9 классе по теме «Интернет»
План-конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме «Интернет»
Form: 9 School: Date:
Topic: Internet
Objectives: 1) to revise and learn new words about the internet so pupils can speak on the topic
2) to develop students' speaking and listening skills on the material covered.
Visuals: Spotlight student's book, a computer presentation, a projector, a recorder with a text
Language: explaining the material, answering questions, quiz on internet ex 1 p 64, text @living in a wired world@ ex2 p 64.
December 5
Lesson Plan:
Vocabulary test H/T:
Test on future tenses 1. Ex. 4, 5 p. 65
3. internet
Brief notes.
I Entry
Greeting and giving a lesson plan 2 min
II Follow up activities
Vocabulary test 10 min
Future tenses 10 min
Revising future tenses 5 min
Doing test 5 min
Internet 10 min
Asking questions about internet 1 min
Getting acquainted with new words 3 min
Listening to the tape 3 min
Checking answers 3 min
Word formation 10 min
Reading and opening brackets 10 min
III Closure
Giving homework for the next lesson 2 min
Rounding off and saying good bye 1 min
I Entry
Greeting and giving a lesson plan TT 8:30
T: good morning. I'm glad to see you. You may sit down. What was your home task? (be ready for the vocabulary test and grammar test) we'll start with what we didn't complete last lesson and then move on to the next topic.
II Follow up activities
Vocabulary test T→Cl 8:32
T: before getting down to the test, we'll revise all the words all together, we'll read them and translate. Now I will hand out the pieces of paper for you, close everything and work on your own. You'll have enough time.
1- ability
2- artificial
3- assistant
4- cater for
5- companion
6- conflict
7- consciousness
8- receive
9- creativity
10- decision
11- divided
12- emotional response
13- except for
14- existence
15- gesture
16- harm
17- in theory
18- inaction
19- mow the lawn
20- obey
21- power of reasoning
22- access
23- average
24- bridge the divide
25- broadband
26- brows
27- compare
28- coordinate
29- deliver
30- email account
31- look up
32- review
33- schedule
34- take over
35- upgrade
36- wireless
37- worldwide
Future tenses
Revising the material T→Cl 8:42
T: now we'll quickly revise all the tenses we talked about last time . you alse learned at home the cases of using this or that tense so now you are to tell me everything about each of the future tense.
(Future simple). Look at the structure and tell me how this tense is formed.
I, you, he, she…+will+ V
Now tell me in what cases this tense is used, when do we use Future Simple? (future predictions, promises, decisions made at the moment). Put those down in to your copybooks.
(to be going to). in what cases do we use this structure? (future plans/intentions, predictions based on what we know/see) and the formula is the following
I, He, we…+ to be +going to + V
(Future continuous) when do we use future continuous (for the action in progress in certain time in future). And the formula is…?
I,he,we… + will be + Ving
(present continuous) we use it talking about fixed arrangements in the near future.
(present simple) talking about timetable
Doing the test Cl 8:47
T: I'll give the pieces of paper. The test is really easy I'll give you 5 min to do it.
1) On Sunday at 8 o'clock I (meet) my friend.
a) will be meeting b) will meet c) am meeting
2) Listen! There's someone at the door. I (open) the door for you.
a) will open b) open c) will be opening
3) Can I come over in an hour? No, I ________ (clean) the house.
a) will clean b) will be cleaning c) clean
4) Look at the clouds - it (rain) in a few minutes.
a) will rain b) is going to rain c) rains
5) The English lesson (start) at 8:30.
a) Is starting b) will start b) starts
Asking questions about internet T↔ Cl 8:52
T : before starting I'm going to ask you some questions. Do you know what internet is? In your words. What do you know about it, anything about its history? Do you use it? How often?
Getting acquainted with new words T↔ Cl 8: 53
T: now look at the blackboard, you see words some are familiar to you, some are not. Lets read them and try to translate. In chain… (explaining in English like quiz - is an intellectual game when you are to answer questions)
To stand for
Internet user
Probable - вероятный, возможный
Instead of
Boomed = largely grew
Appliance = equipment
bridge the divide - преодолеть разрыв
Wired = crazy, strange
Listening to the tape Cl 8:56
T: now look at ex 1 on p64. You are going to listen to the interview about internet, you are given some questions and you are to find a correct answer out of two. You have a minute to look through the questions
Checking answers T↔ Cl 8:59
T: now lets check all together. Do it in chain. Read the question and the correct answer. Good, thank you! Now I'll tell you the phrase or word in Russian and you are to translate. ( интернет пользователи, повышать, означать, выход в интернет, всемирная паутина)
Word formation
Reading and opening brackets T↔ Cl 9:02
T: now look at ex 2 on p64. Do you know what word formation is? (словообразование) for example a word beauty, what other words can you make out of it? (beautiful-beautifully). So you are given a text, let's read it in chain and open the brackets changing the word.
III Closure
Giving homework for the next lesson TT 9:12
T: for the next lesson you are to look through all the future tenses again and be ready for the test. You are to do ex 4,5 p. 65.
Rounding off and saying good bye TT 9:14
T: thank you for the work today, you may be free. The marks are the following…