- Учителю
- Урок в 9 классе по теме «Моя любимая программа»
Урок в 9 классе по теме «Моя любимая программа»
Урок в 9 классе по теме « Моя любимая программа»
Цели обучения:
образовательная: обобщить знания учащихся по теме, дополнить их новыми сведениями;
развивающая: формировать приёмы умственной деятельности, учить мыслить логически;
воспитательная: побуждать учащихся к самостоятельному поиску дополнительной информации, использованию уже знакомой информации на русском языке, на английском языке.
Методы обучения: стимулирующий, побуждающий.
Методы преподавания: побуждающий говорить на английском языке.
Тип урока: обобщение и систематизация знаний.
Вид урока: смешанный.
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am very glad to see you and we'll try to make our lesson useful
and interesting. At the beginning of our lesson I'd like you to look at the board. Here are some lines of words. In each line there is one different word. Your task is to find them.
(демонстрируется криптограмма)
uordichannelpque (ответы учащихся)
II. Фонозарядка. Let's read these words. (правильные варианты на слайде)
chat show
weather forecast
T: Olya, tell us on what theme all the different words are.
Pupil: They are on the theme "Television".
T: Right you are. Today we are having our lesson "My favourite programme" and our aim is to generalize our knowledge on this question and to get known something new for us concerning TV.
III. Речевая зарядка.
1. What is the most popular leisure activity in the UK?
2. You are fond of reading, aren't you?
3. We can't watch TV programmes from other countries, can we?
4. Do you often watch TV?
5. Are there a lot of children's programmes on our TV channels?
6. What programme did you watch yesterday? Did you like it?
IV. We can hardly imagine our life without TV. It offers the viewers several programmes on different channels to satisfy all tastes. Before our talk about your preferences of the programmes let's name and speak about all kinds of programmes.
So, give me the definitions and examples.
1. It is a programme in which famous people talk about themselves and answer questions about their lives, opinions etc. (Chat show)
2. It is a film , espetially a story for children that is made by photographing a series of drawings,so that they seem to move. (Cartoon)
3. It is an amusing programme in which there is a different story each week about the same group of people. (Sitcom)
4. This programme is broadcast early in the morning, which includes news and tells you what time it is; there are also usually songs and jokes and conversations with famous people.
( Breakfast show)
5. It is a television programme about wild animals and plants. (Wildlife programme)
6. It is a television story about a group of people and their lives, which is broadcast for many years. (Soap opera)
7. That programme gives you facts and informationabout a serious subject, such as history, science or social programme. (Documentary)
V. Now let's use our vocabulary. Translate the sentences using the expressions
a. The channel "Culture" offers more serious programmes.
b. Давай посмотрим комедию!
a. Cable TV viewers pay for the programmes they want to see.
b. Когда будут новости?
Thanks to the satelitte British TV viewers can watch programmes from different Europian
Я видел прогноз погоды. Завтра будет тепло.
a. The Independent Channel gets most of his money from advertising.
b. Эта передача будет транслироваться сегодня вечером.
a. Unfortunately there are few children's programmes.
b. Они показывают слишком много рекламы.
a. When will the news be shown?
b. Утреннее шоу «Доброе утро» это соединение всех видов программ: прогноза погоды, музыки, интервью, новостей.
VI. Аудирование.
Now I want you to listen to an extract from the interview. Nancy is telling about her favourite
telly programmes. How do you think what she likes?
1. Look, listen and try to undestand.
2. Have you undestood the narrator?
(Слайд с различными аспектами)
1.time of viewing TV- 10 minutes, 1 hour, 2hours
2.favourite programmes- sitcoms, chat show, wildlife programmes
3description of most of telly programmes-
4.the sort of the programme she doesn't like- soaps, news, children's programmes
5.one of the advantages of TV- advertising, informartive
3. Listen to the interview once again and pay attention to these aspects.
4. Fill in your cards. Choose the correct variants.
5. So, let's speak about the girl's preferences. Make up your sentences to describe Nancy and
her attitude to" an one-eyed monster". Don't forget about the ending -s. (Vs)
6. Maxim, please, give us the summary of Nancy's interview. Use this plan.
VII. Монолог.
Of course, tastes differ. Everybody has his own favourite programme. Be ready to tell some words about your preferences. You are welcome!
P1, P2, P3
VIII. Заключительный этап урока.
Now our lesson is over. I'm pleased with your work and your marks for today are…
I see you can speak about television. Of course, television is a hard test of our wisdom: either we can use it or it can use us. And I think you use and will use television for your best benefit and enrichment.