- Учителю
- Поурочный на тему Special people
Поурочный на тему Special people
Short term planLesson: English
Theme: Special people part I
School: A.M.Gorky
Date: 30.04.16
Teacher: Koptleuova B.D.
Class: 5A
Number present: 18
Learning objectives:
- To speak and know about Margaret Thatcher;
- To develop pupils habits and skills in reading, writing and speaking and listening.
Expected results
Learners will be able to understand and speak about Margaret Thatcher;
Learners will be able to answer for questions;
Previous learning
Visual aids:
Prime Minister, grocer, university, chemistry, politics, dub.
Interactive board, pictures, video, sheets of paper
Planned timings
Planned activities
I. The procedure of the lesson
1. Organization moment
-Good morning pupils!
-Thank you, sit down, please.
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What date is it today?
-What day is it?
-Thank you, sit down, please!
2. Checking the home task:
-What was your home task?
- Ex: 3, p: 194
I give you sheets of paper, you need write missed words. Total: 7 point
Homework name:________
1.Buckingham Palace is one of the most famous _________ in the world.
2. The Palace is one of the four homes of the _______ Family.
3.The _______ in England is never hot or very cold.
4.The Queen meets ______, queens or presidents from other countries there.
5.There are ___ ________ rooms.
6.There is police station, a ________, a bar, a disco, a cinema and a _________ pool.
Assessment paper
Sheets of paper
I.Start up activity:
Teacher demonstrates visuals of special people. And asking learners "Who are these people? What do you know about them?"Ok, who is this? Yes, this is Margaret Thatcher. Today we will know and speak about her. Can you describe her appearance?
Pupils answers: Her hair is blond and short. Her eyes are blue. She looks like as strong person.
II. Work with vocabulary
Teacher demonstrates new words in the interactive board. Teacher reads and learners repeat after them. And learners read one by one.
III. Tasks
Teacher demonstrates video about Margaret Thatcher.
Answer for questions about Margaret T.
5 point
Reflection: What did you understand from video? Who was Margaret Thatcher?
IV. Physical exercise
Now, time to do physical exercise. All together stand up, sing and do. Song "If you are happy"
Past Simple Tense - настоящее простое время.
2. Task Exercise 4, p: 200
Read and translate. Learners mark each other.
Reflection: Answer for questions
-Who was Margaret Thatcher?
-When was she born?
-Where did she study?
-When did she marry?
-When did she become Prime Minister of the Great Britain?
3. Task Exercise 5, p: 200
True or false
a) She was born in London.
b) Her father was a writer.
c) She studied languages.
d) Her husband was a teacher.
e) She was a very strong person.
V. Reflection:
If you don't agree that she was born in London stand up.
If you agree that his father was teacher, smile.
If you don't agree that she studied languages raise your hand.
If you agree that her husband was a teacher thumbs up.
If you agree that she was a strong person shake your hand
Interactive board
Reflection: ask learners to tell you what they have remembered from the today's lesson. Ask them to translate some words from the lesson both from their native language into English.
I liked and understood the lesson
I didn't like and I need some more practice
Additional information
Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?
Assessment - how are you planning to check learners' learning?
Health and safety check
ICT links
Stronger students explain and tell the words to the class, make sentences. Weaker students are helped by teacher and a partner in pair work
Observation and questions
Singing and dancing
Materials for the lesson:
Homework name:________
Buckingham Palace is one of the most famous _________ in the world.
The Palace is one of the four homes of the _______ Family.
The _______ in England is never hot or very cold.
The Queen meets ______, queens or presidents from other countries there.
There are ___ ________ rooms.
There is police station, a ________, a bar, a disco, a cinema and a _________ pool.
Assessment paper
Name: ________Home