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- Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему 'Canada'
Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему 'Canada'
The Theme: Canada
Form: 7
The aims of the lesson: Оқушыларды ағылшын тілінде сөйлейтін елдердің бірі Канада туралы жалпы мәліметтер беру; Танымдық қабілеттерін, оқу, тыңдау, сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту, сөздік қорларын молайту.
The Results of learning: Тақырыпты толық меңгереді. Жаңа ақпаратты қабылдайды. Ойлау, сөйлеу мәдениеті дамиды. Пәнге қызығушылығы, белсенділігі артады. Тақырыпқа байланысты жаңа сөздерді үйренеді
The Main Ideas: Тақырып барысындағы құндылықтарды анықтап, сол құндылықтардың мағынасын ашу арқылы тақырыпты өз бетімен меңгерту. Жаңаша әдіс - тәсілдерді қолдану арқылы ойлау, сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту.
The Types of the lesson: Жаңа сабақ.
The Methods of the Lesson: Топтық жұмыс, диалогтік оқыту, АҚТ - ны пайдалану,
An Interaction of subject: География, қазақ тілі
The Visual Aids: Интерактивті тақта, интернет беттерінен алынған материалдар, маркер, бағалау парақтары
I. The procedure of the lesson:
II. Organization moment.
Greeting. - Good morning!
Welcome to the lesson of the English language.
III. Brainstorming: Underline these words. Use different colours.
Nouns - black.
Verbs - red.
Adjectives - blue.
Independent, consist, language, size, situate, state, speak, national, city, large, industry, live, main, become, beautiful, resource.
III. Presentation. Look at the board.
a) - What are we going to talk about today?
- How do you think?
Today we learn important facts about Canada.
I hope you will
• learn more about Canada
• improve critical thinking skills
• develop skills and habits of oral speech;
• identify information on the map;
• wide your outlook on different topics connecting with Canada.
- Are you ready?
b) Dividing into three groups: (The population of Canada, The climate of Canada, The geographical position)
- I'd like to ask you…
- Where is Canada?
About Canada you hear a lot on TV, on news, about geographical position, about political systems may be you study on your geography lesson. I hope you know this. Now, tell me us about Canada's geographical position, climate and population.
c) Check up your answer:
Country: Canada
Area: 10 mln. km2
Population: 24 mln
Capital: Ottawa
Language: English, French
Big Cities: Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, Hamilton, Vancouver, Winnipeg and Quebec.
d) Introduction to Canada. Video. After watching video how the children understood this video I ask some questions.
IV. Pre - reading tasks:
1. What kind of state is Canada? (Canada is a federal state and a member of the Commonwealth).
2. What are Canada's official colours? (blue and red, gold and red, white and red).
3. How many states do Canada and the USA border on in the south? (12).
4. How many time zones are there in Canada? (6).
V. Listening to the text: Canada. App. 1
VI. Practice. Post reading: • Cаnada has got two official languages. What are they?
• What is the national symbol of Canada?
• What is the capital of Canada?
VII. Production:
1. What continent is Canada situated on? (It is situated on the North American continent.)
2. What are Canada's official colours? (blue and red, gold and red, white and red).
3. How many states do Canada and the USA border on in the south? (12).
4. What is the area of Canada? (Its area is almost 10 million km2.).
5. What are official languages of Canada? (English and French).
6. What kind of state is Canada? (Canada is a federal state and a member of the Commonwealth).
7. What oceans is Canada washed by? (The country is washed by three oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic, the Atlantic.).
8. How many people of Canada speak French? ( Nearly 27 percent of the population speak French.)
9. What are the largest cities of Canada? (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver.)
10. How many time zones are there in Canada? (6).
Put the correct numbers into the gaps in the sentences
25,000, 24 mln., 20, 40, 330,000, 30.
1. In the country there are ____ Indians and _____ Eskimos, who live mostly in the north.
2. Today more than ____ per cent of the people of Canada came originally from Britain
3. The population of Canada is over ______ million people.
4. About_____ per cent from France and _____ per cent from other countries.
3.Put the words in the right order
1. The, Indians, there, in, country, 330,000, are
2. national, two, Canada,, English, French, has, and, languages
3 first, country, settlers, French, the, the, in, were, this.
4. Do you agree or disagree . " True or False"
The French were the first settlers in this country
Many settlers came to Canada from England, Scotland and Ireland,
Today more than 40 per cent of the people of Canada came originally from Britain,
About 30 per cent from France and 20 per cent from other countries.
VIII. Reward.
IX. Home task: be ready to speak about «Canada»
Canada. App. 1
Canada is an independent federative state. It is one of the most developed countries. Canada consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories. It is situated on the North American continent. In size Canada is the second in the world after Russia. Its area is almost 10 million km2. About 34 million people live in Canada.
The capital of Canada is Ottawa, which is situated on the bank of the Ottawa River. It is famous for its beautiful parks. It is also known as the city of bridges. The main cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Official languages of Canada are English and French. Nearly 60 percent of the population speak English and 27 percent speak French. The rest speaks other languages, such as Eskimo, Indian, German, Ukrainian and Italian.
Canada is very rich in forest, minerals and fur - bearing animals. It holds the first place in the world in the amount of forests. It is rich in the following natural resources: non - ferrous metals, uranium, oil, natural gas, coal. Canadian industries produce cars, airliners, locomotives, sea vessels, snow - removal machines, and agricultural equipment. The most developed industries are timber, mining, chemical, meat and milk and food industries. Canada grows wheat, barley, flax, potatoes, vegetables and fruit.
Canada borders with 12 states of the USA in the south. Canada is so large that there are six time zones.