- Учителю
- Устная часть ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Дидактические карточки по теме Внешность.
Устная часть ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Дидактические карточки по теме Внешность.
МОУ гимназия №1 имени Героя Советского Союза Евгения Дикопольцева г.Комсомольск-на-Амуре
Дидактические карточки
для подготовки учащихся 10-11 классов к успешной сдаче устной части ЕГЭ.
Некрасова Т.М. - учитель ВКК
Дидактические карточки, созданные с помощью материалов сайта www.interactive-english.ru/ помогают подготовить учащихся к устной части ЕГЭ по описанию одной из трех фотографий по выбору учащихся.
Этапы работы:
I)повторение лексики по теме: «Внешность» ( Приложение 1)
II) чтение и перевод текстов выложенных на сайте www.interactive-english.ru/</ , выполнение упражнений по нахождению прилагательных, выделению вводных фраз, составлению плана описания и.т.д. (Приложение 2)
III) подготовить свой вариант ответа в формате ЕГЭ, задание 3. (Приложение 3)
(adj.) curly, smooth, straight/wavy, pinned up (заколотые вверх), in bunches (хвостиками), in a ponytail (хвостом), in plaits or braids (в косах);
Red (рыжие), grey/white, golden, ash-blond( пепельные), silvery, dark/fair, brown/chestnut (каштановые); died (обесцвеченные), short-cut (коротко подстриженные);
(n.) grip (резинка), ribbon (лента), pin (шпилька), a wig (парик), fringe(челка);
(adj.) round, long, unhappy, happy, thin, chubby rosy (с полными, розовыми щеками), pale, florid (цветущий), pretty, ugly, plain (простоватое), pretty, expressive, wrinkled, with a double chin, with a decided chin, with a pointed (round) chin, with hollow cheeks (с впалыми щеками), with bushy/arched/thin eyebrows (с косматыми/ тонкими, полукругом тонко очерченными бровями);
(n.) freckles (веснушки), wrinkles (морщины), a beauty spot(родинка), a scar (шрам), a dimple (ямочка), moustache or mustache (усы); beard (борода), stubble (щетина), whiskers (щетина), whiskers(бакенбарды);
flat (приплюснутый), straight (прямой), bulbous nose (нос картошкой), to be snub-nosed / turned-up (курносый, вздернутый);
hazel (светло-коричневые), brown, grey, blue, black, almond-eyed (миндалевидные), intelligent, mischievous (озорные, шаловливые), slanting (косые), with long curving thick eyelashes (с длинными, загнутыми, густыми ресницами);
Full, well-cut, thin
Plain, regular/irregular, plump, slender, well-built, skinny
Read the text 1:
In this photo we can see a very lovely girl next to an old tree.
The girl looks like she is about 6 years old. She is slim and of
fair complexion. The features of her face are regular and pleasant.
She has big grey eyes and the look is intense and friendly. With
her pretty long golden hair she looks like an angel.
I guess she is quiet and kind, sensitive and thoughtful. Maybe she likes reading books, especially fairy-tales. I believe, she is quite shy and she doesn't like to be the centre of attention. She can even go red if a stranger speaks to her. It seems to me she is always tactful and polite to people older than her.
The girl is wearing a pink sweatshirt and a black sleeveless dress above it. Her clothes are very simple but neat. If you look closely, you can see that they are slightly big for the child.
The girl is in the park. The weather is warm and sunny. I can suppose that she is playing hide-and-seek with her friends. Probably a minute ago she was standing facing the tree, having her eyes closed and hands over her eyes. And now she is going to look for her friends and find them all!
Translate from Russian into English
На этом фото мы видим очень милую девочку рядом со старым деревом. Девочка выглядит примерно на 6 лет. Она худенькая и светлокожая. Черты её лица правильные и приятные. У неё большие серые глаза и живой дружелюбный взгляд. Со своими красивыми длинными золотистыми волосами она похожа на ангела.
Я полагаю, она спокойная и добрая, чувствительная и внимательная. Возможно, ей нравится читать книги, особенно сказки. Я думаю, она довольно застенчивая и не любит быть в центре внимания. Она может даже покраснеть, если незнакомец заговорит с ней. Мне кажется, что она всегда тактична и вежлива с людьми старше её.
На девочке надета розовая кофточка и черное платье без рукавов поверх неё. Её одежда очень простая, но опрятная. Если присмотреться, можно увидеть, что она великовата для ребенка.
Она находится в парке. Погода теплая и солнечная. Я могу предположить, что она играет в прятки со своими друзьями. Вероятно, минуту назад она стояла лицом к дереву, закрыв руками глаза. А сейчас она собирается искать своих друзей и найти их всех!
Read the text 2:
This is the picture of a little lovely-looking girl. I think she
is 5 or 6 years old. She has light brown curly hair tied in a cute
ponytail or beautiful plait. Her big dark brown eyes are very
expressive. Her tranquil and gentle smile is also very
She wears a jumper of a lilac colour. I think this colour suits her because it accentuates a healthy glow on her cheeks.
I think this girl is very calm and even-tempered. She may be a bit shy but is easy to approach. She is open-hearted and caring to those who she knows. The way she cuddles her cat is a definite proof of this. I think she likes to play with her dolls.
She seems to be a very smart child who likes to learn new things and discover the world around her. She doesn't look like a spoilt child who is used to getting everything. To my mind she is a very gentle and sensitive child who knows and understands more than other children of her age.
Translate from Russian into English
Это фотография маленькой симпатичной девочки. Я думаю, ей 5 или 6 лет. У нее светло-русые курчавые волосы, завязанные в хорошенький хвостик и красивую косу. Ее большие карие глаза очень выразительны. Ее спокойная и нежная улыбка также очень привлекательна.
На ней надет джемпер сиреневого цвета. Я думаю, этот цвет ей очень идет, потому что он подчеркивает здоровый румянец на ее щеках.
Я думаю, что эта девочка очень спокойна и уравновешенна. Возможно, она немного застенчива, но с ней легко наладить контакт. Она добра и заботлива к тем, кого она знает. То, как она обнимает своего котенка, доказывает это. Я думаю, что она любит играть со своими куклами.
Кажется, что она очень умный ребенок, который любит узнавать новое и открывать мир вокруг себя. Она не выглядит, как избалованный ребенок, привыкший получать все. На мой взгляд, она очень нежный и чувствительный ребенок, который знает и понимает больше, чем другие дети ее возраста.
Read the text 3:
There is a girl in the picture. She is wearing a black warm hat
and a black scarf. So it must be very cold outside. We can suppose
that it is late autumn or early winter. The wind is blowing as a
strand of the girl's hair looks as if it is blown by the
She is listening to some music or radio as she is wearing big black head-phones, or maybe it is just for keeping her ears warm? Supposedly, it is a very sad song, as apparently, the girl is not cheerful, on the contrary - she is gloomy.
She has brown hair, as we can judge by the strand of hair coming out of her hat. She has white and perfect skin, black eye-brows and eyelashes. As far as we can see, she is wearing a make-up: her eyelids are colored in dark grey, and her lips are coral-pink.
Translate from Russian into English
На картинке изображена девушка. На ней надета черная теплая шапка и черный шарф. Должно быть, на улице очень холодно. Мы можем предположить, что это поздняя осень или ранняя зима. Дует ветер, потому что прядь волос выглядит так, как будто ее развевает ветер.
Она слушает какую-то музыку или радио, потому что на ней одеты большие черные наушники, или это, возможно, для того, чтобы держать ее уши в тепле? Скорее всего, песня грустная, потому что видно, что девушка не весела, наоборот - она грустная.
У нее коричневые волосы, как мы можем судить по пряди волос, торчащей из ее шапки. У нее белая и идеальная кожа, черные брови и ресницы. Насколько мы можем видеть, у нее макияж: ее веки покрашены в темно-серый, а ее губы - кораллово-розовые.
Приложение 3. Примерные ответы. Model answer 1.
Imagine that during your holidays you took some photos. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. In your talk remember to speak about:
when you took the photo
what/who is in the photo
what is happening
why you took the photo
why you decided to show the picture to your friend You have to talk continuously, starting with: I've chosen photo number …
I have chosen picture №1. My young sister was not posing me.
She was playing hide and seek with her friends in the park and a
minute ago she was standing facing the tree, having her eyes closed
and hands over her eyes next to an old tree. And I managed to catch
the expression of her face, when she turned up just to look for her
My sister looked like an angel with her has big grey eyes and long golden hair. Though she is quite shy and she doesn't like to be the centre of attention, at this particular moment she forgot about her fears as she wanted to find all her friends. She is dressed in a pink sweatshirt and a black sleeveless dress above it, as the weather was not warm this day.
I suppose I caught a lucky chance as I made this photo when the sun light fell down on her pale face with big expressive eyes and pink lips.
I decided to save this photo to our family album, probably to put it in a frame and to present her at her 7-th birthday.
Model answer 2.
I have chosen picture №2. I have made this photo at home. My little sister is posing me, holding a cat and hugging it. She looks lovely, doesn't she? You can't see her light brown curly hair tied in a cute ponytail as I managed to catch only the expression of her big dark brown eyes and her tranquil and gentle smile that made her very attractive at this particular moment. I think the lilac colour of her jumper contrasts with her rosy cheeks.
I took this photo as it was a rare chance to catch her curious glance which reflects her calm and even-tempered character. The way she cuddles her cat is a definite proof of her love to animals. She seems to be a bit shy but her glance is kind and caring.
As my sister likes to play with her cat I think she'll get a real pleasure looking at this photo. That's why I decided to save it. I hope that she'll grow soon in a smart young lady and this photo will remind her the happy moments of her childhood.
Model answer 3.
I have chosen picture №3. There is a girl in the picture. She is
my classmate. I saw her, sitting on the bench listening to some
music or radio, I couldn't guess. She looked so lonely that I
decided to make a photo in order to ask later what has happened to
The weather was rather cold that day. It was late autumn that's why she is wearing a warm hat and a scarf. The wind was blowing and a strand of the girl's hair was blown by the wind, but she didn't pay attention to this, as she seemed to be absorbed by the music, coming from the big black head-phones. Supposedly, it was a very sad song, as apparently, the girl was not cheerful, on the contrary - she was gloomy.
It was very strange to see her in such a sad mood as usually she was full of joy. I didn't notice before how beautiful she was. Really the black color suits her as it contrasts with her white and perfect skin, black penciled eye-brows and bushy eyelashes. I liked the romantic atmosphere, which surrounded her and decided to save this photo for our class album. May be she'll tell me what kind of melody she was listening then and about her troubles.