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  • План урока по английскому языку на тему: ' Тема урока: «Let’s travel»'

План урока по английскому языку на тему: ' Тема урока: «Let’s travel»'

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Класс: 4 «Б»

Урок провела: Романова Ирина

Дата: 13.03.2012

Тема урока: «Let's travel»

УМК «Английский в фокусе - 4»

Цели урока:

ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ - развитие умения правильно озвучивать графический образ

- активизация лексических и грамматических навыков

- развитие коммуникативных умений письма: умение передать информацию в виде открытки другу

- развитие умения аудирования

ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНАЯ - воспитание интереса к изучению иностранного языка

ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНАЯ - знакомство с флагами различных государств

РАЗВИВАЮЩАЯ - развитие психофизиологических механизмов: память, внимание


  1. Организовать повторение пройденной лексики (swimsuit, tent, sunglasses, T-shirt, flippers, swimming trunks, sleeping bag, jeans) в использовании их к теме "Let's travel" в упражнениях

  2. Организовать повторение грамматических структур to be going to; it will/won't be в ответах на вопросы; в различных упражнениях

  3. Организовать ознакомление со структурой письма (письмо личного характера - открытка другу)

  4. Организовать написание открытки другу с опорой на образец

Оснащение урока: УМК, проектор, компьютер, магнитофон, диск, игрушки


Этап урока





Ход урока


Этап 1 Оргмомент

1 мин.

T - CL

T- Hello. How are you?

Cl-Hello! Fine. How are you?

T-Fine, thanks.

Этап 2

Введение в новую тему

3 мин.

T - Cl

T-As you know, summer is on its way. Summer holidays are coming and today we are going to prepare our journey! What do you think is the first thing to do?

Cl-To choose the country!

T-Great! You are right. Now you should choose the country you are going to go.


Слайды 1

Этап 3

Повторение пройденной лексики и грамматических структур "to be going to"

8 мин.

T - P1, P2, P3

T-Look at the slide! Here are some flags of different countries. Look and say where you are going to go.

T-Great! Now you know the country! What should we do next?

Pl-To pack a suitcase.

T-That's it. It's really important. What do people usually take with them?

Pl-Money and clothes.

T-Yes! Look at the blackboard. Let's revise what clothes we know.

T- Look! A huge storm mixed all the clothes! Now we should explain the words to pack a suitcase. Open your Student's books. Get ready to answer my questions.

T-What are you going to take with you?

Pl-I'm going to take…

Слайды 2-3

Ask 4-5 pupils

Слайды 5-14

Этап 4



2 мин.

T - Cl

Great job! Now let's have a rest and play a little! Stand up, please! Now you will see some pictures. Those, who are going to take T-shirts - clap your hands!

Those, who are going to take swimsuits - jump!

Those, who are going to take sleeping bags - fly!

Those, who are going to take flippers - run!

Слайды с картинками

Этап 5

Аудирование (видео)

3 мин.

T - Cl

T-Ok! Good! You know, my friend Eddy also like travelling! Le's watch a short cartoon about him. What was Eddy's mistake?

Pl-He took winter clothes. He didn't know the weather.


Этап 6

Отработка лексики и структуры "it will/won't be"

10 мин.

T - P1, P2, P3

T-It's really important to know the weather! Now let's see what the weather will/won't be like tomorrow in different countries.

Ok. Look at the blackboard and answer my question: "What will the weather be like in …?"

Слайды 22-24

Слайды 25-26

Слайды 27-39

Этап 7

Работа над письмом

15 мин.

T - Cl

T - P1, P2, P3

T-Ok! We chose the country, packed the suitcases and learnt the weather! Let's imagine that we are already on the beach. We are having a rest. Do you miss your friends, your parents?


T-I think, you want to write them a letter and tell about your holidays! Now we will learn how to do it!

We have a guest. His name is Manuel. He has a lot of friends all over the world and they write him often. Now we will watch a cartoon about it.

Now we should answer the questions! Read and answer.

Now you also can write letters! But Manuel doesn't believe it! Let's write letters to our friends and relatives and show Manuel that we can do it as well as his friend. Each of you gets an envelope. Write an address and fill in the gaps.

T-Fine! Good job!


Раздаточный материал (письма с пропусками)

Этап 8

Подведение итогов, введение Д.З.

2 мин.

T - Cl

Today we had a wonderful journey! We revised all the vocabulary and all the grammar structures! We even learnt how to write a letter to your friends!

Your homework is ex.5 p. 127 You should write a letter to your friend or relative! Your marks are… The lesson is over, thank you! Good bye!!!

Слайд 40 с домашним заданием


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