- Учителю
- План-конспект урока Защита окружающей среды
План-конспект урока Защита окружающей среды
Сыртланова Н.Н.
учитель английского языка
МОУ СОШ № 61 г. Уфы
План урока «Защита окружающей среды»
Цели урока : 1.Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
2. Воспитание у учащихся бережного отношения к Земле и природе .
3. Расширение кругозора учащихся, осуществление связи с химией, биологией.
Задачи урока: 1.Усвоение лексического материала по теме ( химические и биологические термины, названия животных, стихи и песни).
2.Грамматический материал ( модальные глаголы, конструкции с инфинитивом, вопросительные структуры).
Х О Д У Р О К А.
Вступительное слово учителя. Ознакомить учащихся с целью и задачами урока,эпиграфом ( индийская пословица): The Indian proverb says : « The frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives.»
Today we are going to speak about environmental protection, the protection of animals, the prevention of air and water pollution. Natural world is in danger . People pollute the environment , water, air, kill animals for their skin , cut down rainforests. If we go like this, a lot of forests will be destroyed, there will be many illnesses and we wont have a healthy space to live and grow.
Основная часть урока начинается со стихотворения, которое выражает cуть урока.
1. Now listen to the poem: " Bless the Beasts and the children!»
" Bless the Beasts and the children!»
Bless them, God of the sky, when they walk in the night of the world
Towards daylight.
Let them all live in peace
With a sweet loving kiss of your Holy lips-
Bless the children and beasts!
If I were very strong, I 'd drive out all wrong,
So that children and beasts could live happy and long.
Выступление ученика,будущего биолога о защите фауны.
2. One of the pupils , future biologist, speak about the protection of animals.
First, he gives the information, how long animals live.
Rabbits can live 5 years, sheep can live 12 years, cats live 13 years, goats-15,
Cows-25, pigs-25, horses-30. But people kill them, don't take proper care, that's
Why domestic animals cannot live long? Wild animals are killed because of their skins.
Лексические упражнения на усвоение названий животных.
3. Choose the animal or bird which doesn't belong to the group
1). Wolf, fox, cow, hyena
2). Eagle, hawk, chicken, owl
3). Tiger, lion, horse, leopard
4) .gorilla, sheep, chimpanzee, monkey
5).snake, lizard, crocodile, duck
4. Complete the sentences using one of the animals:
Horse, lion, mouse, wolf, hawk, cricket, leopard, bee, eel.
1) My grandparents were quite poor and had to work hard to keep the… from the door.
2) She noticed everything immediately. She's got eyes like a … .
3) Marriage won't change him. A … never changes its spots.
4) As often happens in international sports events the USA took the …' s share of the medals.
5). He never said a word. He was as quite as a … .
6). Whenever I come she is working . She is always busy as … .
7). Nobody can fight him. He is strong as a … .
8). I am sick and tired of that man. It is difficult to deal with him, he is slippery as an … .
9). Look at the laughing child that is playing in the yard. He is merry as a … .
(keys: 1) wolf 2) hawk 3) leopard 4) lion 5) mouse 6) bee 7) horse 8) eel
9) cricket )
Далее учащиеся смотрят фильм « Загрязнение природы- угроза для жизни животных » и обсуждают его, выражают свое мнение.
5. Then the pupils watch the film how wild animals suffer because of the environmental pollution.
Factories pour waste and chemicals into rivers and seas, oceans are contaminated by oil spills.
6. Then the pupils discuss the film, expressing their opinions on this theme.
Монологические высказывания учащихся «Общества защиты животных».
7. One of the pupils speaks about the British organization- RSPCA- The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty.
RSPCA began in 1822 with the Animal Protection Act, which made cruelty to cows, horses and sheep illegal. In 1840, Queen Victoria gave the permission for the organization to be called the RSPCA. The RSPCA has got 328 inspectors. They investigate
Cases of cruelty to animals, collect money, pay visits to schools and rescue thousands of animals every year. There are also RSPCA hospitals and clinics. They treat over 270,000 animals every year. It also works to protect farm and wild animals аs well as animals that are used for research. The RSPCA is a charity and is always
working to raise money to help animals in need.
И дополнительная информация о мире животных.
8. Additional information. Do you know that:
1). One species of animals, plant or insect disappears every 6 minutes.
2).Turtles and tortoises have lived on the Earth since the dinosaur.
3). Out of 100 turtle eggs, only one or two will survive.
4). Dolphins are the most intelligent animals in the world.
5). 100,000 dolphins perish in fishing nets every year.
6). The death of one plant species can lead to the extinction of 30 animal species.
7). 6 million hectares of land become desert every year.
8). 8 million tons of oil are spilled into the Earth' s oceans every year.
Следующее выступление: «Разрушение лесов».
9. One of the pupils speaks about the destruction of forests.
People destroy animals' habitat and the source of oxygen. The tropical rain forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate of 42 million acres per year. This distruction is caused by cattle ranching, building of dams and highways, mining and slash-and-burn agriculture. The tropical rain forest is natural recycle, provider and protector for our planet, it supports the ecosystem in the world. Deforestation is endangering the ecosystem, it decreases oxygen in the atmosphere, causing global warming. Protection of all forests is the key to our survival on this planet.
Далее проводится короткая викторина («Как долго мусор загрязняет Землю?)
10. Now a short quiz: " How long do you think the following kinds of litter last?"
1). Traffic ticket 2-4 weeks
1 month
1 year
2). Banana peel 2 month
6 month
15 days
3). Wool sock 6 months
1 year
5 years
4). Wax-paper cup
1 year
15 years
5). Painted wooden stake 1 year
5 years
13 years
6). Tin cans
50 years
100 years
25 years
(Keys: 1. 1 month 2). 6 months 3). 1year 4). 5 years 5). 13 years 6). 100 years )
В заключение учащиеся исполняют известную песню ансамбля Битлз».
11. The pupils sing the song "Let It Be". It summarizes what was spoken about at the lesson.
Let It Be
By Malvina Reynolds
When you walk in the forest, let it be.
There' s a flower in the wood, let it be.
There's a flower in the wood, and it's innocent and good.
By the stone where it stands let it be.
Let it be, let it be,
It's so lovely where it is, let it be.
Though you want it for your own,
If you take it from its place,
It will not be what it was
When you loved it when it stood in the wood
Let it be, let it be.
It's so lovely where it is, let it be.
It's a thoughtful child, innocent and wild,
By the stone, by the reed,
Let it bloom, let it seed,
Let it be!
Заключительное слово учителя о необходимости беречь Планету от загрязнения, беречь свое и чужое здоровье.
12. The teacher's words in the conclusion. Nowadays people understand how
Important it is to solve the environment problems that endanger people's
lives. We must stop the pollution in all its forms ( water pollution, air
pollution, nuclear pollution ). We must stop the distruction of wild animals
and take care of nature and natural resources. We must find the right
balance between land, people and animals.
Домашнее задание: написать сочинение об экологических проблемах своего края.
13. Homework: - Write a project about the ecological problems of your region.
14. Подвести итоги урока, выставить оценки, прокомментировав их.
Используемая литература:
1. Учебник 6 класс. О.В.Афанасьева и И.В.Михеева
2. Click on 3
3. Welcome 3
Техническое оборудование :
1. Магнитофон и диск с записью песни и стихотворения.
2. Видеофильм.
3. Диск с презентацией урока.