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- План-конспект к уроку для 4 класса 'School is fun'.
План-конспект к уроку для 4 класса 'School is fun'.
Методическая разработка
План-конспект урока
школа №54 класс 4 «А»
тема «School is fun».
Выполнил: Бойкова А.В.
Москва, 2015г.
Методическая разработка по теме юнита 7 по УМК М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева. Английский язык. «Английский с удовольствием. Enjoy English». Учебник для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений ( третий год изучения языка). Издательство Титул. Количество учащихся: 12 человек. Возраст учащихся: 10 лет.
2. Задачи урока
Практическая задача.
Научить учащихся употреблять в речи лексику по теме «Школа».
2.Воспитательная задача.
Отработка умения работать в команде, а также формирование толерантности и уважительного отношения к мнению одноклассников.
3.Образовательная задача.
Способствовать расширению вокабуляра учащихся по теме «Школа». Воспринять на слух информацию из текста и выразить свое понимание в требуемой форме ( продолжить рассказ); описать кабинет английского языка; рассказать о школьных занятиях; восстановить текст, вставляя пропущенные слова.
4.Развивающая задача.
Способствовать развитию слуховой и словесно - логической памяти, а также внимания учащихся.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент (08:30)
T. Good morning, pupils! How are you today, Аnn?
P.1 Good morning, teacher! I'm fine, thank you. And you?
T. I'm fine, thanks, too.
T. Now work in pairs and ask your partner.
2. Речевая зарядка ( 08:32)
T. Let's look around. What objects can you see in our classroom? Are there any posters, maybe even schoolbags? ( слайд 1)
P.1 There are a lot of schoolbags in our classroom.
P.2 There is a board.
P.3 There are eight desks in the classroom.
P.4 There is a teacher's table.
T. That's good. Now, let's look at the screen and be sure, that we've mentioned all school objects in our classroom. (слайд 2)
( Проверяют себя)
Do not mix up the words « desk» and «board».
Answer to my questions, please! (слайд 3)
Vanya, is our classroom large?
Sveta, is there a board in our classroom?
Masha, have we got any flowers?
Kate, is there a computer in our classroom?
3. Фонетическая зарядка (08:36) (слайд 4)
T. At the screen you can see a few words, concerning our classroom.
What does the word «classroom" mean? It consists of two words, you know. What are they?
P.1 класс, комната.
P.2 классная комната
T. Mind the pronunciation of the words: (слайд 5)
poster ['pəustə]
board [bɔːd]
T. Do you know, them? I suppose, you can guess it.
P.1 - постер, плакат.
P.2 - доска, snowboard.
T. - Yes, you are quite right.
Pupils ( повторяют за учителем)
T. Ann, could you read these words, please? (слайд 4)
P. Ann is reading the words.
T. Vanya, do it again, please.
P. Vanya is reading the words.
4. Работа с аудиотекстом. (08:41)
T. Look at the screen. Listen to what Jim told his mother about his new classroom. Continue his story. (слайд 4)
Mind the usage of there is/ there are construction, please!
Pupils are making the task.
You told me that we have certain objects in our classroom. Tell me, please what else would you like to have.
Look at the screen, please. ( Опорный слайд I would like to have a goldfish and a parrot). (слайд 6)
5. Paбота над новой лексикой ( 08:48)
Look at the screen, please. So, there are a few words and word combinations. How can we thanslate them? (слайд 7)
P.1 переводить
T. Exactly, mind the prepositions, please
to translate from …into… means переводить с… на…
learn by heart means to learn a poem by heart (наизусть)
break - you can relax at this time after the lesson( перемена)
during ( mind the pronunciation) во время.
T. Open your books at p. 101. We'll make Ex.3. (слайд 8)
Read the words and say what you usually do in the lesson.
Here you have a box with the words which can help you.
P.1 I usually answer the questions in the lesson.
P.2 I usually learn poems by heart.
P.3 I usually listen to the records.
P.4 I usually translate from English into Russian in the lesson.
T. In the box you can see verbs most of all. Tell me please, what type of verbs do we have?
P.1 Regular and Irregular verbs.
Put a tick above irregular verbs in the box. (раздаю заранее заготовленное задание)
T. That's great.
Now you have a task for matching. You should combine the words. Do it in pairs, please.
( Раздаю листочки с заданием). Выполняют в парах.
6. Закрепление. (09:05)
Open your workbooks at p.56 Ex.3. It's a short test for multiple choice. Circle the correct variant. Only one is possible.
Проверяем на слайде. (слайд 9)
7. Домашнее задание (09:08) (слайд 10)
p.115Ex.1 it's a small project work. Draw a plan of your classroom and write the names of the objects in English.
p.115 Ex.2 translate from Russian into English. ( written)
Is the task clear? Have you got any questions?
8. Итог урока. (слайд 11)
T.Today our work was very productive. Thank you. Listen to your marks, please. ( называю оценки). Our lesson is over, good bye.
P. Good bye. Thank you for the lesson.
Приложение 1 к заданию 4
Jim: Our classroom is large and light. We've got 9 desks and 9 chairs in the classroom. There are new and comfortable. We've got a big board. We can write and draw on the board. There is a bookcase, a TV and a video in the classroom. We can watch English films. We've got a goldfish in our classroom.
( There is a teacher's table in the classroom. There are two posters on the wall. There are a lot of books in the bookshelf. There are Tiny's portraits on the wall. They have some plants in the classroom).
Приложение 2
Put a tick above irregular ( неправильные) verbs.
Dance, draw, clean, read, help, count, write, listen, play, jump, speak, sing, learn, run, sit, stand, ask questions, answer the questions, tell, translate (from English into Russian), watch, feed, learn by heart, think
Приложение 3
learn qustions
speak songs
sing English
answer by heart
stand from… to…
translate down
count from…into…
sit up
Приложение 4 ( рабочая тетрадь)
In the lesson we … the teacher's questions.
asked b) answered c) said
Can you … from English into Russian?
read b) translate c) tell
Dou you … your homework every day?
make b) write c) do
There is a short … between the first and the second lessons.
hour b) break c) time
They will learn this poem by … .
hand b) heart c) head