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  • Конспект урока по английскому языку 'Sport in Britain'

Конспект урока по английскому языку 'Sport in Britain'

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Тип урока: Изучение нового материала.Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная, групповая.Методы: организация и самоорганизация учебный деятельности, частично-поисковый, эвристический, словесный, практический, наглядный, творческой деятельнос
предварительный просмотр материала

Lesson 61 Subject: English Form 5

Theme of the lesson:

Sport in Britain


Poem, game, cards, blackboard, pupils' books, copy books, dictionaries…

Aims and objectives:

to form knowledge of the usage of the new theme; Present Simple

to develop skills in reading, speaking, writing;

to bring -up the respect and love for sport, English lesson.


Students will be able to speak about Sport in Britain

Key ideas:

Popular, cricket, netball, team, tennis




Procedure of the lesson

Teacher's activity

Students' activities


Evaluation cards

Cards with words

1.Greeting students

2. Warm-up:

3. Checking- up home task: True or false.

4. Аssociations


Students greet the teacher.

Give associations.



T: Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning and train themselves in clubs in different and take part in sport competitions.


  1. Why is sport so important in our life?

  2. What kinds of sports are popular in our country?

  3. What kinds of sports are popular in Great Britain?

  4. Which British football teams do you know?

  5. Which Russian football teams do you know?

  6. What is your favourite sport?

Answer the questions.


Group work


4. The main part of the lesson. Work in groups.

Sport in Britain.

The British are a sport-loving nation. Crickets, soccer, rugby, tennis, squash, table tennis, badminton, were all invented in Britain.

Football is the most popular game. It is a team game. Football, or soccer, is an example of a professional game. Almost every school has its football team and every boy in Britain knows a lot about the game.

Rugby is another popular British sport which is played in other countris. It is also called rugby football.

Sport in Britain


Sport in Kazakhstan

Students work with the texts.

Read, translate and make posters.

Complete the table.



Today you all have taken an active part in our lesson. I want give you the next marks ….

На стикерах письменная рефлексия:

1. Самым интересным на уроке для меня было.....

The most interesting for me was ………..________________________

2. Самым трудным на уроке для меня было.....

The most difficult for me was……..___________________________

3. Я научился....

I have learned ____________________________________
Our lesson is over. Good- bye.


Home task, additional tasks

Write an essay


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