- Учителю
- Урок по английскому языку на тему 'С чего начинается Родина' (9 класс)
Урок по английскому языку на тему 'С чего начинается Родина' (9 класс)
Учитель английского языка МБОУСОШ №56
Разработка урока по английскому языку
по теме «С чего начинается Родина?»
УМК "Enjoy English" 9 класс М. З. Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис, О.И.Кларк, А.Н.Морозова, И.Ю.Соловьева. Издательство «Титул», 2013.
Данный урок является одним из заключительных уроков по теме
"We Are in a Global Village" (unit2 section4)
Тема урока «From Where Does the Motherland Begin?»
Цель урока: воспитание гражданина, воспитание у учащихся чувства прекрасного, гордости за своё Отечество, уважительное отношение друг к другу, к своему краю, месту, где дети живут, воспитание ответственности и причастности к своей стране.
Образовательная - формирование и развитие лексико-грамматических навыков, основанных на местном, региональном материале;
Развивающая - развитие языковых познавательных способностей, ценностных ориентаций, чувств и эмоций учащихся, умений использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии;
Воспитательная - воспитание любви к своему краю, развитие толерантности к людям, которые здесь живут, формирование духовно-нравственной личности в образовательном процессе, а также мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.
Задачи урока:
Образовательные задачи:
1. Закрепить отношение к своей «малой Родине» как части большой и неделимой Родины - России
2. Совершенствование лексических навыков по страноведческой тематике на уровне свободного высказывания в виде монологической речи.
3. Тренировка учащихся в умении вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых ситуациях.
4. Активизация грамматических и лексических навыков
Развивающие задачи:
1. Развитие чувства патриотизма, уважительного отношения к Родине.
2. Формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков (умение пользоваться речью; умение слушать и слышать)
3. Формирование и развитие учебно-организационных умений и навыков (навыки самостоятельной работы, умение участвовать в коллективной познавательной деятельности, умение обобщать и анализировать)
Воспитательные задачи:
1. Воспитание чувства любви и уважения к родному городу, стране.
2. Воспитание желания стать наследниками славных традиций российской истории.
Содержание урока соответствует коммуникативно-познавательным интересам учащихся 9 класса, стимулирует их интерес и положительное отношение к своему краю, месту, где они живут, развивает любознательность и творческие способности, формирует духовно-нравственную личность в образовательном процессе. Передача материала осуществляется наглядно, словесно, с помощью компьютерной презентации, что существенно активизирует положительную мотивацию обучения в данном звене.
Средства обучения:
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска
Дидактический материал: текст песни на английском языке, презентация урока «From Where Does the Motherland Begin», видеоролик с песней «С чего начинается Родина?», карточки с заданиями.
Планируемые результаты:
- формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка
- стремление к совершенствованию собственной речевой культуры в целом, развитие коммуникативной компетенции,
- осознание себя гражданином своей страны
- знание признаков изученных грамматических явлений, основных способов словообразования
- знание некоторых распространённых образцов фольклора(пословицы);
- представление о сходстве и различиях в традициях своей страны и англоязычных стран- - развитие чувства прекрасного
- сообщение кратких сведений о себе, своей семье, друзьях, о своём городе, своей стране
- передача основного содержания прочитанного или услышанного, выражение своего отношения к прочитанному или услышанному
- написание личного письма
Ход урока:
I. Организационный этап.
Good morning, boys and girls! I'm very glad to see you. Let's begin our lesson.
What's the weather like today? Who's absent today?
II. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
You can see some words on your desks. Put them in the right order. (приложение 1)
From Where Does the Motherland Begin
Dear children! I expect our lesson to be very interesting and exciting today because we are going to talk about your dearest and most favourite place on the Earth, about our Homeland.
This is the topic of our lesson today. Write it down in your exercise books.
III. Актуализация знаний.
At the beginning of our lesson let's watch the presentation «From Where Does the Motherland Begin».
The text of the song in English you can see on your desks. (приложение 2)
Describe your feelings and emotions, please.
What does it mean "motherland"?
Now each of you write one word associating with the word "Motherland" in a circle. (приложение 3)
So, you understand the meaning of Motherland on your own. For some of you Motherland begins with a house and a city street. For others it is their own village or a native town in which they have grown up. For the rest it's a country where they live. Nevertheless this place is "the best place in the world".
Look at the board.
House, Street
Can you guess how can we name these things in a word? - "an address".
IV. Обобщение и систематизация знаний
Now look at the screen. What is this address? Can you guess?
8, Mendeleyevskaya Street
1. The Tula Museum of Samovars (слайд № )
The Tula museum of samovars was opened in 1990 .It has an impressive collection of more than 300 samovars, coming in different shapes and colours, and made from various materials: red and green copper (brass), cupronickel, tombac.
Samovar is a traditional Russian pot to make tea. If you translate the name, it means " cook by itself". Original samovars didn't even need the electricity to boil the water, they were on coals. Modern samovars use the electricity. The tea from samovar has special taste and you should drink it very hot.
The samovar became a unifying symbol for people when they gathered to have tea parties and provided the right atmosphere for friendly conversation. Today the Russians still use the samovar, but mostly as an attribute of exotics and nostalgia.
2, Oktyabrskaya Street
Tula 300002
2. The Tula State Arms Museum (слайд № )
The Tula State Arms Museum is one of the oldest Russian museums. It was founded at the Tula gun factory in 1873. Nowadays the museum keeps valuable collection of fire and cold arms made in Russia and abroad. Museum collections are unique with an opportunity to retrace the arms' evolution from the end of the 17th century to the present time, including experimental armament models. The museum collection brilliantly demonstrates mastership of Tula armorers. It is in the list of "100 Top Museums of the World".
45, Oktyabrskaya Street
3. The museum "Tula spice cake" (слайд № )
Tula gingerbreads are more than 320 years old, they are well-known all over the world and are prepared only in the city of Tula.
They are firstly mentioned in chronicles in 1685. Masters baked gingerbreads using their own unique recipes, which were kept in a big secret and passed solely from father to son.
Flour, made of wheat growing exclusively around Tula, has certain properties giving an inherent only for Tula gingerbread structure, clarity of the carvings and the ability to keep its form in the process of baking.
Tula gingerbread may contain a fruit filling or condensed milk. A gingerbread of any size and form is made on the basis of natural honey.
In Tula there is a monument to the spice cake. Gingerbread has a circular shape. Its diameter is two meters, weight is one ton. Tula gingerbread is also introduced in the "Russian Book of Records".
4. The Tula Kremlin(слайд № )
The Kremlin
Tula 300000
The Tula Kremlin is a monument of defense architecture. Kremlin was built in 1520. it was used for the defense from nomads. The Tula Kremlin has 9 towers, four of them with gates. There are two cathedrals on the territory of Tula Kremlin: Uspensky and Bogojavlensky.
Tula Kremlin is a "town in the town". Almost the whole military and civilian population lived in the fortress. The first street of Tula was located in the Kremlin, it was called Bolshaya Kremlevskaya street.
The Kremlin of Tula was the scene of the famous events in the Russian history. For example, in 1605 the pseudo-tsar Dmitry was visiting the town and Tula became the capital of Russia for 2 weeks.
V. Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации.
Choose one of your favourite places in the city and tell us about this place of interest. Be ready to answer in 3-4 minutes. You can search the necessary information in the Internet (www.premieratula.ru)
Fill in the gaps with the articles if necessary. (приложение 4)
The town of Tula was first mentioned in the year of 1146.
In 1976 Tula received the title "Hero City".
The Tula region was formed on September 26, 1937.
Tula has its own anthem. Its refrain lists the names of the streets of Tula: Trigger Street, Bayonet Street, Gunpowder Street and Bullet Street. These names are not there by chance. For three centuries Tula has produced most of Russia's weapons.
Look at the emblem and flag of the Tula Region. Answer the questions from your books: ex.109a p.96
Town Emblem of the Tula Region .
The first Tula emblem was adopted in 1778 .
We can see the crossed silver blades, two golden hammers on the red background with the red ribbon around.
There is the golden crown above the emblem. It reminds us of the period when the Russian tsar Peter I made Nikita Demidov responsible for building the first gun-making plants in Tula.
The crossed silver blades connected with the historical Kulikovo battle of 1380.
The red ribbon reminds that in 1957 the Tula region was awarded the Order of Lenin for the achievements in agriculture.
The golden hammers symbolize the glorious traditions of Tula craftsmen.
So, Town's Emblem symbolizes Tula as a force of arms and the defender of the Motherland.
Tula's flag was adopted on November, 24 2005. On the red cloth there are figures of heraldic shield: three crossed white blades and two yellow hammers on the top and the bottom.
There are a lot of English and Russian proverbs and sayings about motherland and its people. Let's review some of them. Listen, repeat and try to find the Russian equivalents. (приложение 5)
Transform the word on the right into suitable part of speech. (приложение 6)
VI. Подведение итогов урока.
Our country is one of the most beautiful places in the world. We are proud of it. Russian people have always loved their country though life in Russia has never been easy. Russian people have always been devoted to their Motherland. Many people go abroad on their vаcations. No doubt it is interesting to see other countries and discover new places. After one of such trips I. Turgenev realized that a foreign country taught him to love his own. "Go and marvel at foreigners and return with a Russian heart» he said.
You can love your country. You can know a lot about the history of your country. But only if you love the culture of your Motherland and are able to see the beauty of the Russian landscape, you certainly love your country. You know what your Motherland begins with.
Домашнее задание
Now, boys and girls, write down your home task. Using the facts you have learnt today write a letter to your friend from the UK telling about the emblem of the Tula Region and your Motherland and invite him to your place. Write 100-120 words.
Thank you for being industrious at the lesson. I am satisfied with your work. Each of you gets a good or an excellent mark.
VII. Рефлексия .
Well, Our lesson is over. Did you like our lesson? What did you like more? What new information did you learn?
You may be free. Good-bye.
Приложение 4
Fill in the gaps with the articles if necessary.
__Tula Region is located almost in the heart of___ East Europe, or___ Russian plain.
The territory of __ Tula Region occupies the basin of __Oka and ___Don rivers sources.
From __ north to __south it is crossed by two important railroads connecting the region with __Moscow, __Ukraine and __North Caucasus, and from __ west to__ east through __ Tula region the following railways run:__ Kaluga -__ Tula -__ Skopin and __Smolensk - __Belyev - __Gorbachyevo - __Michurinsk.
__Tula is a city and administrative center of __Tula Region of__ Russia. The city is situated about 193 km __south of __Moscow on __Upa River. There are 21 towns (including large cities - __Tula, __Novomoskovsk,__ Aleksin,__ Shchekiono,__ Uzlovaya and __Efremov) and 23 districts.
Приложение 5
There are a lot of English and Russian proverbs and sayings about our Motherland and its people. Let's review some of them. Match the Russian equivalents.
East or West, home is best.
There is no place like home.
Don't carry coals to Newcastle.
An Englishman's home is his castle.
Every bird likes its own nest best.
It is not the places that grace the men, but men the places.
It's a small world.
Men may meet but mountains never greet.
Дома и солома едома.
На своей печи сам себе голова.
Всяк кулик своё болото хвалит.
В Тулу со своим самоваром не ездят.
Не место красит человека, а человек место.
Мир тесен.
Гора с горой не сходятся, а человек с человеком всегда сойдётся.
В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
Приложение 6
Transform the word on the right into suitable part of speech.
Russia is a unique country and truly ______________ remark
There're thousands of__________ and cultural attractions: nature
amazing landscapes, ___________towns and cities, picture
_________domes of churches. And of course gold
___________people - the main treasure of Russia. Russia
They're __________talented, very kind incredible
__________and hospitable. patience
Приложение 1
Приложение 3
Write one word associating with the word "Motherland" in a circle.
Finish the sentence and write it in your exercise books:
My Motherland is ….. for me.
Приложение 2
From where does your Motherland begin?
With pictures on ABC cards,
With old and reliable friends of yours,
Who live in the neighboring yards.
But maybe it starts with the cradle song
Your mother once hummed low and sweet,
The memories which no one can take from you,
Whatever, ordeals you may meet.
Say, where does your Homeland begin for you?
With your favourite bench by the tree,
The slender and beautiful birch in the field
That bends to the wind blowing free.
But maybe it starts with the blackbirds' songs,
Spring chorus rejoicing the day,
The old country lane which you love so dear,
That fades in horizons of grey...
Say, where does your Homeland begin for you?
With windows lit up far away,
With Father's starred helmet, brought home
from the war,
We found in the attic one day.
But maybe it starts with the tune of the wheels
As hammered on rails by the train,
With youth's sacred vow that you swore her
That day when your heart was aflame...
M. Matusovsky (translated by I. Fedulova)
Cписок информационных источников,
использованных при подготовке и во время проведения урока:
1. УМК "Enjoy English" 9 класс М. З. Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис, О.И.Кларк, А.Н.Морозова, И.Ю.Соловьева. Издательство «Титул», 2013.
4. en.wikipedia.org
6. russiaprofile.org
7. russiatrek.org