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- Программа элективного курса для 10 класса Страноведческо- грамматический
Программа элективного курса для 10 класса Страноведческо- грамматический
Элективный курс « Страноведческо- грамматический»
10 класс
Пояснительная записка
Настоящая рабочая программа разработана на основе программы « Английский язык 5-9 классы школ с углубленным изучением иностранных языков Под ред. В.В. Сафоновой (Москва «Просвещение» 2006}
Рассчитана на 17 часов из расчета 0,5 учебных часов в неделю. Данная программа взята за основу т.к. она предполагает взаимосвязанное коммуникативно- речевое, социокультурное и языковое развитие школьников с учетом возрастных особенностей и личнообразующего потенциала ИИ как учебного предмета на каждой из ступеней обучения в средней школе. Программа для школ с углубленным изучением иностранных языков, а это значит, что тематика и содержание учебного общения для 7- 9 классов в гимназиях соответствует примерно 9-11 классу средней общеобразовательной школы. Темы для культуроведческого общения взяты из программы «Английский язык 5-9 классы школ с углубленным изучением иностранных языков Под ред. В.В. Сафоновой (Москва «Просвещение» 200б)( см. программу стр.20,25- грамматика, 40-41)
Цель обучения: развитие у школьников способностей использовать иностранный язык как инструмент общения в диалоге культур и цивилизаций современного мира, взаимосвязное коммуникативное и социокультурное развитие школьников средствами иностранного языка для подготовки их к межкультурному общению в сфере школьного и послешкольного образования, к использованию иностранного языка как средства самообразования в интересующих областях человеческого знания , в качестве инструмента индивидуально- личностного проникновения в культуры других народов (см. стр. 4-5 программы)
Задачи курса:
Стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению других иностранных языков и многообразия современной культурной среды западной и других цивилизаций! (cм стр. 8 программы)
Социокультурное развитие школьников на основе введения в культуроведение Великобритании и США( см стр. 8 программы)
Развитие умений грамматически правильно оформлять иноязычную речь, не допуская ошибок, препятствующих речевому общению на английском языке ( стр. 25 программы)
Тематика взята из программы (см. программу стр.40-41), грамматика (см программу стр.25)
Требования к уровню подготовки
В результате изучения Элективного курса « Разговорный английский 10 класс » учащиеся должны
Знать/ понимать
правописание аффиксов, правила употребления знаков пунктуации
глагол, использование временных форм в придаточных предложениях времени и условия
грамматические категории времени, вида и аспекта.
основные типы английского предложения, грамматическое оформление различных вопросов (стр. 45, 22-25)
страноведческую информацию об англоязычных и других странах (стр. 40)
собирать, систематизировать и интерпретировать культуроведческую информацию (стр.43)
быть способным участвовать в учебных проектах по культуроведческой тематике! (стр.43)
при работе с текстом уметь использовать справочные материалы (стр. 38)
подготовить выступление по культуроведческой тематике (стр. 43)
уметь коммуникативно приемлемо, грамматически правильно прочитать и озвучить речевую ситуацию диалогического или монологического общения. (стр.39)
опознавать грамматически неправильные предложения в текстовых заданиях, самостоятельно исправлять погрешности собственной письменной речи (стр. 46)
Использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни:
использование умений письменного и устного представления себя в школьных и послешкольных образовательных учреждениях (стр. 36)(используя знания грамматических явлений английского языка прим. автора)
использовать знания страноведческой информации во время международных визитов
№ n/n |
Название раздела. Тема урока |
Кол-во часов |
Вид контроля. Измерители |
Страница учебника |
Дата проведений | |
план |
факт | |||||
1 |
Вводное (географическая лексика) |
1 |
лексика |
| |
2 |
Краткий социокультурный портрет США |
1 |
карта |
3 |
Краткий социокультурный портрет США |
1 |
чтение |
4 |
Краткий социокультурный портрет США |
1 |
чтение |
5 |
Краткий социокультурный портрет США |
1 |
Защита проектов |
6 |
Дополнение к социокультурному портрету Объединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии |
1 |
карта |
7 |
Дополнение к социокультурному портрету Объединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии |
1 |
Опоры, викторина |
8 |
Дополнение к социокультурному портрету Объединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии |
1 |
Опоры, викторина |
9 |
Дополнение к социокультурному портрету Объединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии |
1 |
проект |
10 |
Глагол: глаголы правильные и неправильные |
1 |
тренинг |
11 |
Грамматические категории времени, вида и аспекта |
1 |
тренинг |
Система согласования времён
Использование временных форм в придаточном времени
Использование временных форм в придаточном условия
Неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, причастие и герундий
Модальные глаголы
Подведение итогов
Географическая лексика. Занятие № 1
Desert- пустыня
Plain -равнина
Hill - холм
Forest- лес
Island - остров
Ocean -океан
Wood - лес
Mountain range- цепь гор
Prairie- прерия
Coast -побережье
Unique- уникальный
Huge - огромный
Fiat -плоский
Extensive- обширный
Deep- глубокий
Vast -громадный
Gulf of-зал ив
Area -площадь
Include -включать
Landscapes -ландшафт
Washed by - омываться
Resource- ресурс
Industry - промышленность
Climate -климат
Drought -засуха
Suffer -страдать
Bounded by - граничить
Situated -находиться
River -река
State - государство
Describe- описывать
Nickname - прозвище
Sea -море
Country- государство, страна
Занятие № 2
Занятие № 3,4
The United States
I. Geography
Highest point; Mount McKinley, Alaska, 20,320ft. -l Lowest point: Death Valley, Calif., 232ft. below sea level.
Most Northern point: Point Barrow, Alaska, 71°23' N. Jat. Most Southern point: Kalae, on island of Hawaii, 18°56' N. lat.
Most Eastern point: West Quoddy Head, Main, 66°57' W. long.
Most Western point: Kure Island, Hawaii, 178°22' W. long.
"The United States of America" is in general acceptance the name of the country composed of 50 states joined in a federal republic, and its citizens are universally known as "Americans".
On the North it is bordered by Canada. The eastern half of the southern boundary is naturally defined by the Gulf of Mexico, hut in the West the nation is separated from Mexii о by an oblique line following first the Rio Grande river and continuing afterward across the highlands to the Pacific Ocean.
The west-coast states are separated from the oriental -я'гЛопз of the Far E;ist by 5,000 to 6,000 mi, hut Hawaii which became the 50th state in 1959 is situated approximately midway. Alaska is separated from Soviet Siberia by only about 50 mi of the Bering strait.
The main part of the United States presents four physical divisions: two elevated and two lowland regions. The elevated are the Appalachian Mountains in the east and the Rocky Mountains or Cordilleran system in the west.
The eastern uplift, the Appalachian Mountains, are the older and less extensive of the two great highland sections of the United States. They consist chiefly of the mountain ranges which are nearly parallel with the Atlantic Coast and extend from near the Gulf of Mexico north into Canada.
Nearly all of the western part of the United States, beginning about the 104th meridian, belongs to the Rocky Mountain region. The Rocky Mountains extend from Mexico to Canada. The ranges which constitute this group are by no means regular in arrangement. In the southern part of the portion drained by the Colorado River is a region of high plateaus crossed by streams which flow through deep canons.
The central lowland lies between and on the lower slopes of the two great uplifts. It is called the Mississippi Valley on account of the greater portions being in the basin of the-Mississippi River. The higher slopes, merging into the foot hill region of the Appalachian on the east and the Pacific on the west, become the plateau lands. The large grassy, almost treeless areas in this section are called prairies. The northern part of this central section is founded by the Great Lakes 2. There are numerous sandbars and swamp lands along the southern coast. Mountain peaks of the north-west section seem like outposts on the beginning of the plateau region. In the southwest the lowlands extend so that the greater part of the United States south of the Appalachian Mountains is one continuous lowland mass.
Along the Pacific Coast is a narrow strip of low land. The southern part of this lowland border is considerably wider than that of the northern part. The numerous parallel valleys furnish a considerable area of productive farm lands. The eastern lowland mass is along the Atlantic Coast. The southern part of the Atlantic lowlands joins the central lowland region south of the Appalachian Mountains. It is the oldest portion settled by Europeans. The mountains in the northern part approach the ocean so that the foot-hills are almost at the sealine; the lowlands are in some places really series of low hills, masses of rocks and sandy soil. Beginning with and including the southern portions of New Jersey, and continuing to the Gulf and Florida Strait, is a plain of low, almost level, land. The soil and climate contribute to the extensive growth of fruits, tobacco, corn and cotton. The northern section of the Atlantic lowland is a worn-down mountain region and the southern section was a sea-bottom. This section has received the name of "Tide Water Country".
The main laud mass of the United States is in the temperate zone. The climatic conditions of the country are modified by the great mountains and the winds. With every variation of surface it possesses every variety of climate, from that of the tropics, to that of the Arctic regions. It is at the same time one of the hottest and one of the coldest countries; one of the wettest and one of the driest. The prevailing winds are from the west and are an important factor in the climatic conditions. The circulations of air from west to east does not take place in steadily blowing winds, but in cyclonic or whirling storms. In these storms winds blov from all directions, the general course being nearly toward the centre of the storm. There is another class of storms. This is what iscommonly known an the West Indian hurricane. Originating in the tropics, their course is generally over the West Indies, entering the United States in the Gulf Coast. Many of these have been extremely disastrous.
The average temperature for January in the extreme north (exclusive of Alaska) is about 200 F3? For July about 600 F. the mercury falls as 400 F bellow zero in the northern part of Minnesota, and is sometimes as high as 20° F in the hot, dry sections of Arizona and Texas. The difference in temperature of places in the same latitude humidity; but it is subject to extreme and rapid changes in temperature. This region is also subject to extreme changes in the winds.
Do you know that Louisiana is one of the leading states in fur trapping? Other important products are sugar cane, sweet potatoes, rice and cotton. The state is an improtant producer of petroleum, paper, natural gas, chemicals and salt.
The mid-summer Louisiana sun was a red blotch in the hazy sky. To the three men in the open touring car it felt like a blow torch, suspended a foot above them. Two of the men lay on the back seat with their coats off, with handkerchiefs wrapped about their necks, and with their mouths sagging open as though they were a pair of strangled fish. The third man sat hunched over the wheel with a bandage round his forehead to keep the salt sweat out of his eyes. They had really taken the twenty-six mile drive 'over the sandy road because Avery Smallwood had put in a telephone call. He said "Please bring two deputies, Mr Tuckahue", and Mr Tuckahue had brought the two deputies.
Now, as they passed beyond the broad, Oat fields knee high with cotton plants as far back as the eye could see, and, passed beyond the last cluster of tumble-down shacks where the Negro sharecroppers6 lived, they came abruptly to the magnificent grounds which, surrounded the Smallwood home.
After the long drive over the sunbaked sand, the house and the green grass and the tall shade trees that lined the road - cypress and sycamore trees and huge weeping willows with foliage like thick seaweed - all this seemed to the men in the touring car like an oasis in the midst of a desert.
The car was still a little distance from the concrete drive that curved up to the Smallwood home. The car stopped under the shade of one of the overhanging willows.
The Smallwood home was modern in style and elegantly handsome in its setting of green shrubs, leafy trees and delicately designed flower beds. It was the only house of its kind in a district where the majority of planters had not even been able to touch, paint to their old homes for five years past, let alone build new ones 7. As such it was both a show place and a source of burning envy. By continuing to prosper through the lean years of the cotton market, Avery Small-wood had been almost unique in the owning class of his district. There was sound enterprise behind his success. His plantation was unusually large, for one thing 8; he ginned his own cotton for another; and most important, he controlled "a weave mill which bought the cotton he himself sold. These things had enabled him to push ahead where so many others had gone under.
All of this - the house and the well-kept grounds, the fruit orchard which extended for a mile before the cotton fields began again, the new brick garage with servants' quarters overhead, the grazing meadows, the flowers, the trees, - were a very special sight in the surrounding sea of tumble-down shacks and naked cotton fields.
Do you know that Wisconsin leads the US in milk and cheese production? Other important farm products are potatoes, cabbage, maple sugar, cranberries and cherries.
From "Travels with Charley in Search of America" by /. Steinbeck 9
We moved quickly northward, heading for Wisconsin through a noble laud of good fields and magnificent trees, a gentleman's countryside, neat and white-fenced and I would guess subsidized by outside income. It did not seem to me to have the thrust of land that supports itself arid its owner.
It is possible, even probable, to be told a fruth about a place, to accept it, to know it and at the same time not to know any thing about it. I had never been to Wisconsin, but all my life I had heard about it, had eaten its cheeses, some of them as good as any in the world, and I must have seen pictures. Everyone must have. Why then was I unprepared for the beauty of this region? For its variety of field and hill, forest, lake?
I think now I must have considered it one big level cow pasture because of the state's enormous yield of milk products. I never saw a country that changed so rapidly, and because I had not expected it everything I saw brought a delight. I don't know how it is in other seasons, the summer may reek and rock with heat, the winters may groan with dismal cold, but when I saw it for the first and only time in early October, the air was rich with butter-colored sunlight, not fuzzy but crisp and clear so that every frost-gay tree was set off, the rising hills were not compounded, but alone and separate. I remembered now that I had been told Wisconsin is a lovely state, but the telling had not prepared me, I don't know whether or not Wisconsin has a cheese-tasting festival, but I who am a lover of cheese believe it should. Cheese was everywhere, cheese centers, cheese cooperatives, cheese stores and stands, perhaps even, cheese ice cream. I can believe anything, since I saw a score of signs advertising Swiss Cheese Candy. It is said that I didn't stop to sample Swiss Cheese Candy. Now I can't persuade anyone that it exists, that I did not make it up.
Beside the road I saw a very large establishment, the greatest, distributor of sea shells in the world - and this in Wisconsin, which hasn't known a sea since pre-Cambrian times. But Wisconsin is loaded with surprises, I had heard of Wisconsin Dells but was not prepared for the weird country sculptured by the Ice Age, a strange, gleaming country of water and carved rock, black arid green; to awaken here might make one believe it a dream of some ot-herplanet, forit hasa non-earthly quality or else the engraved record of a time when the world was much younger and much different. Clinging to the sides of the dreamlike waterways was the litter of our time, the motels, the hot-dog stands, the merchants of the cheap and mediocre and tawdry so loved by the summer tourists, but these incrustations were closed and boarded against the winter and, even open, I doubt that they could dispel the enchantment of the Wisconsin Dells.
As the evening deepened, I walked with Charley among his mountains of delight to the brow of the hill and looked down on the little valley below. It was a disturbing sight. I thought too much driving has distorted my vision or addled my judgment, for the dark earth below seemed to move and pulse and breathe. It was not water but it rippled like a black liquid. I walked quickly down the distortion. The valley floor was carpeted with turkeys, it seemed like millions of them, so densely packed that they covered the earth.
FROM RENO TO Salt="Программа элективного курса для 10 класса Страноведческо- грамматический" LAKE CITY
From "My Name is Aram" by W. Saroyan11
From Reno to Salt Lake City12 all you get to see from a hus or any other kind of conveyance is desert, and in August all you feel is dry heat. Desert is sand spread out evenly in every direction, different kinds of cactus, and the sun. Sometimes the sand looks white, sometimes brown, and around sundown the color of the sand changes from white or brown to yellow, and then black. Then it is night, and that is when the desert is best of all. When the desert and night join one another you get what amounts to silence.
I know all this because I rode in a bus from Reno to Salt Lake City once, on my way to New York.
The bus left Reno a little after midnight. Reno is one of those American towns that lives on nothing but the disease of people. The only thing there is gambling.
The bus rolled out of Reno into the desert. That was a mighty remarkable difference to dwell upon; first the bright lights of the gambling joints of Reno, and then seen, or imagined, wide dry wasteland, full of nothing. I kept my eyes open night and day watching that country. I didn't want to pass through country like that without finding out all I could about it.
AJ1 I did in the morning was yawn. When the bus stopped, I got out and had a good look. Well, all it was dirt and sky, and the sun coming \ip. It was nothing. That's all. Nothing at all. No streets, no buildings, no corners, no doorways, no doors, no windows, no signs, nothing. I couldn't wait to get out of the desert into a big town and be able to understand something again. Just let me get to a city again, I said, and I'll be as smart as the nexi fellow. Maybe smarter.
Well, I was wrong. When I got to Salt Lake City I fell more confused than ever. I couldn't find a room for fifty cents, or restaurant where I could get a big dinner for fifteen cents. I felt tired and hungry and sleepy and sore at the people in the streets and I wished I hadn't left home.
The rockies rank among the greatest of the world ranges. They run from the southwest desert to the barren desert of northern Alaska. In this range there is every type of alpine vacation land.
Within or very near the Rocky Mountains seven areas have been set aside as national parks.
Занятие № 5
Занятие № 6
Занятие № 7,8
Викторина: « Великобритания»
1. What kind of state is the U. К?
parliamentary monarchy.
2. What does the word « Albion» the poetic name of Great Britain mean?
3. What is the national emblem of England?
4. Whose monument stands in the center of Trafalgar Square?
Admiral Nelson
General Washington
prime minister Winston Churchill
What is real English football called?
6. What is another name, for the House of Parliament?
the Clearness Palace
St. James Palace
Palace of Westminster
7. What is the oldest university of Great Britain?
8. What Park of London is the Speakers Corner Situated in?
Regents Park
Hyde Park
Green Park
9. What is the nickname of the flag of U.K.?
Stars and stripes
Union Jack
Flag of St. Patrick's Cross.
10. What is the name of the London's residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
Winston Palace
Kensington Palace
Buckingham Palace
11. What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of U.K.
№10 Downing street
Bakers street
12. What is the name of the town where William Shakespeare was born?
Stratford on Avon.
13. What part of Britain is called « land of songs»
a) England
b) Wales
c) Scotland
14. Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul's Cathedral?
Sir Christofis Wren
15. What theatre was organized by W.Shakespeare?
a) Globe theatre
b) Old Vic Theatre
c) Royal Theatre
16. Queen Elizabeth II has got?
4 children
3 children
2 children
17. Where is the Loch Ness monster supposed to live?
18. You must do to school in Great Britain?
from 5 to 16
from 6 to 17
from 7 to 18
19. What is a population of Great Britain?
35 ml
45 ml
55 ml
20. What is the capital of Britain?
21. What part of London is the symbol of wealth and culture?
a) The East End
c) The West End
22. What river is the British capital situated on?
on the Sena
on the Volga
on the Thames
23. What is the symbol of England?
blue rose
red rose
white rose
24. What is the national costume of Scotland?
a) the trousers
b)the dress
c) the kilt
25. What is Edinburgh famous for?
a) for it's music and theatre festival
b)tor lakes
c) for strange animals
26. When do British people celebrate Christmas?
on the 1 of January
on the 9 of may
onthe25 of December
27. Who came to Britain from Denmark and Norway in the 9 century?
the Vikings
the American
the Russian
28. What channel lies between Britain and the continent of Europe?
Belomor channel
the English channel
Suez Channel
29. What is the highest mountain peak in Wales?
snow don
Ben Nevis
30. What is the highest mountain peak in Britain?
Snow don
Ben Nevis
31. What was the Tower of London in the past?
a palace
a prison
32. What is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square?
nelson's column
shecsp monument
c)papalcon's monument
33. What is Big Ben?
the palace
the bell of the clock
the prison
34. What is the town of Oxford famous for?
it's school
it's college
it's university
35. Who wrote the book called "Gulliver's Travel's" ?
Jonathan Swift
Mark Twain
36. Who wrote "Twelfth Night"?
37. How many detective stories did Agahta Christie?
a) 75
38. Who was the father of historical novel in the world literature?
Herbert Wells
Oscar Wilde
39. Who is the head of the state of Great Britain?
the president
the queen
c)the Britain minister
40. How many members are there in the House of Commons?
a) 500
b)400 c)650
41. Which House of the British Parliament is elected by the people?
the House of Commons
c)the House of Lords
42. Who is the head of the government of Great Britain?
a) the Queen
b)the Prime Minister
c)the President
Занятие №9 Защита проекта
Глаголы (тренинг) Занятие № 10
1. Разделите глаголы на правильные и неправильные
Clean, write, pass, work, ask, sing, want, send, cast, burn, smell, let, speak, soil, take, go, build, cut, be, dance, have.
2. Дайте три формы глаголов
3.Раскройте скобки, обращая внимание на форму временя глагола-сказуемого.
We (to come across - найти) a very interesting article in this magazine. Let us discuss it together.
What you (to look for)? -1 (to look tbr)my magazine. It (to be) here half an hour ago. Oh, here it is. You (to hide) it from me?
Is everybody here? - Ко, Peter (not to come) yet.
Why you (to cry)? Are you afraid?
"If you (to be quiet), I (to show) you something interesting''. the old man said to the children who (to stand) around him.
When you (to move) from your native town to Moscow? - We (to do) it ten years ago.
I (not to hear) anything from him for many years.
Who (to play) the piano in that room? - It is my daughter. She (to have) her lesson now, She (to take) lessons three times a week,
When your sister (to return) from the Urals? - She (to return) from the Urals yesterday. - Why you (not to go) to the railway station to meet her? -1 could not do it, 1 (to be) busy,
Il (to rain) at five o'clock yesterday.
4. Завершите предложения, выбрав единственно правильный вариант из четырех возможных.
1. She wants to be a teacher
when she will leave school
when she would leave school
when she leaves school
when she leave school
2. She wants to know
when he comes
when he would come
when he come
when he will come
3. 1 am not sure
if he will come soon
if he comes soon
if he would come soon
if he come soon
4. She will speak to him
if he arrives tomorrow
if he will arrive tomorrow
if he would arrive tomorrow
if he arrive tomorrow
5. Wail -
till he come
till he would come
till he comes
till he will come
5. Назовите время, которое вы употребили бы для перевода (анных предложений на английский язык.
В следующем году будет 10 лет, как он здесь работает.
Она накрыла стол до того, как пришли гости.
Я его не понимаю, так как он говорит сейчас по-французски.
Он навещает их каждую неделю.
Вчера в 7 часов я делал домашнюю работу.
Завтра он навестит своих родственников.
Я прочитал эту книгу к среде.
Не кричи, малый! спит,
9. Он читает доклад уже 30 минут.
!0. Мы смотрим интересный фильм.
11. Он отремонтирует велосипед к вашему приходу.
6.Выберете правильную грамматическую форму:
1. Don't forget that you haven't seen Mr. Smith. He outside since 11.00.
has been waiting
have been waiting
is waiting
2. Mark on Main street when his car broke down.
has driven
was being driven
was driving
is driving
3. By this time next week, I on this book for a year.
will have been working
will work
am working
4. Ann had been sleeping in the beck of the car. She quite fresh and wanted to go on.
has felt
is being felt
5. The weather was warm and pleasant with a gentle wind to cool us down.
a) but
6. f don't to see her until next Tuesday.
7) They seldom go to the theatre .
don't they
do them
aren't they
will they
8) By the time we arrived, party _,
had finished
had finished
9) It's a pity he can't join us for a picnic, but he very busy lately.
a) is
has been
had been
10) This cake tastes very sweet. I think I put sugar in it.
a) too much
a lot
good deal
11).I ve lost my passport. You report in to the police.
oughtn' t to
ought to
should to
12.) If it hadn'[ t been for the bad weather that day we to the country,
will go
would go
will have gone
would have gone
13.) I have money then David.
d) much
14) you to the fair unless you behave yourselves.
won't be taking
won't take
won't have taken
will take
Занятие № 11
Тренинг (глагол)
1.Переведите на английский язык
Насекомые живут только летом.
Где ты обычно проводишь свои каникулы?
Птицы едят насекомых,
Мой друг часто ходит на выставки.
Осенью птицы улетают на юг.
Этот мальчик никогда не пропускает уроки.
Ты много читаешь?
Русские люди говорят по-русски.
Моя сестра ходит в школу каждый день.
Летом дети много бегают.
11.Он никогда не читает книга.
12. Мой дедушка много работает в саду.
2. Из предложенных английских грамматических форм глагола выберите ту, которую вы употребили бы при переводе следующих русских предложений:
1. Он написал это письмо всего полчаса назад.
a. Had written
b. Has written
c. Wrote
d. Was writing
2. Я понимаю вашу проблему.
a. Am understanding
b. Understand
c. Have understood
3. Джек ненавидит Тома.
a. Is hating
b. Hate
c. Hates
4. Вода кипит при 100
a. Is boiling
b. Boil
c. Boils
5. Я много прочитал в этом месяце.
a. read
b. had read
c. was reading
d. have read
Занятие № 12
Согласование времен (тренинг)
l.Translate into English
Он сказал, что вернётся через 20 минут.
Я боялся, что разбужу свою маленькую сестру.
Я не знал, что случилось с ним.
Она была уверенна, что он придет во время.
Мы не знали, что если бы у него было время, то он помог бы нам.
Я думал, что сделаю это когда приду домой.
2. Translate into Russian
1. Не thought that his watch showed the right time 2.1 said I would come on Sunday if I had time
She said you must come here in time
They said that they had breakfast at 8 o'clock
3. Give your own sentences
Я спрошу его ....
Он думает....
Она решила....
Мама сказала....
Мы боялись...
Занятия № 13,14
Придаточные Времени и условия (тренинг)
1. Define the types of the sentences
If we had bought an extra ticket we would offer to the show
We shell be iate for the lecture uniess we hurry
Supposing it snow, shall we go to the country?
If I had time I went to the shop
If he should come we shall tell him about it
If he rings you up, ask him about it
I should have invited them if i liked them
2..Translate into English
Если бы директор был здесь вчера, я бы поговорил с ним
Жаль, что он сейчас болен
Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы у них было время
Если бы вы были здесь, вы бы поступили так же
Если у нас будет время, мы придём
Он приедет, если возьмет билет
Мы пойдем в лес, если не будет дождя
Занятие № 15
Неличные формы глагола : инфинитив, причастие и герундий.
Причастие настоящего времени
№ 1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык по образцам,
1)Не looked at the playing child.
Он посмотрел на танцующих девушек.
Он посмотрел на спящую собаку.
)The man is sitting at the table is the brother.
Мужчина, смотрящий на нас - его друг.
Он идущий по дороге - наш родственник
3) He looking at me
Он стоял, думая о чем-то.
4He left looking at me.
Она вышла, сказав что-то сестре.
Она вышла, положив книгу на письменный стол.
№ 2Переведите предложения, заменив выделенное слово герундием в функции:
Беседа с ним занимает обычно около часа.
Плыть далеко опасно.
Писать ему об этом бесполезно.
.части составного сказуемого
Они начали громко разговаривать.
Студенты закончили обсуждать доклад. -
У нас было мало надежды найти эту книгу
Мы будем иметь удовольствие посетить картинную галерею.
4. обстоятельства
Придя домой, мы начали готовить ужин. Написав доклад, он прочёл его ещё раз.
Занятие № 15 ( продолжение)
№3- Переведите предложения и определите функцию инфинитива.
Help me to do this work, please.
We stopped to have a rest.
There is nobody to give us some water.
I had nothing to give him for his headache.
№ 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя инфинитив цели. По образцу.
Образец: Она пошла в библиотеку, чтобы взять книгу. She went to the library to take a book.
Он пришел сюда, чтобы рассказать ей об этом.
Я запишу номер вашего телефона, чтобы позвонить вам завтра.
Они пошли в дом, чтобы вымыть руки и лицо.
Занятие № 16 (тренинг)
Модальные глаголы.
1. Fill in the right form
I -skate very well
She sing quite well when she was young
You give this book to your friend
He prepare his lesson before he goes to bed
Why were you so rude to this old man? You to be always polite
6. speak to you now? - Yes, of course you -
7. It - snow towards evening
2. Translate into English
Она может рассказать вам много интересного
Теперь мы можем идти гулять, так как сделали уроки.
В лагере мы должны отдыхать два или три часа.
Мой брат должен через неделю ехать на юг
Можешь ли ты говорить по-французски.
Могу я войти?
Я могу помочь ему
Возможно, сегодня будет дождь
Она не могла говорить 20 минут
Он мог уйти после урока
3. Translate into Russian
Must we read the text
She can stay there
He had to go there
You ought to visit your friend
He can speak English
They may come tomorrow
May I take your pen?
He could not move
He can work.
Список использованной литературы
Английский глагол (таблица) « Инфопласт»
Владиславова А.В. Самоучитель английского языка « Международные отношения,
М., 1980 -
Грузинская И,Д. Грамматика английского языка М., а Просвещение» 1976
Кошевая И. Г. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка М.,« Просвещение»
1982 -
Островский B.C. Английский язык {факультативный курс) М., « Просвещение» 1992
Сапунова Е,8. Повторение и контроль знаний по английскому языку на уроках и
внеклассных мероприятиях Панорама « Глобус» 2008 -
London. Portrait of a city ( Буклет на английском языке)
USA. Interesting facts {путеводитель по Америке)