• Учителю
  • Открытый урок английского языка в МБОУ СОШ №6 им. И. Т. Сидоренко г. Усть-Лабинск.

Открытый урок английского языка в МБОУ СОШ №6 им. И. Т. Сидоренко г. Усть-Лабинск.

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предварительный просмотр материала

План урока: Защита проекта по теме «СМИ: телевидение»

What and how would you advice to watch on TV?


Задачи и цели:

  1. Совершенствование новых УР;

  2. Совершенствование навыков и умений грамматических знаний;

  3. Развитие умений работы в группах.

Оборудование: мультимедийная установка, необходимые вещи для изготовления постера.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент урока. Речевая зарядка.

  2. Основной этап рока.

  1. Слова учителя:

I am glad to see you. Last lessons we have been studying the theme: Mass Media Television. I think it is the most important part of it. We have learned new words, word combinations, new grammar rules. And today we try to speak about it and I hope you would like to give some advices how and what programmes to watch on TV.

Firstly, we form two teams. Leaders are Tanskaya V. and Saybel A. and each team represents your homework (ex.3, p.52-53) each team becomes your own part of this text. You come to the blackboard and write the formed word. You must write to what part of speech it belongs. Then you must read your part and name it. This name is the title of your poster. You get 15 minutes to prepare your poster and then represent it. You can use ex.9, p.48. we ask our guests to appraise them. They will appraise it in 4 tasks. They are: 1) volume; 2) contents; 3) vocabulary, grammar rules; 4) figuration.

For each task you can get 2 points.

Good luck.

  1. Работа над постерами заняла 10 минут;

  1. Защита проектов (в защите проектов принимали участие все члены команды);

Команда 1 (team 1):

Hello. We would like to tell you about influence the TV to life of children. This problem is actually.

Pupil 1. In some families children watch too much television - four or five hours every day. Not all the programmes they watch are good for young viewers.

For example, a programme may have cruel scenes where people attack each other violently, use rude language and behave shamelessly. Specialists say that children unfortunately often copy what they see. That is why those who watch fights on television have a tendency to be more aggressive.

Pupil 2. To my mind, it is bad, that children spend a lot of time in front of TV set.

Firstly, they harm their health spending a lot of time in front of TV set.

Secondly, children become addicted to TV programmes. They fall asleep to TV set and turn on it as the first thing in the morning.

Pupil 3. Thank you. What about your opinion, Nastya?

Pupil 4. I think, that Dasha is true. To my mind it is bad, that children try a lot of time in front of TV set.

Pupil 3. Thank you. And what about you?

Pupil 5. I think that it is bad too.

Pupil 3: thank you. To sum up, we show you our opinion and our poster. We hope that you give a mark to our poster and that our show was being liked to you. Thank you for your attention.

Команда 2 (team 2):

Hallo. It`s our team.

I hope we enlighten our theme very well.

Children watch television very much. Maybe it is better for children to know about cruelty and violence? And all members of team will tell about it.


Маша, what do you think about this theme?

Сахно Маша:

I think it is better for children to know about cruelty and violence. Because children can discuss this theme with parents and such discussion let parents explain to their children how to behave in threading situations and the young ones with feel more protected.

Ведущий:Thank you for opinion.

Ведущий: Соня, what do you think about it?

Русанова Соня:

Forgive me if I keep correcting you, but I think children mustn`t to know about cruelty and violence. Because the children often copy what the see. That is why those who watch fights on television have a tendency to be more aggressive.

Ведущий:Thank you for this opinion.

Ведущий: Настя, what do you think about it?

Копылова Настя: Sorry to correct you but I think it is better for children because they have chance to ask their parents about cruelty and violence. Parents can explain to children that cruelty and violence are bad.

Ведущий:Thank you for opinion.

All members of team have their opinions. But I agree with Маша and Настя. I think it is better for children to know about violence and cruelty.

Thank you for your attention.

  1. Команды задали друг другу вопросы;

Примеры вопросов: How long do you watch TV every day? Which programmes do you prefer: comedy or educational? Why do you prefer this type of programmes? Which TV programmes are you advice?

  1. Гости подвели итоги.

  1. Заключительный этап урока.

  1. Слова учителя: (благодарность за участие, за активность. Учителем было сказано что прозвучали 2 темы, были изучены разные мнения, и эти мнения были обоснованы. Это - самое главное. В группах было единодушие и согласие)

  2. Домашнее задание? Подготовить высказывание о значении книг.


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