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  • Урок по английскому языку на тему Проблемы в городе для 11 класс

Урок по английскому языку на тему Проблемы в городе для 11 класс

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предварительный просмотр материала

План-конспект урока в 11 классе

Тема : " Проблемы сосуществования ." ( Problems in the neighbourhoods).

Оборудование: УМК В.Эванс, Дж.Дули, И.Михеева.( Spotlight-11); интерактивная доска; аудиозаписи на диске.

Обучающая цель:

Формирование у учащихся операционных умений решения проблемных задач.

Воспитательная цель:

- Формирование толерантности ко всем слоям населения .

-Формирование отношений между учащимися, основанных на уважении друг другу.

-Поддержание интереса к английскому языку.

-Формирование ответственного отношения к работе на уроке.

Развивающая цель:

- Развитие коммуникативных навыков

-Развитие памяти

- Развитие компенсаторных умений

- Развитие навыков аудирования

-развитие инициативы в приобретении знаний

Образовательные задачи:

-Формирование у учащихся преодоления познавательных трудностей

-Продолжение формирования умений и навыков обобщать изученный материал

- Активизация умений учащихся в использовании нового лексического материала

- формирование навыков взаимо и самоконтроля

I. Начало урока. Организационный момент.

1.Приветствие : T: I'm glad to see you, dear friends! Take your seats please and we begin our lesson. How are you today?

T:Thanks a lot. I'm all right. What date is it today? Who is absent ? What is the homework?

Мотивация на успех. That is right. And you will get the marks for your correct answers: for the speaking to the topic ; for knowing the words; for listening; for doing some exercises and perhaps for your dialogues, if we have enough time.

Are you ready to discuss your homework? Have a look at this quotation ( слайд 1) Who are these words written by?

Read them , please!

T:Yes , that's all right. What does it mean?

T: Well , not exactly... Other ideas?

T: Right ...It's a very important issue ***(. BUT HUMAN RACE IS GENERALLY GREEDY, WE ALWAYS WANT MORE...

We need more; we were made for more - much more than other creatures. And we can have this "sunshine, freedom, and a little flower" as well. Made in God's image, we have the opportunity and the privilege to be transformed by goodness, truth, and beauty. Do you agree with me? Very well.)

2. Речевая разминка. Постановка темы урока (Слайд 2)

T: But as we have read in the previous text, life is very unpredictable. One minute you are on top of the world and another you are kicked out of your comfortable lifestyle in a split-second.

Please, look at the title of our new lesson and tell me what will this module be devoted to?

Выведение целей урока:

T Right you are. I'll call the steps of our lesson: firstly is the practicing of new words

Secondly is discussing of the city problems;

then listening for the main understanding( it's the exam's task) and finally the role play to the topic.

Can you purpose the result of the lesson?

T: Well...We live in Moscow ,the biggest city in Russia and there are not only advantages but else disadvantages of living here. Watch the presentation and describe then our native city.

(ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ + ПЕСНЯ "Shape of my heart")

3. Активизация изученной лексики

(слайд 3- паутинки)

T: Well .../What can you say about it?

You are perfectly right. Now look at the smart board and do exercise. Revise the words ( паутинки)

And now I would like to devide you into 3 groups Make the definitions to the new words . Discuss and do the descriptions of :

А) description of the city ( 1 group)

B) Houses and buildings ( 2 group )

C) People ( 3 group) ( 4 мин.подготовки)

T: Are you ready? Check your answers.. Who of you will be free do Ex. in -{ WB p. 71 Mod.5 №1А 1-9 }-6мин.

All done exercises during the lesson will be checked . ( 6 мин. ответы)-- одновременное выполнение упражнения на активизацию лексики в тетрадях .

T: It was good.

4. Введение новой лексики и её отработкa.

T.: We continue to work in groups and discuss the problems of the neighbourhood. I give you 3 minutes to make a list of city problems. (3 мин. подготовки)

Are you ready? Read us your lists aloud.

Not bad! (3 мин.)

Now look at the smart board . Check up your answers. Match the city problems and the pictures. ( Cлайд 4) (1мин.)

T:Well done! Are there the similar problems in Moscow? In place where you live?

And now let us summarize all the facts about problems in Moscow.

( ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ учащихся "My city")

Try to write a plan in your copybooks .it will be useful for the homework.

T: The Presentation was informative . thank you a lot.

5. Аудирование (текст-1мин.28с.)

T: I absolutely agree with your opinions. But now listen to the British teens. Open your books on the page 86 Ex. 2. Read the task, Ignat.... Thank you. Be attentive . Match the problem of ex.1 with the person.

( прослушивание текстов 1 или 2 раза) (-4мин.)

T: Check your answers. What is Bob annoying? What about Helen? And what doesn't Peter like ?


6. Развитие навыков диалогического общения .-составление микро-диалогов

T: Very well... In order to put all your opinions into action, I suggest that in pairs you make your own dialogues to discuss the problems in our city. ( at home )

Read the task 4b choose the situation and express your opinion in 3 minutes.

T: Well , your dialogues were emotional.

7.Подведение итогов урока.

T:To sum up... what can you say about THE SOLVING OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD'S PROBLEMS?


Did we reach the purposal aim?

8. Домашнее задание. (1минута)

T: We'll have to stop now. That's all for today.

Think about the solutions of the problems stated in Ex.1 and tell us next lesson. Do the ex. 2 page 37 in the WB( and make the dialogues Ex/4b p. 86)

It's your homework. Write it down . Max, hand in the copybooks for me, please.

I'd like to thank you for good work at the lesson. All of you worked well. I give excellent marks to..., good- to ..., etc. I wish you good luck. other pupils will get their marks in the copybooks.

The lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye!


St.: I'm fine /OK/ Thanks, and you?/We are well, thank you. And what about you? etc.

St: to learn the words; write the definitions: ex/ 8 p.85-be ready to discuss the quotation.

St: They are written by a well-known Danish author Hans Christian Andersen!( " Just living is not enough, one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower")

St: I think it means that just living a life is not okay we should enjoy each and every part of life like freedom, sunshine and so on.

St: I guess this is a little ironic. Humans are so blessed to simply have life .


St: ("Problems of neighbourhood")

I suppose it is about how the people should live, get on well with others, survive in our hectic world and solve the problems of neighbourhood and environment.

St:The purpose is getting more information and trying to find the solution of problems of the neighbourhoods and in a such way improving our English.

-4' 23"


St: I believe our capital is tremendous and cosmopolitan

3 учащихся по -очереди составляют логические паутинки

одновременно с работой в группах

Ответы по группам.

(10 минут)

Индивидуальные задания -3 учащихся ( WB ex. 1p.37; учебник Ex.1 ;2 p. 160)- в тетрадях

Ответы по группам

1 учащийся

St: Certainly are. there is a lot of rubbish on the streets and sometimes it smells badly.

St: And many cars are parked everywhere! It 's really annoying!

Презентация пары учащихся

3-4 мин.

(5 минут-)

Проверка ответов :

St: Bob is annoying of the amount of rubbish everywhere.

St: Helen is irritating of overcrowded public transport and lack of parking.

St: Peter doesn't like stray dogs .

( 10 минут)

Ответы 3 -х пар. (6 минут)

( 1минута)

St: Anyway, we should be more tolerant to other people but in solving such essentional problems we must start with changing of ourselves .

Yes we have learnt much more about the Moscow problems and were trying to express our opinions.

( 3 минуты)

St:Thank you too, good bye!


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