• Учителю
  • Урок по английскому языку на тему: 'Что говорят звезды?' (6 класс)

Урок по английскому языку на тему: 'Что говорят звезды?' (6 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала

What do the star signs say ?

6 класс


Ход урока

I Introduction. Организационный момент. Сообщение темы и целей урока. Слайд 1

- Good morning, dear friends!

-Good morning, teacher!

-I am glad to see you!

-We are glad to see you, too!

- Who is on duty today?

- I am on duty today

- What day is it today?

- Today is the … of …

- Who is absent today?

- All are present

- Thank you very much! Sit down, please!

The theme of the lesson is …

II Phonetic activity. Фонетическая разминка.

1.This poem was published in a children's magazine. Why is it called Shyness?


Слайд № 2-3

III Warming - up activity. Речевая разминка. Answer my questions, please.

IV Проверка домашнего задания. At first let's check up your homework. Your homework was ex.1 p 11R

Reading for specific information.

Pre - reading activities.

An American writer Frank Crane wrote a story Boy Wanted.

1)What kind of boys were wanted?

2) What are good boys like? What are their best characteristics?

3) What do good boys never do?


  • Post - reading activities.

Answer the questions given before reading

V Lexical activity. Работа с лексическими единицами.

3. What positive or negative things do the stars say about people? Classify the characteristics. Ex.1 p. 17 AB

Слайд №4-6

VI Grammar. Грамматика

1.Match the characteristics with their opposites. Translate them. Ex.1 2) p 17 AB

Слайд №7

VII. Listening/Reading for details. Ex. 1 p. 24

Pre - listening activities.

Look at the picture in ex.1 p 24.

There are twelve signs of the Zodiac. This is how astrologers describe people born under various signs.

1)What are the characteristics of children born under your sign?

2) Is the information about you true or not?


  • Post - listening activities.

Answer the questions given before listening.

Слайд № 8-9

VIII Pair work. Ex. 3 2) p 26 Make up your own dialogues using the example.

Слайд № 10

IX Homework. Информация о домашнем задании. Ex.2 p 18AB.

Слайд № 11

X. The conclusion of the lesson .Подведение итогов урока

Teacher: So our time is going up. Did you like the lesson? Вам понравился урок? Why? Почему? Did you learn something new? Вы узнали что - то новое? What tasks were difficult or easy for you? Какие задания были для вас сложными или простыми? Thank you for the lesson. You were active and work very well. Your marks are …The lesson is over. Good-buy!


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