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- Урок английского языка в 10 классе «Типы школ»
Урок английского языка в 10 классе «Типы школ»
Открытый урок английского языка в 10 классе
Тема: Schools Around the World
Цель: Обобщение материала по теме "Schools Around the World ", проверка усвоения лексических и грамматических конструкций, умение использовать их в речи.
Развитие навыков устной монологической (подготовленной и неподготовленной) и диалогической речи.
Знакомство с особенностями частной школы Harrow, ее сравнение с российскими школами.
Развитие языковой догадки, памяти, внимания.
Развитие умений сравнивать и обобщать.
Воспитание интереса к изучению культуры страны изучаемого языка.
Повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.
Воспитание толерантного, вежливого отношения друг к другу, умения взаимодействовать в группах.
Ход урока.
Организационное начало урока.
Good morning, students. I see, that you are ready for the lesson, so you can sit down.
Сообщение цели урока.
Today we are going to talk about different types of schools, and there you can see the plan of the lesson.
Речевая разминка.
There are many different types of schools all around the world. Do you remember them?
(Это был предыдущий урок .Ответы)
What can you tell us about these schools? Please, describe them.
And some lessons ago we spoke about unusual schools. Do you remember them?
Слайд - ответ.
You study Geography and I'm sure you know the map. Who can show these countries?
Работа по теме урока.
Now we are going to learn about one famous British school. Let's work in groups. So, now you'll get a piece of paper with information on it. Study it in groups, please. You have 3 minutes only.
Now time is up, let's transform our groups. Two people from this group will join that group, and two people from here will join the 1st group. Please, ask each other questions to find the missing information. After that you should fill the table. You have 3 minutes . Start, please.
OK. Time is up. And now I want you to describe me this school.
Well done. Look here. What school is it? You are absolutely right, it is our school. Let's compare Harrow school and school № 17. Would you like to take something from Harrow?
You have 2 minutes.
Well, let's start.
Презентации университетов.
Well done. It is not a secret, that your aim now is to enter the institute. Last lesson we watched the presentations about the most famous universities in the USA and Great Britain. Today we have here some representatives from these universities. So, tell us about your universities. (лучшие ответы предыдущего урока, но теперь выступающий не ученик, а представитель университета. Это стоит подготовить заранее)
Итог урока.
Thank you. To sum up, let's remember what we have done today.
Your hometask is to write a formal letter to any university. Remember the rules.
I like your work today. The lesson is over. Good - bye.
William Farr Comprehensive School is a Church of England school for 11-18 year olds, located in the village of Welton, near Lincoln. It was opened in 1952. The school was named after the vicar of Welton William Farr
To offer every pupil the opportunity to achieve their full potential, and develop their knowledge, skills of technology, science, communication, spiritual and academic skills.
All pupils take English, Maths, Science, PE, IT. Geography, History, Foreign Languages, Art, Religious Studies.
Extra - curricular activities,
Sports, exhibitions, Art and Music groups, concerts, drama club, international trips (Pupils has visited Italy, the USA, France, India and other countries)
For boys: a black blazer, a light grey sweater, a blue shirt, a school tie, grey or black trousers, black shoes.
For girls: a black blazer, a light grey sweater, a blue blouse, a school tie, grey or black trousers or skirt, black shoes.
William Farr Comprehensive School is a Church of England school for 11-18 year olds, located in the village of Welton, near Lincoln. It was opened in 1952. The school was named after the vicar of Welton William Farr
To offer every pupil the opportunity to achieve their full potential, and develop their knowledge, skills of technology, science, communication, spiritual and academic skills.
All pupils take English, Maths, Science, PE, IT. Geography, History, Foreign Languages, Art, Religious Studies.
Extra - curricular activities,
Sports, exhibitions, Art and Music groups, concerts, drama club, international trips (Pupils has visited Italy, the USA, France, India and other countries)
For boys: a black blazer, a light grey sweater, a blue shirt, a school tie, grey or black trousers, black shoes.
For girls: a black blazer, a light grey sweater, a blue blouse, a school tie, grey or black trousers or skirt, black shoes.
William Farr Comprehensive School is a Church of England school for 11-18 year olds, located in the village of Welton, near Lincoln. It was opened in 1952. The school was named after the vicar of Welton William Farr
All pupils take English, Maths, Science, PE, IT. Geography, History, Foreign Languages, Art, Religious Studies.
Extra - curricular activities,
Sports, exhibitions, Art and Music groups, concerts, drama club, international trips (Pupils has visited Italy, the USA, France, India and other countries)
To offer every pupil the opportunity to achieve their full potential, and develop their knowledge, skills of technology, science, communication, spiritual and academic skills.
Extra - curricular activities,
For boys: a black blazer, a light grey sweater, a blue shirt, a school tie, grey or black trousers, black shoes.
For girls: a black blazer, a light grey sweater, a blue blouse, a school tie, grey or black trousers or skirt, black shoes.
A boarding school for boys. It was founded in 1572 by John Lyon Preston. At first it was a school for local boys, but in the 19th century it became one of the most prestigious schools in Britain.
To motivate children to study for excellent examination results. To develop their knowledge, spiritual and life skills.
All boys take English, Maths, Science, PE, IT. Geography, History, Foreign Languages also Latin), Art.
Extra - curricular activities,
Music, Drama, Sports, photography, debating group, cookery, the school farm, international trips ( China, Canada, Egypt)
Dark blue sweater, a white shirt, a black tie, grey trousers, black shoes.
A boarding school for boys. It was founded in 1572 by John Lyon Preston. At first it was a school for local boys, but in the 19th century it became one of the most prestigious schools in Britain.
To motivate children to study for excellent examination results. To develop their knowledge, spiritual and life skills.
All boys take English, Maths, Science, PE, IT. Geography, History, Foreign Languages also Latin), Art.
Extra - curricular activities,
Music, Drama, Sports, photography, debating group, cookery, the school farm, international trips ( China, Canada, Egypt)
Dark blue sweater, a white shirt, a black tie, grey trousers, black shoes.
A boarding school for boys. It was founded in 1572 by John Lyon Preston. At first it was a school for local boys, but in the 19th century it became one of the most prestigious schools in Britain.
All boys take English, Maths, Science, PE, IT. Geography, History, Foreign Languages also Latin), Art.
Extra - curricular activities,
Dark blue sweater, a white shirt, a black tie, grey trousers, black shoes, a hat.
To motivate children to study for excellent examination results. To develop their knowledge, spiritual and life skills.
Extra - curricular activities,
Music, Drama, Sports, photography, debating group, cookery, the school farm, international trips ( China, Canada, Egypt)