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- Сценарий спектакля 'Дюймовочка' на английском языке (2-5 классы)
Сценарий спектакля 'Дюймовочка' на английском языке (2-5 классы)
Сценарий спектакля «Thumberlina» (Дюймовочка) на англ.языке
для 2-5 классов
Действующие лица:
Storyteller, Рассказчик
Thumberlina, Дюймовочка
Witch, Колдунья
Mother, Мама
Toad, Жаба
Toad's son, Сын жабы
May-bug, Майский жук
Насекомое 1
Насекомое 2
Насекомое 3
Насекомое 4
Mouse, Мышь
Mole, Крот
Swallow, Ласточка
Prince, Принц
Elf, Эльф
Storyteller: Once upon a time lived a woman. She wanted to have a child very much. And she decided to go to a witch.
(Мать приходит к ведьме)
Mother: Good evening.
Witch: Good evening. Why are you here?
Mother: I want to have a child. Can you help me?
Witch: Take this small grain and put it into the flower pot.
Mother: Thank you very much.
(Мать приходит домой и кладет зернышко в цветочный горшок, появляется цветок)
Mother: Oh, what a pretty flower!
(Из цветка появляется Дюймовочка)
Thumberlina: Who am I?
Mother: You are my daughter. You are very pretty and small. Your name is …Thumberlina.
Thumberlina: I like my name. Where do I live?
Mother: You live in this flower. It's late. Go to bed.
(Дюймовочка засыпает, мама уходит)
(Появляется жаба).
Toad: Oh, what a pretty girl. She is a perfect wife for my son.
(Уносит Дюймовочку)
Storyteller: In the morning poor Thumberlina wakes up and see ugly toads.
Toad: Co-ax, co-ax. Wake up, dear girl.
Toad's son: What a pretty girl! What is your name?
Thumberlina: My name is Thumberlina. Where am I?
Toad: It is your home.
Toad's son: You will be my wife. Co-ax, co-ax.
Thumberlina: Oh, no.
Toad: Be a good girl. The wedding is soon.
(Уходят)(Дюймовочка плачет)
(Прилетает майский жук)
May-bug: Poor girl. I can help you.
(Забирает Дюймовочку и улетает)
Thumberlina: Thank you.
May-bug: What is your name?
Thumberlina: My name is Thumberlina.
(Появляются насекомые) - Т А Н Е Ц
(После танца окружают Жука и Дюймовочку)
Насекомое 1: She is slim.
Насекомое 2: She has only two legs.
Насекомое 1: She is ugly.
Насекомое 2: She is very ugly.
Насекомое 3: Go away.
Насекомое 4: Go away.
May - bug: Go away, you are not pretty, you are ugly. (Улетают)
(Дюймовочка идет и плачет)
(Появляется мышь)
Mouse: Poor little girl! What is your name?
Thumberlina: My name is Thumberlina.
Mouse: Come to my house. I can help you.
(Мышь уводит Дюймовочку)
Storyteller: The autumn comes. Thumberlina lives in the Mouse's house.
(Дюймовочка и Мышь занимаются домашними делами)
Mouse: My dear! I have got a good husband for you. He is the Mole.
Thumberlina: I don't need a husband.
Mouse: Stupid girl. He is rich, his rooms are big.
(Стук в дверь, Входит крот)
Mole: Knock, knock. May I come in?
Mouse: Please, come in, dear friend. (Подталкивает Дюймовочку к кроту)
This is Thumberlina.
Thumberlina: Welcome. I'm glad to meet you.
Mole: What a nice voice! You will be my wife. Think about it.
Mouse: She will think.
(Крот уходит)
(Дюймовочка сидит и плачет. Вдруг слышит шум. Влетает ласточка и падает)
Thumberlina: Dear swallow! Are you alive?
Swallow: My wing! My wing! I can't fly.
Thumberlina: I can help you.
(Дюймовочка ухаживает за ласточкой)
Storyteller: Many days Thumberlina takes care of the Swallow. The winter comes, then the spring comes.
Mouse: (Зовет Дюймовочку) Thumberlina! Thumberlina! (Вбегает Дюймовочка) Today the Mole comes. You will be his wife. (Надевает на неё фату)
(Входит Крот)
Mole: May I come in?
Mouse: Please, come in. Thumberlina is ready for wedding.
Thumberlina: Dear Mouse, dear Mole! May I say goodbye to the Sun.
Mole: Mmm.. I think you may.
(Дюймовочка убегает)
Thumberlina: (обращаясь к солнцу) Oh, Sun, goodbye.
(Появляется ласточка).
Swallow: Good day, dear girl. I am here to thank you. My wing is fine, I fly away.
Thumberlina: Please, take me too.
Swallow: Ok. Let's fly.
Swallow: It is a warm country. It is your home. Goodbye. (улетает)
(Появляется принц эльфов и эльф)
Elf: Look! Here is a little girl.
Prince: She is so beautiful.
Elf: She is lonely. Maybe we can take her with us?
Prince: Let's come up to her.
(Подходят к Дюймовочке)
Elf: Hello. Welcome to our country. Country of elves.
Prince: I am Prince of elves. Who are you?
Thumberlina: My name is Thumberlina.
Prince: Dear Thumberlina, would you like to live with elves in pretty flowers?
Thumberlina: I want it very much.
Prince: Welcome.
Storyteller: Thumbelina lives with elves. She is merry and happy.