- Учителю
- Конспект урока на тему What must be a real friendship?
Конспект урока на тему What must be a real friendship?
I.Организационный момент.
Hello dear friends! Glad to meet you! What date is it today? How are you? What the weather like today?
Today we are going to speak about real friendship, what characteristics must have a friend and at the end of the lesson we must make a model of good friend.
Good morning dear teacher. We are glad to see you too.
Today is the … of September. The weather is fine/bad. It is…
I am fine/great/bad/depressed.
Слайд 1.
Учитель приветствует учащихся и сообщает им цель и задачи урока.
6 мин.
II. Речевая разминка.
- Задание на отработку навыков чтения и техники перевода.
-Задание на активизацию изученных лексических единиц и совершенствование монологической речи.
Now let's listen to a small phonetic drill.
Friendship is thing for two
Three or four, even more
Like a song that's made to sing
Friendship is a doing thing. (By Edith Segal)
Who can translate it to the class?
Good. Now listen to the translation of this poem by different pupils.
«Дружба - дело для двоих, для троих,
Для четверых и для сотен тоже!
В ней участвовать любой
Словно в песне, может!»
«Дружба служит для двоих,
Иль троих, иль четверых.
Как и песня, чтобы петь.
И не купит дружбу «медь».
In this poem we can see a word "friendship"
Give your associations with this word.
Each association should begin with one of the letters of the given word.
"F R I E N D S H I P"
Good. Now let's what associations we have on our blackboard:
F friend
R respect
I identity
E energy
N nobility
D defence
S sincerity
H honesty,
I idol
P protection
Now please use this scheme to tell the class what the word "friendship" means for you.
«Дружба - это дело для двоих,
Для трех, четверых и даже больше.
Как песня заставляющая петь, Дружба заставляет делать хорошие вещи»
Friendly, famous, rare, rich, respect, interesting, energetic, effective, independent, nice, noble, honest, humorous, harmless, different, protection, polite, popular.
Friendship means for me….
Слайд 2,3.
Слайд 4.
Учитель предлагает послушать, перевести и прочитать стихотворение «Дружба». А также послушать переводы других учеников.
Учитель предлагает назвать слова, с которыми ассоциируются буквы в слове «Friendship» (дружба)
Учитель просит, используя схему ассоциаций слова «Дружба» на доске, рассказать ученикам, что значит слово «дружба» для них.
4 мин.
III. Проверка домашнего задания.
- Задание на контроль лексико-грамматических навыков.
Now let's check your homework. At home you did Ex.5 p.8 in your Workbooks. At first please read the task to the class.
to support
to betray
to be worth doing something
to care about
to appreciate somebody's
to ignore
to find arguments convincing
You are right. Thanks.
Task. Read the texts in Ex.30, p.21 in students' book and complete the sentences. Use the phrases in the box.
1 Alan doesn't trust friends very much. He thinks that friends can betray him.
2 Julia thinks that life isn't worth living without friends.
3 Julia thinks that her parents care only about their jobs and making money.
4 Catherine always appreciates her parents' advice.
5 If Catherine doesn't like the advice, she ignores it.
6 Catherine often agrees with what her parents say because she finds their arguments quite convincing.
Учитель просит прочитать задание упражнения 5 стр.8, а затем прослушивает ответы учащихся.
7 мин.
IV. Активизация материала по теме «Семья и друзья».Закрепление навыков устной речи.
- Задания на контроль информации при чтении с детальным пониманием.
Now we continue to speak about the relations between family and friends. At the last lesson we read the text ex.30 P. 21. In this text we found out three opinions about this problem. Now please look through this text once again.
Now please agree or disagree with my statements. Use in your answers these phrases:
In my opinion, you are right/correct.
I agree completely (with what you say).
There's no doubt about it.
That's my opinion, too.
I disagree with what you're saying.
I don't agree with you/think so/see it that way.
I'm not sure I can agree with what you say about...
I understand what you're saying but...
For Alan family means a unit of 4 or 6 persons.
The phrase "blood is thicker than water" means that family is much more important to Alan then friends.
Julia's friends are much more important for her than her family because they don't care about her problems.
Julia likes to gather with her friends and speak about their future jobs and money.
Catherine is proud of her family because they love her and her friends.
I f her parents don't like Catherine's friend they'll prohibit any relations.
Good. You are right.
Now let's do ex.35(a) p.23. Find the equivalents to the following sentences from the text in ex.30.
Family means people who are ready to help each other in different situations.
Family relationships are much stronger than relationships among friends and that's why family is more important than friends.
They worry only about their jobs and earning money.
We sometimes say angry and rude words to each other.
Their arguments make me think that they are right.
You can't find real friends easily.
(disagreement - For Alan family means a unity of people who support each other in different situations)
(disagreement - Julia likes to gather with her friends and speak about life, listen to music and have fun)
(Disagreement - I f her parents don't like Catherine's friend they'll not tell her no, they'll give her a piece of advice.)
Family means a unity of people who support each other in different situations.
Blood is thicker than water. That's why family is much more important than friends.
The only things the care about are their jobs and making money.
Sometimes we quarrel.
I find their arguments quite convincing.
Real friends are very rare.
Слайд 5.
Слайд 6.
Перед тем как начать работу с упражнениями учитель просит просмотреть текст упр.30 стр.21.
Учитель читает утверждения, а учащиеся должны согласиться или опровергнуть.
Учитель простит найти эквиваленты предложениям из задания 35 стр.23 из текста упр.30.
2 мин.
Now let's have a rest. Stand up and repeat after me:
It's fun to be this,
It`s fun to be that:
To leap like a lamb,
To climb like a cat,
To swim like a fish,
To hop like a frog,
To trot like a horse,
To jump like a dog.
Учитель проводит физкультминутку. Дети повторяют слова и движения за учителем.
7 мин.
VI. Формирование навыков монологической речи.
-Задание на репродукцию речи с опорой на схемы.
-Задание на развитие орфографическихнавыков и совершенствование монологической речи.
Today we must speak about real friendship, but before each of you will make the model of real friend let's do several excises to help you. Now Ex.36 P.23 Work in pairs. Read the short characteristics of a good friend. Tick the characteristics you agree with. Tell the class your opinion.
Thanks. Good.
Ex.37 p.23 Work in groups of 2 or 3. Decide the shoulds and shouldn'ts for a good friend. Use the expressions from the box. Explain some of your statements. Then share your opinion with your classmates. I give you a table where you must write shoulds and shouldn'ts for a good friend.
defend you if someone hurts you
support you if you are right
appreciate your advice
follow your advice in any case
avoid conflicts with you cheer you up
care about your feelings
quarrel with you about silly unimportant things
betray you in difficult situations
support you if you are wrong
envy your success
ignore your interests
feel jealous if sometimes you are more successful
Now please using this table tell the class what should and shouldn't do your friend.
A good friend is a someone who...
• sees life through your eyes.
• supports you in all situations, no matter if you are right or wrong.
• is good at listening; he / she is ready to listen to you for hours.
• keeps his / her promise and keeps your secrets.
• never tells you lies.
• always tells you the truth, no matter if you like it or not.
• never goes out with somebody else.
• can quarrel or even fight with you if you've done something wrong.
• forgives you for being rude or unfair towards him / her.
• gets angry if you are rude or unfair towards other people.
I think real friend should/shouldn't…
Учитель дает установку на то, что разговор будет идти о дружбе и настоящем друге. Учитель предлагает выполнить упражнение36 и 37 стр.23, чтобы овладеть необходимыми фразами для описания своей модели настоящего друга.
8 мин.
VII. Развитие навыка письменной речи.
-Задание на репродукцию содержания с опорой на план.
Now you are ready to make your own model of a real friend. Answer the question "My true friend is…" in your workbooks in written form. This plan can help you.
Give the definition of the "true friend"
Describe his main characteristics and his behavior.
Write what should and shouldn't do your true friend.
Your answer must be not less than six sentences.
Good. Now please read your compositions to the class.
Слайд 7.
Учитель предлагает написать краткий ответ в виде мини сочинения на вопрос: «Мой настоящий друг это…»Дается план из трёх пунктов и размер ответа ограничивается в рамках не менее 6 предложений.
3 мин.
VIII. Итоги урока:
Thank you for the lesson. Today we have spoken about problems between family and friendship, learnt the main characteristics of "real friend" and describe your own models of real friendship. Your answers were great. You were very active. Your marks are...
Thank you.
В конце урока подводится результат и выставляются оценки.
2 мин.
IX.Домашнее задание
Сделать презентацию про своего лучшего друга и описать его по ходу презентации.
How many slides can we make?
How much information can we use?
Слайд 8.
3 мин.
X. Рефлексия.
Учитель просит учащихся выразить свое отношение к уроку, заполнив анкету.(См. приложение 2)
Ученики заполняют анкету.
Слайд 9,10.