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  • Презентация урока по английскому языку Going to Norway

Презентация урока по английскому языку Going to Norway

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Plan of the lesson "Going to Norway"

on the 10- th form conducted by Seitbembetova Zh. S.

The theme: Going to Norway ( after Roald Dahl )

The main goals of the lesson: to develop pupil's speech habits, to

use new lexiсs of the lesson .

-to practice pupils in mono and dialogical speech.

Method: Group work

The visual aids: Table, maps,an interactive board.

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

1. Who is on duty today? - I am

2. What date is it today? - Today is …..

3. Who is absent? - All are present

4. What was your home task? - Ex-s ………

II. Checking up home tasks:

Ex- s 58-59

III. Well, let's listen to the text on tape recorder, after you'll read artificially in the announcer's manner.

( Students one by one read the text " Going to Norway")

IV. The next task is : I give you the beginning of sentences you 'll find the end of them.

1. Except for my half-sister and ………

2. There were all those train ………

3. Six huge trunks were carefully ………..

4. We used to lie in ……………

5. All of us were embraced and ………

6. Unless you have sailed down …………

V. I give you the end of the sentences you'll find the beginning of the sentences:

1. …………….. was like going home.

2. ……………….( that's ten altogether).

3. ……………….. have been a nightmare.

4. …………….that pretty name and call it Oslo instead.

5. …………… emotional welcome awaited us.

6. ………………not a house or a tree on the bare rocks.

V. Match the phrases in English with their Russian equivalents. Find the sentences with these phrases in the text and read them out.

1. to be certain a) убедиться

2 in a way в) поблизости, под рукой

3. in addition ( to) с) ожить

4. to make sure d) в каком-то смысле

5. I had better е) им управляли, его содержали

6. within easy reach f) быть уверенным, убежденным

7. to come alive g) вдобавок, помимо

8. it was run by … h) уж лучше я

Дұрыс жауабы: 1f, 2d, 3 g, 4 a, 5 h, 6 b, 7 c, 8 e.

V. Answer the questions why- questions.

1. Why did the narrator remember the summer holidays of his young years so well?

2. Why was going to Norway almost like going home?

3. Why did it take the family four days to get from their English home to Norway?

4. Why was it a problem for his mother to get everything arranged for the trip?

5. Why did the family have " mountains of luggage?

6. Why did they have to go to Newcastle, and specifically to thе Newcastle docks?

7. Why does the narrator write about Oslo if the name of the capital was Christiania?

8. Why was crossing the North Sea not always pleasant, especially for Nanny?

9. Why did the family stop off for a night in Oslo?

10. Why did the family love the last stage of their journey?

11. Why, in your view, was the island of Fjome " the greatest place on earth " for the narrator?

VI. Look at the map and follow the family's route from their home to the Oslofjord. Remember what the narrator said about each stage of the journey. ( students one by one tell about the journey)

VII. Conclusion: Marks for their participants

VIII. Homewoks : Ex. - 64-65.


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