• Учителю
  • Методическая разработка Сценарий сказки на английском языке Три поросёнка

Методическая разработка Сценарий сказки на английском языке Три поросёнка

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Big Grey Wolf


Scene I

Narrator: Hello, nice to meet you, boys and girls. Look! What is it?

Naff-Naff: Hello, girls and boys! My name is Naff-Naff. I am a nice little pig. I can sing.

Nuff-Nuff: Hi! My name is Nuff-Nuff. I am a kind little pig. I can dance.

Niff-Niff: Nice to meet you! I am Niff-Niff! I am a clever little pig. I can read.

Narrator: But a big bad wolf lives in the forest. He is always hungry and horrible. (Волк смотрит на танцующих поросят).

Three Pigs (together): We are three happy little pigs. (Берутся за руки, танцуют и поют.) Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.Narrator: The three little pigs are brothers. They want to build three houses in the



Naff-Naff: Oh, brothers, it will be winter soon. We must stop dancing. We must go and make a house. Let's go!

Niff-Niff: Yes, I agree (после предложения построить домик)

Nuff-Nuff: Yes, Yes. Good idea! (после предложения построить домик)

Scene II

Narrator 4: The first little pig, Niff-Niff, gets some straw. And he starts to build a house of straw.

Niff-Niff (Выходит и поёт): I have got a new straw house, new straw house, new straw house.

Narrator: The second little pig, Nuff-Nuf, gets some wood. And he starts to build a house of wood.

Nuff-Nuff (танцует и поёт): I have got a new wooden house, new wooden house, new wooden house.

Narrator: The third pig, Naff-Naff, is very clever. He gets some bricks and he starts to build a house of bricks.

Narrator: Now all the houses are ready. And the pigs can sing their song.

Three Pigs (together): Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us. (Танцуют и поют.)

Scene III

Narrator: Every day the Wolf watches the pigs.

Big Grey Wolf: (нюхает воздух) I can smell the pigs. I want to eat a nice little pig for breakfast. I'm hungry.

Niff-Niff: Here is Big Grey Wolf!

Nuff-Nuff: Oh, Big Grey Wolf! We must run to our houses!

Поросята убегают, волк бежит за ними. Сначала он подбегает к домику Ниф-Нифа.)

Big Grey Wolf: I must eat you (Волк дует, и домик падает.) I must eat you, silly little pigs! (Подбегает ко второму домику, дует на него, домик падает.)

Nuff-Nuff: Help!!! Help!!! We must run to our brother! His house is good.

Scene IV

(Домик Нaф-Нaфа. В нём стол, три стула, на столе посуда.)

Niff-Niff: Big Grey Wolf is behind us! Help us!

Nuff-Nuff: May we come in? We need your help!

Naff-Naff: Yes, you may! Come in! (Поросята вбегают в домик ).

Narrator: Now the wolf is running to the house of bricks. He is knocking at the door.

Big Grey Wolf: It's me, the Wolf. I want to eat little pigs for breakfast! You must open the door!

Naff-Naff: Oh, no! Go away. You are a Big Bad Wolf. (Волк дует, но домик не падает. Он убегает. Поросята вылезают из-под стола.

Naff-Naff: Oh, yes. The wolf is far away. Let's have tea. I've got some sweets and jam.

Поросята пьют чай.

Narrator: The three little pigs are happy. The Wolf is away. Their house is very good and strong.

Three Pigs together: We are happy! Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.

The end.


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