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- Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему 'Manners make the Man' (10 класс)
Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему 'Manners make the Man' (10 класс)
Разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе
учителя МБОУ «Евгащинская СОШ им. Д.М. Ефименко»
Бахматовой Светланы Николаевны
Тема урока: Manners make the man.
Хорошие манеры. Некоторые особенности поведения в
разных странах.
Цель урока: Формирование навыков устной речи, аудирования, чтения
по теме «Manners make the man».
Задачи урока: практические
Совершенствовать речевое умение с использованием моделей говорения «от чтения текста к последующему обсуждению на основе предложенных упражнений на понимание содержания прочитанного»;
Развивать умение восприятия иноязычной речи на слух;
Расширять лингвистический кругозор учащихся;
Развивать память, внимание, мышление (работа с текстами, упражнениями);
Формировать умение выделять общее и специфическое культуре поведения в разных странах;
Воспитывать толерантное отношение к особенностям поведения в разных странах;
Развивать навыки коллективной деятельности (работа в парах, в группах);
Оснащение урока: 1) учебник и рабочая тетрадь «Enjoy English-10»,
М.З.Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис;
2) аудиоприложение (CD MP3);
3) дидактический раздаточный материал для
cоставления мини-диалогов;
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
- Hello! How are you?
- Hello, we are fine, thank you!
- Do you have any news?
(учащиеся отвечают на вопрос)
I am glad to see you at our lesson. We are going to discuss a very interesting and very important topic today. I am sure that this topic is very close to you.
Речевая разминка.
I invite you to work in groups of four and discuss the following questions. Try to guess what we are going to speak about today at our lesson.
Do you enjoy having conversations with people you do not know very well?
Why « yes» or «no»?
Do you think smoking in a café or on the street is inconsiderate towards other people? Why «yes» or «no»?
What is «unsociable behaviour» in your opinion?
(учащиеся высказывают свои мнения)
Manners make the man. We are going to speak about good and bad manners. We will read texts and try to guess which countries demonstrate the manners presented in the table of our textbook. We will act out short conversations. I want you to be active at our lesson. Let us start our work.
Совершенствование навыков чтения.
What is meant by good manners?
Why are good manners important?
Are good manners universal (i. e. the same in all cultures)?
Read the text and compare its ideas with your answers.
Being polite may seem insignificant, but people notice how you act and what you say. And your reputation will follow you throughout your life. Always speak politely and treat others with dignity. Set a good example by being courteous. Say please and thank you because it is the right thing to do. Be proud of who you are and treat others as you want to be treat others as you want to be treated.
Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.
Being polite means being friendly to people. Work in pairs, please. Match the remarks and the responses. Then act out your conversations.
I need some time to think everything over, and then I will be ready to tell you about my decision.
Could I apply to you for advice if I need some?
Thank you very much for the map and your instructions. That was a great help.
Is it OK if I bring some friends tonight?
I do not like it very much when someone borrows my hair dryer.
Why are you talking so loudly? Do you mean I am deaf or something?
Actually, I have been thinking about a quiet evening in, just watching something on TV. B UT I do not mind a little party either.
My pleasure. Have a nice weekend!
OK, take your time. Let me know when you are ready.
Sorry, I did not mean any offence. I am just too excited.
Do you mean that it was me? I do not even know where you keep it!
1c 2d 3b 4a 5f 6e
Living in a new culture can be exciting but it can also be frustrating. The most important thing is to be tolerant, open toward the culture into which you are going and to read as much as you can about the culture before your departure. Guess which countries demonstrate the manners presented in the table.
In the Czech Republic and Hungary
In Scandinavian countries
In Britain
In America
In Germany
In Spain
In some African countries
In Holland
In Muslim countries
In India
In Muslim mosques and Buddhist temples
In Russia
if a person shuts the door behind him/her at work or at home it means: «Do not disturb», «I am working», «I do not to see anyone». In general they leave the door open.
you should not wear leather, including belts, because the cow is sacred. This would be especially offensive when visiting a Hindu temple.
you are not allowed to enter a theatre or an opera when you arrive late.
people have very high self-esteem so you have to be careful with jokes. They appreciate foreigners trying to speak their language.
simplicity and honesty are best. In restaurants, tips are not popular.
after being invited to lunch or dinner, you should send a thank-you letter the next day.
it is good manners to talk loudly if you are one of two people walking together, so that anyone nearby can hear that you have nothing to hide.
the hostess always offers her guests plenty of food and you can be sure that it is the best food she has got.
it is forbidden to wear shoes.
an open door is a sign of mess and disorder.
standards of modesty require that the body be covered. Long trousers and long-sleeved shirts buttoned to the neck are expected.
you should not criticize others. It is really bad manners.
Now you may listen to the recording and check up your guesses.
1c 2l 3f 4a 5j 6d 7g 8e 9k 10b 11i 12h
Активизация навыков монологической речи - составление высказываний по образцу.
Unfortunately, sometimes people are ill-mannered. Read the list containing examples of public behavior. Choose three of the most irritating and three the least irritating behaviours. Then report the results to the class.
Drinking beer in the streets.
Forgetting to say Thank you and Sorry.
Throwing litter out of your car window.
Listening to loud music in your car.
Sticking chewing gum everywhere.
Swearing in public places.
Spitting in the streets.
Chewing food with your mouth open.
Talking on a mobile phone in public.
Smoking while walking.
Not cleaning up after your dog.
Queue jumping.
Blowing ones nose in public.
Coughing and yawning with your mouth open on public transport.
Развитие навыков аудирования.
Listen to the radio programme about annoying public behaviour and tick the ideas 1-14 that have been mentioned in it.
Read the text about tolerance and try to explain the words «tolerance», «tolerant», «intolerant» on your own.
The word tolerance entered our vocabulary and even became a buzzword for some politicians and showmen relatively recently. The issues of tolerance, however, had emerged long before that. People are often intolerant to each other and it is not all and not only about racism or religious misunderstanding or sexism. When we are rude, it is easy to define our actions as intolerant. But in some situations we act from our best intentions and want to help other people improve themselves, being too ready to make judgments about other people s values, cultures and life styles.
Should people be tolerant to each other? Why?
-People should be tolerant to each other to avoid conflicts (to overcome difficulties, to live in peace).
- People should treat others as they want to be treated.
10. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.
Write a composition describing why it is important to be tolerant to other people s manners, cultures and life styles.
You worked very hard today. It is time to say some words about your marks…..
Thank you for your work. Please, always remember - MANNERS MAKE THE MAN!
Let us try to be tolerant, polite
In everything you do.
Remember always to say «please»
And do not forget «thank you».
Host: Today in our programme we are talking about irritating public behaviour. Everywhere in the world, there are rules regulating our behaviour. We usually know which manners are appreciated and which are not. But every country and culture is different. So what irritates you? Let us listen to what young people from different countries have to say. Let us start with Vera from Russia.
Vera: I live in Moscow and people here do not think it is a problem to smoke in crowded streets while waking. Other bad manners include swearing in public (in Russian, bad words can be very foul), drinking beer in the street and being rude to other people.
Host: Thanks a lot. And now, Marty from Finland.
Marty: I hate seeing young people drinking in the streets of my hometown. Cheap beer is causing lots of trouble here.
Host: Thank you, Marty. And now we have Akhmad from Dubai.
Akhmad: I hate queue-jumpers, especially in traffic. It is like they are saying: «My time is more important than everyone else s!»
Host: And now Margo from Switzerland.
Margo: I am sick to death of people using the «f» word as part of normal conversation. In a queue the other day, a man behind me who was talking to a woman used it thirteen times in less than three minutes. It was very distracting!
Host: OK, and now let us hear an opinion from Nigeria. Naomi, welcome!
Naomi: Well, back in Nigeria, we always had to step away from others when blowing our nose, but here in the US it is acceptable to do even while eating.
Host: Our next visitor is Paul from the UK. What do you find most irritating?
Paul: Chewing food with your mouth open. This is a very unpleasant experience for those who have to watch and listen to the chewer. I suppose it would probably be best to simply inform the chewer, but I just tend to try to move away whenever possible.
Host: And now to get an opinion from the United States. Dee, it is your turn!
Dee: I live on Staten Island in the US. I think it is incredibly rude to talk loudly on a cell phone in a public place, like in a restaurant or on a train. And the absolute worst is when people cycle through their phone ringers. Not everyone wants to hear the details of your conversation or the various ringers on your phone. Why should you force it on everybody else?
Host: And our last guest is from Britain again. Timothy, what do you think?
Timothy: What drivers me crazy are those idiots with booming music playing in their cars thinking they look «reeeeal» cool. Or people spitting every few seconds thinking it makes them look tough. Then there s people who stick chewing gum all over the place and drop it in the streets. Or people who talk loudly on their mobile phones when they are sitting right next to you. And worst of all are the people who let their dogs mess in public areas and do not clean up after them. Unfortunately, this is our society is going. Absolutely no respect or consideration for others. And what I cannot believe is that people actually think this sort of behavior is acceptable.