- Учителю
- План-конспект урока в 5 классе по теме At the library
План-конспект урока в 5 классе по теме At the library
План-конспект урока в 5 классе
Урок №3 раздела II
Тема: В библиотеке
Цель: формирование грамматических навыков по теме «Прошедшее простое время: специальные вопросы»,
образовательные - обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение нового грамматического материала по теме,
создать условия для совершенствования произносительных навыков и развития умений воспринимать и
понимать речь на слух,
создать условия для развития речевых умений (диалогическая речь),
актуализировать знания по теме «A Day out»;
развивающие - содействовать развитию умений применять полученные знания в типовых условиях,
создать условия для развития речевого слуха, а также памяти, внимания, воображения, творческого мышления,
содействовать формированию самостоятельной познавательной деятельности;
воспитательные - обеспечить условия для воспитания положительного интереса к изучаемому предмету,
создать условия, обеспечивающие воспитание интереса к чтению,
обеспечить условия по формированию сознательной дисциплины и норм поведения учащихся.
Урок: комбинированный
Оборудование: учебник, колонка (прослушивание аудиозаписей), двусторонние карточки с неправильным глаголами, ноутбук, проектор, презентация в Power Point (Past Simple Tense Wh-questions), карточки с заданиями (раздаточный материал), доска
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
2. Речевая разминка
Hello! How are you?
Do you like the weather today?
Did you like the weather yesterday?
What did you do yesterday in the evening?
Did anybody read a book?
What book did you read?
Do you buy books or borrow them from the library?
When did you go to the library last time?
What book did you borrow from the library?
Let's go back to the Sesame Street and meet Grover. Grover went to the library yesterday. Let's watch the video. After the video tell me what the librarian told Grover a lot of times.
Hello! I'm fine.
Yes, I do./ No, I didn't.
Yes, I did./ No, I didn't.
Ученики отвечают на вопросы
Просмотр короткого видео
4 мин
3. Проверка домашнего задания
Today we are going to the library with Mike and Elfin. They want to find a book about cave people. Do you remember where they met cave people yesterday?
Tell me, please, what cave people didn't do a long time ago?
Mike and Elfin met the cave people at the museum. They saw them in the picture.
ученики рассказываю подготовленные дома рассказы о том, чего не делали пещерные люди
4 мин
4. Проверка знаний и умений учащихся для подготовки к новой теме
Проверка знания неправильных глаголов
Упражнение на преодоление фонетических трудностей восприятия и грамматических
Ok! Did cave people live in the past or they live now?
What do we do with the verb in the sentence to show that the action was in the past?
(добавлять примеры для лучшего понимания вопроса: We wear trousers or dresses now. / Cave people wore animal skins.)
So, how can we say go in the past;
how can we say make in the past;
how can we say eat in the past;
how can we say ride in the past;
how can we say drive in the past;
how can we say meet in the past;
how can we say take in the past;
how can we say drink in the past;
how can we say have in the past;
how can we say come in the past;
how can we say give in the past;
how can we say say in the past;
how can we say run in the past;
how can we say swim in the past;
how can we say fly in the past;
how can we say wear in the past.
And today at the lesson you'll learn new irregular verbs
see - saw , become - became (When I was a little girl I wanted to become a teacher. And some years ago I became a teacher )
Now listen to the sentences and raise your hand when your hear a verb in the past tense:
I swam in the lake last weekend.
I ride a bike every day.
My mum gave me some sweets yesterday.
In the morning I drink tea.
I met my friend yesterday.
I did my homework yesterday.
People don't fly.
I ran every morning a year ago.
I went for a picnic with my family last weekend.
They lived a long time ago
Ученики говорят о различиях глаголов в настоящем и прошедшем временах
1 мин
1 мин
2 мин
Грамматические карточки на доске Past Simple
Использование двусторонних карточек с неправильным глаголами
4. Постановка цели занятия перед учащимися
So, you've already known what cave people didn't do. And today we are going to listen to the story about cave people's domestic animals. Also we are going to speak about What, When, Where and Why cave people and their domestic animals did a long time ago using the Past Simple Tense.
1 мин
II. Основной этап
1.Восприятие и понимание речи на слух - текста о приручении животных пещерными людьми)
а) предтекстовый этап
б) текстовый этап
First, tell me what domestic animals you know.
As I've already told you Mike and Elfin went to the library yesterday. Elfin liked the pictures in the book "The cat that walks by himself".
On the board you can see some words I'd like us to discuss
library (a place where we can read or borrow books from);
hunting (catching wild animals);
wild animals (lions, tigers, bears);
domestic animals (animals living on a farm).
How do you think what this story is about? What the pictures can tell you about the story?
So, let's listen to this story. After listening answer why the dog and the cow came to the cave.
Why did the dog and the cow come to the cave?
Find the sentences which describe these pictures.
Find sentences below the text and say whether they are true or false.
Do you see any irregular verbs in the story using in Past Simple?
ученики называют домашних животных, с которыми уже знакомились ранее.
ученики разбираю новые слова
ученики высказывают предположения о сюжете
ученики прослушивают историю
ученики отвечают на предтекстовый вопрос,
выбирают правдивые/ложные предложения, описывают картинки,
ищут в тексте неправильные глаголы в прошедшем времени
1 мин
1 мин
1 мин
2 мин
текст в учебнике с.46-47
упр.2, с.47 учебника
4. Физкульт.минутка
Oh! It's so cold in our classroom! Let's move and get warm! Let's pretend that we are animals!
Stand up!
It was fun to be this
It was fun to be that
I flew like a bird,
I climbed like a cat,
I swam like a fish,
I jumped like a frog,
I ate like a horse,
I ran like a dog.
Take your seats.
Have we got any domestic animal in our rhyme?
Ученики выполняют действия животных
A horse
2 мин
текст считалочки написан на доске
в) послетекстовый этап
5. Презентация нового грамматического материала
- ознакомление и первичное закрепление грамматического материала
- тренировка грамматического материала (подстановочные и трансформационные упражнения)
- применение грамматического материала в речи
When did cave people live?
So? We are talking about past events we use Past Tenses.
What Past Tense do you see in the story?
Let's talk about the Past Simple Tense and learn to ask questions in Past Simple.
What question words do you know? Let's remember them (Презентация, слайд 2)
How do we pronounce Wh-words? (Презентация, слайд 3)
Let's take a sentence from the story you've just listened and find a question word to each part of this sentence (Презентация, слайд 4)
Ok! Help me to make a rule how to build a question in Past Simple (Презентация, слайд 5)
Very nice! Try to complete the sentences from the story with Wh-words (Презентация, слайд 6)
It wasn't difficult! But now make questions putting the words in the correct order (Презентация, слайд 7) and then answer these questions.
I hope now you know about cave people's life more.
Let's talk about you and play!
Everyone got his/her number. So now the first group asks any question from the card choosing a number from 1 to 5. The pupil from the other group who has that number has to answer the question. And then do the same thing with the first group: ask a question and choose the number.
When did you go to the library last time?
What book did you borrow from the library?
Who wrote that book?
Why did you choose that book?
Where did you read that book?
Take a look at the picture.
Work in groups and describe this picture.
They lived many years ago
Past Simple
Ученики выполняют грамматические упражнения
работа в группах (ответы на вопросы)
Ученики описывают картинку
1 мин
2 мин
1 мин
1 мин
2 мин
</ 2 мин
2 мин
5 мин
(Приложение 1)
использование раздаточного материала
III. Заключительный этап
1. Обобщение изучаемого на уроке и введение его в систему ранее усвоенных знаний (рефлексия)
Very nice!
So what can you do/speak about after our lesson?
Can you speak about cave people's life?
Can you speak about their domestic animals?
Can you ask questions using question words what/who/when/where/why in the Past Simple Tense?
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
1 мин
2. Контроль, оценка знаний
1 мин
3. Домашнее задание
At home write questions about cave people and their domestic animals (ex.7с, p.49)
1 мин
д/з написано на доске
4. Подведение итогов урока
So, today you've spoken about books and library.
You've learnt how ask questions about the past.
Good job!
See you next week.
Good bye.
1 мин