- Учителю
- Урок английского языка в 10 классе на тему Транспорт - друг или враг?
Урок английского языка в 10 классе на тему Транспорт - друг или враг?
Урок по английскому языку в 10 классе
Транспорт - друг или враг?
Цель урока: Формировать коммуникативные навыки учащихся по теме «Транспорт»
1.Образовательные: активизировать употребление ЛЕ по теме; совершенствовать навыки монологического и диалогического высказываний по теме;
2. Развивающие: формировать навыки неподготовленной устной речи; умение выражать и аргументировать свое отношение к проблеме; развивать творческий потенциал и кругозор учащихся;
3. Воспитательные: воспитывать чувство коллективизма; культуру общения; умение работать в группе ( команде).
Компьютер, проектор;
Мультимедийная презентация;
Раздаточный материал с заданиями (к кроссворду, диалогу, проекту, картинки видов транспорта в разных странах);
Карта мира;
Песня Битлз «Drive My Car».
Тип урока: Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме «Транспорт»
Методика проведения: урок с применением технологии проблемного обучения, с использованием презентации.
Ход урока
Подготовительный этап.
Организационный момент.
Готовность помещения и учеников к уроку.
Teacher: Good afternoon, children! I'm glad to see you! Sit down, please!
Are you ready? Let's start our lesson! Who is on duty today?
4. Речевая зарядка. ( Диалог 2-х дежурных).
What date is it today? (- Today is the 6-th of March.)
What day of the week is it today? (- It's Wednesday today)
Who is absent today? (- Pete and Mary are absent today)
What is our homework for the lesson? (- Our HW is to learn words about the topic
"Transport" and create the project "An Ideal Transport".)
Let's talk about the weather! (- OK!)
What season is it now? (- It's spring now)
What's the weather like today? (- The weather is… )
Do you like spring or not and why? (-I like/ don't like spring because…)
Сообщение темы урока.
Teacher: So, today we'll talk about the Transport around the
world. Also we'll have a discussion about the problem «Is Vehicle a Friend or an Enemy?»
Finally, we'll find out what is an ideal transport.(слайд 1).
Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: First of all, let's read the poem "Beware of the Car". Чтение стихотворения "Beware of the Car"
(«Берегись автомобиля»).( слайд 2)
If you want to be in a good mood,
You don't go by car, you go on foot.
If you want to go far away,
You don't go by car, you go by plane.
If you want to have a boring trip,
You don't go by car, you go by ship.
If you want some close friends to gain,
You don't go by car, you go by train.
If you don't go by car anywhere
You will save your planet more clean air!
Teacher: Great! Clever you are!
Основной этап.
Повторение ЛЕ по теме «Транспорт».
Teacher: First of all let's review the Vocabulary about the topic Transport. Решение кроссворда «Средства транспорта» (In students' Handouts students solve the Crossword Puzzle about various means of Transport. (слайды 3,4)
Сообщения о средствах транспорта в разных странах.
Teacher: So, there is a great number of vehicles around
the world. And now, I'd like you to tell us about different Means of Transport around the world! Will you go to the blackboard, please! You are welcome!
(Учащиеся выходят к доске, где располагается карта мира, и рассказывают о видах транспорта в разных странах. После рассказа учащиеся прикрепляют соответствующую картинку с изображением транспортного средства на карте мира).
Overland Transport «Наземный Транспорт» (train, bus, trolleybus, bicycle, cab, under-ground) - 4 ученика (слайды 5-12);
Air Transport «Воздушный Транспорт» (plane, helicopter, hot-air balloon, rocket, hang-gliding) - 2 ученика (слайды 13-15);
Sea/ Water Transport «Водный Транспорт» (ship, boat, yacht, ice - breaker, raft, ferry, submarine, gondola) -3ученика (слайды 16-18);
Cartage Transport. «Гужевой Транспорт». It is the oldest transport in the world. It means we use animal's force here.(dogs, horses, donkeys, camels, elephants) -5 учеников (слайды 19-24);
Мозговой штурм (Преимущества и недостатки использования
транспортного средства)
Teacher: Thank you for your reports! They were interesting and educational! Lots of people can't imagine their lives without a car. Others consider them to be luxury or a threat for life. Who is right? Let's discuss advantages and disadvantages of having the car. (слайды 25-27)
(Students give their ideas)
Диалогическая речь. Работа в парах.
Teacher: And now, I want you to work in pairs! I'll give you cards with the task. So, will you imagine, that you want to buy a car, but your friend is strongly against it and tells you about the potential risk from using cars. Tell each other about the advantages and disadvantages of using cars. (слайд 28)
(Учащиеся работают в парах. Учитель проходит по рядам и слушает диалогическую речь учащихся).
Музыкальная пауза. Исполнение учащимися песни Битлз "Drive My Car".
Teacher: OK, I think that's enough for the dialogue! Let's have a rest and sing a song! (Два ученика выходят к доске, остальные встают и все поют песню, делая танцевальные движения, под музыку. Слова песни были даны учащимся ранее). (слайд 29)
Teacher: Well done! Brilliant! We enjoyed listening to the song! Thank you!
Teacher: Do you believe the car is an essential part of our life or a risk factor?
Express your own opinion! (слайд 30)
Students' answers:
In my opinion, the car is important for people's lives because it gives us freedom. You can travel when you want and to where you want without thinking about tickets and timetables. Also, you can take as much luggage as you like and make a stop in any place at any time. Finally, it's fantastic to speed along the road.
I would agree that travelling by car is faster and more convenient than a coach trip. It's pleasant to enjoy speed and nature but a journey might be tiring for a driver. In addition, it can be very expensive if you travel a long distance as petrol costs a lot. What is more, speeding is dangerous for people. They are killed and injured in car accidents and breakdowns. As for me, I don't see any risks in having a car. I'll buy a car and will drive to work, to shopping centres which are built outside towns.
On the other hand, traffic jams can spoil your drive. People feel nervous when they waste time and wait and have nothing to do. As for me, I know that cars are the biggest threat for the environment, they produce toxic chemicals and release them into the air. As a result, people's health is getting worse. Nevertheless, our life is organized around cars and they make it easier.
As far as my opinion is concerned, I'd like to have a car in future because we depend on cars in our daily life. However, it can be expensive. Not only petrol costs a lot but we also need to have the car checked and repaired at times. Besides, things happen and people must pay a fine for speeding, for example.
I am very much in favour of banning cars from city centres. Cars produce a lot of pollution. Exhaust gases especially the carbon dioxide pollute the air that we breath and it is harmful for our health. Also, people who live in the centre of the city suffer from noise pollution. I totally believe that we should use cars less.
I strongly agree that city centres should be a safe and pleasant place. For this reason cars should be banned from city centres. It will reduce traffic jams and the number of accidents on the road.
I would disagree that it's necessary to ban the cars from city centres because it would bring lots of difficulties to people. Firstly, more people would use public transport and it would be overcrowded. Secondly, public transport follows fixed routs and less comfortable than the car. And finally, is it pleasant to stand at the bus stop in the nasty weather waiting for a bus?
Teacher: To sum up, modern society can't exist without cars as they give a lot of benefits, but on the other hand, we pay a heavy price for these benefits. It's up to you to decide if vehicle is a friend or an enemy for you.
But what kind of Transport would you like to have? What is your ideal transport?
Teacher: And now, I would like you to present us your projects of "An Ideal Transport". Are you ready? Which group will be the first? You're welcome!
Защита проектов.
(Учащиеся представляют проекты «Идеальный транспорт» (2 команды).
После презентации своего проекта учащиеся отвечают на вопросы участников 2-й команды).
(Задание дается учащимся за неделю до урока. (слайд 31)
Teacher: Thank you! It was a great pleasure to listen to your projects! Clever you are!
III. Заключительный этап.
Оценка деятельности учащихся.
Teacher: Now our lesson is coming to an end! You worked hard today! Your marks are…5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5,4,5, 5 for your reports;
4,5, 5,4,5,5, 4,5,5,5,4,5,4,5 for your dialogue;
5,5,5,4,5,4,5 for discussion; and 5,5 for your projects!!!
Домашнее задание.
Teacher: Your Homework is to write a short story about your favourite Vehicle.(слайд 32).
Teacher: OK! To sum up, answer my questions, please!
How do you feel about the lesson in general?
What was the best part of the lesson? Why?
What was the least successful part? Why?
Did you have any particular difficulties?
Any other comments you would like to add?
Teacher: OK! The lesson is over. Good-bye! (слайд 33)