- Учителю
- Разработка урока по английскому языку 4 класс
Разработка урока по английскому языку 4 класс
План-конспект урока по английскому языку
4 класс
Domestic and wild animals
Тема урока: Home animals
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Цели: 1) ввести лексики по новой теме, научиться использовать её в монологической речи; 2) усвоить правила использования указательных местоимений This/That/ These/ Those
Оборудование: учебник по английскому языку, CD-проигрыватель, классная доска, картинки с животными.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Учитель: - Good morning, girls and boys!
- Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning,
We are glad to see you!
- I'm glad to see you too, sit down please.
2. Мотивация к учебной деятельности. Речевая зарядка
-Do you like the weather today?
- it's cold or warm?
- What is your favorite season and why?
3. Подведение к теме урока.
Ученикам демонстрируется короткий видео ролик о животных (домашних и диких). После просмотра учитель задаёт вопрос:
- What do you think about this film?
Ученики: About animals.
Учитель: What animals did you see?
Ученики: Сat, dog, elephant, tiger.
Учитель: What do you think, what the topic of our today's lesson?
Ученики: Animals
Учитель: Yes, you are right, but the theme sounds like "Domestic and wild animals"
Тема урока записывается на доске, озвучивается цели.
Учитель: By the end of the lesson you will learn how to talk about his favorite domestic or wild animal.
4. Объяснение новой темы.
1. Учитель: What animals do you know more?
Ученики: называют всех животных, которых уже знают.
Учитель: Very good. Today we will learn the names of new animals.
Учитель делит доску на две части. Демонстрируя карточки с картинками и называя имена животных, учитель вместе с учениками повторяет их и предлагает ученикам распределить животных на диких и домашних.
Учитель: I'll show you a picture and name the animals, we have to repeat them together and attach the card to wild or domestic animals.
dog [dɔg] - собака
cat [kæt] - кошка
cow [kau] - корова
horse [hɔːs] - лошадь
goat [gəut] - козёл
pig [pɪg] - свинья
sheep [ʃiːp] - овца
cock [kɔk] - петух
chicken ['ʧɪkɪn] - курица
duck [dʌk] - утка
parrot ['pærət] - попугай
hamster ['hæmstə] - хомяк
lion ['laɪən] - лев
elephant ['elɪfənt] - слон
crocodile ['krɔkədaɪl] - крокодил
giraffe [ʤɪ'rɑːf] - жираф
bear [bɛə] - медведь
snake [sneɪk] - змея
monkey ['mʌŋkɪ] - обезьяна
deer [dɪə] - олень
wolf [wulf] - волк
camel ['kæm(ə)l] - верблюд
fox [fɔks] - лиса
kangaroo</<font color="#0e171e"> [ˌkæŋg(ə)'ruː] - кенгуру
Учитель: Write down words in a notebook.
2. Прослушивание весёлой песенки о животных и потом поют вместе.
Because I Forgot
Because I forgot to wake up the cow, the cow forgot to wake up
the cat, the cat forgot to wake up the dog, so we all missed
Because I forgot to go to the store, the dog forgot to shut the
door, the door forgot to wake up the floor, so we all missed
Because I forgot to tell the bird, the bird forgot to tell the dog,
the dog forgot to tell the cow, so we all missed lunch.
5. Изучение грамматики.
Указательные местоимения This/That/ These/ Those - Этот/Тот/Эти/Те.
This/these used when speaking about the near people, animals or objects, or point to them.
This is a cat. - Это кошка (рядом).
These are lamps. - Это лампы. (вблизи)
That/those used when states are far from people, animals or objects, or point to them.
That is an elephant. - То слон (вдалеке).
Those are chairs. - Те стулья (вдалеке).
Упражнение 1. Circle the correct word.
this /these shoes
this / these trousers
this / these socks
this / these shorts
this / these trainers
this / these hat
this / these dress
this / these blouse
this / these skirt
this / these scarf
this / these boots
this / these tights
Упражнение 2. Choose the correct word.
This / These trousers are black.
That / Those shirt is very nice.
That / Those shoes are comfortable.
This / These skirt is old.
This / Those T-shirt is my brother's.
That / Those T-shirt is very small.
Упражнение 3. Write in this or these.
Take _______ trousers.
Take _______ sweater.
Don't take _______ bag.
Don't take _______ shorts.
Take _______hat
Take _______scarf.
Don't take_______ boots.
Take _______ shoes.
6. Закрепление темы.
1. Let's read the story of a beloved pet and translate it.
My favourite animals are giraffes.
The giraffes are wild animals.
They live in Africa.
The giraffes are yellow and brown.
They are very tall animals.
The giraffes have got long necks, short tails and small heads.
They eat leaves and grass.
They can run quickly.
I like to watch giraffes at the zoo.
I think they are beautiful animals.
2. Fill in the words.
(on the farm, hay, domestic, on TV, jump, favourite, long, very nice, big, white)
My …………………………… animals are sheep.
The sheep are ………………………… animals.
They live …………………………………………
The sheep are grey, black or ………………………….
They are not very ………………………… animals.
The sheep have got ………………………… hair, short tails and small
They eat grass and ………………………….
They can run and ………………………….
I like to watch sheep on the farm and ……………………………….
I think they are ………………………… animals.
3. Each student draws a card at random from the animals and must make an oral story about him on the model.
Учитель: Make up a story about an animal that you got.
7. Подведение итогов урока.
Did you like today's lesson? What did you learn? How do you assess your work?
8. Домашнее задание.
Create a story about their favorite animals.