- Учителю
- Урок. Theme: Me and you. Hello.
Урок. Theme: Me and you. Hello.
Учитель английского языка высшей квалифицированной категории Дятчина Любовь Николаевна КГУ « Средняя школа №5» Г. Петропаввловск
Theme: Me and you. Hello.
Aims: научиться говорить Hello, изучить имена на английском языке.
Критерии успеха
Я знаю, как правильно поздороваться на английском языке
Я понимаю, как употребить в речи фразы
Я могу поздороваться с другом, работать в сотрудничестве
Equipment of the lesson: CDs and player, optional vocabulary cards, Smart board.
Lesson Procedure:
Warming up
-to introduce yourself (Hello, My name is…., What is your name?)
-start the lesson using Hello. Encourage the children to say Hello to you and to the other children.
Коллаборативная среда- Мамино ожерелье ( Как хорошо когда мы вместе)
II.Мотивационный момент- «Послушай меня» учащиеся самостоятельно на основе диалога учителя определяют тему урока)
III. Working with the book
-Allow time for the children to look through the book. Ask them to find their favorite pictures. Ask them if they know any English words already. Allow children time to look at the picture. Introduce the children to the four main characters. Show the vocabulary card of Anna. Then in Mother Tongue (Russian ) ask the children to find Anna in the picture. Say the name Anna. Children repeat. Do the same with the vocabulary Cards of Bella, Eddie and Lee.
IV. Auding
- In mother tongue (MT) ask the children to listen to the recording. Then say listen and repeat listen. Play the recording. Point to each character in the picture when his/her name is mentioned. In MT ask the children to listen and point. Then say Listen and point twice. Play the recording again. Children point to each character as his/her name is mentioned.
-Put the vocabulary cards of Bella, Eddie, Anna and Lee (in this order) on the board. In MT ask the children to look at the Vocabulary Cards.
- MT asks the children to listen and say. Then say Listen and say twice in order to remember the instructions. Play the recording again and point to the Vocabulary Card of each character when the names are mentioned. To give them confidence, children speak with recording.
V. Working in pairs
Приём «Карусель».
-Say Look. Show the vocabulary card of Mrs Pop. Then in mother tongue ask the children to find Mrs. Pop in the picture. Say Mrs. Pop. Children repeat.
-Put the Vocabulary Cards of Mrs. Pop, Eddie, Anna, Lee and Bella on the board. Say Look and point to the cards. Then say listen. Point to the Vocabulary Cards of Mrs. Pop and Eddie and model the dialogue Hello, Eddie. Hello, Mrs. Pop. Children repeat. Do the same for the dialogues between Mrs. Pop and Anna, Mrs. Pop and Lee and Mrs. Pop and Bella.
- In MT, explain that the children take it in turns to be Mrs. Pop and each of the other characters and to say Hello,… (name) to each other. Go around and help. You could ask some pairs to act out a dialogue in front of the class.
VI. Working with the book.
- Introduce the children with the letter -Aa-. Say in MT that the letter Aa is the first letter in the English Alphabet (ABC). Try to write this letter ( Activity Book)
- Ex.2 p.4 (circle a and A)- pupils try to find the capital letter A and the small one. Circle them.
VII. Working with the new vocabulary
Cat [ ]- кошка, кот
Hat [ ]- шляпа
Apple [ ] - яблоко
Hello [ ]- привет, здравствуйте
-show the cards with these pictures. Say these words and the pupils have to repeat after you. First of all, you say-pupils repeat, then you show- pupils name the cards.
-pupils have to fill the blanks with the letter Aa.
Home task: 1)to learn the new words
2) to write the letter Aa in the notebooks.
В качестве рефлексивного приема используется небольшая анкета, в которой
учащимся предлагается поставить на значок + на линии в том месте, которое отражает их отношение к занятию и степень участия в уроке:
1. Я считаю, что занятие было
интересным ___________________ скучным.
2.Я научился
многому _______________________ малому.
3. Я думаю, что слушал других
внимательно __________________ невнимательно.
4. Я принимал участие в разговоре
часто _________________________ редко.
5. Результатами своей работы на уроке я
доволен ______________________ не доволен.