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  • Конспект урока по английскому языку 'Seasons' (2 класс)

Конспект урока по английскому языку 'Seasons' (2 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала

План - конспект фрагмента урока по английскому языку во 2 классе

Тема: «Seasons. Months of the Year».

Цель урока: систематизировать и закрепить полученные лексико-грамматические навыки по теме «Seasons. Months of the year» и подвести к диалогическому взаимодействию; формировать понятие о языке как способе общения между людьми; развивать навыки устной речи; вызывать у детей мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.

Оснащение: карточки с заданиями (в электронном и печатном варианте), картинки-наклейки для постера, электронная презентация урока.

Тип урока: комбинированный


  1. Greeting: Good morning, dear children! I'm glad to see you!

We've got many guests today. Let's say "Hello!" to everybody.

  1. Warming up: Children sing the chant about the weather "The Four Seasons Song?"(They look through the cut-ups and sing)

Thank you for your singing, take your seats, please.

  1. Saying the topic and the aim of the lesson:

  • Can you guess, what is the topic of our lesson? (Ch.: Seasons. Months of the year) Yes, you are right.

  • At the end of the lesson you'll be able to

  • talk about the seasons;

  • talk about the month of the year.

  1. Doing drill exercises

  1. Put the letters in the correct order. Write the words in the correct place (ex.2, p. 24)

(приложения, слайд 3)

During the task the teacher gives the st-s cards with (months and seasons)

  • What's your favourite season, month? Why? (St-s give the ideas, teacher writes it on the board).

  • T. gives papers with a short tests

  1. Match and write (ex.3,p/24). Work in pairs.

(приложение 2) 1. In spring birds make nests/2. In summer families go to the beach/ 3. In autumn leaves fall from the trees/ 4. In winter children make snowmen.

  1. Choose, circle and write (ex. 4, p. 25) (check with the slides 4,5,6,7). Now look at the screen and check your cards (reading aloud)

  2. Choose and write (ex. 5, p. 25). During st-s' work the teacher gives the st-s cards with (months and seasons)

  1. Creating posters:

My dears, now you'll work in groups (Pupils are united into groups). You've got pictures. Your task is to tell us about your season, using the ideas from the exercises, stick the picture and write. (Background music sounds)

Time is over. Let's listen to your stories. (Two representatives of each group show their posters and read them)

6. Summarizing

Your posters were brilliant!

Now you can

  • talk about the seasons;

  • talk about the month of the year ,

can't you? Yes, you can. We've got the evaluation tree on the board. I give you apples on which you should write your names. If you think you can do it very well, stick your apple on the very top of the tree, if you can't - put it somewhere lower.

Stand up, please. Thank you for your work. Let's say "Goodbye".

The lesson is over.


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