- Учителю
- Урок Поговорим о животных
Урок Поговорим о животных
Поговорим о животных
Развитие лексических навыков (названия частей тела) и навыков чтения;
Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи;
Воспитывать культуру поведения за столом.
Оборудование: аудизиапись, проектор, транскрипционные знаки, шляпа с широкими полями и карточки с вопросами для игры «Любопытный Незнайка»
Ход урока
I Организационный момент
- Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to meet you today! How are you!
- Who is absent today? And who is on duty today?
- Can you tell me what day it is today?
II Фонетическая зарядка
What it's the sound? Name the words with this sound! (на карточка)
[ i:] [ s ] [ v ] [ f ] [ k ] [ g ] [ i ] [ ^ ] [ θ ] [ t ] [ d ] [ei] [ai]
III Речевая разминка
Игра «Любопытный Незнайка». Выбирается Незнайка из детей с помощью считалочки: One, two, three, let me see: Who likes coffee and who likes tea?
One, two, three. Now I see: I like coffee and you like tea.
Незнайка задаёт вопросы детям, взяв их из шляпы.
- What is your name? - Do you like porridge? - How old are you? - Do you like to play football? - Have you got a cat? - Can you dance?
IV Активизация навыков аудирования
And now, children, open your textbooks, please.
We shall read the task of exercise 1 page 32. Is the task clear?
Now listen to the dialogue and complete it. (Приложение №1)
Act out the dialogue.
V Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи
Close your textbooks. Open your workbooks, exercise 2 on page 23.
Put the sentences in a logical order and get ready to read the dialogue.
- Who is ready to start?
VI Физкультминутка
VII Введение новой лексики по теме «Части тела»
It's time to learn some new words. You can see them on the whiteboard. (Приложение №2)
Read the words and match them with pictures, please.
Repeat the words after me please.
Let's write the words in your vocabulary.
VIII Развитие навыков чтения
Let's read the stories about different animals. Open your textbook. They are in exercise 4 on page 33.
Read the stories and match them with the pictures.
Will you read the texts aloud?
Listen to my statements and agree or disagree with them.
Kangaroos can jump well.
Giraffes like to eat meat.
Crocodiles are very strong and angry.
Crocodiles have got nice eyes, funny ears and long neck.
Giraffes have got a long and strong tail.
Crocodiles have got big teeth.
Kangaroos are smart and funny.
Kangaroos like carrots and cabbage.
Crocodiles can't swim well.
Giraffes are not fat.
IX Подведение итогов
Our time is over. Will you stand up, please!
Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!
Домашнее задание
Exercise 5 on page 33 in the textbook
Exercise 1 and 3 on page 23 in the workbook
Приложение №1
Приложение №2