- Учителю
- План – конспект урока английского языка в 5 - классе. Тема урока: «Помогаем по дому»
План – конспект урока английского языка в 5 - классе. Тема урока: «Помогаем по дому»
Российская Федерация
Городского округа «Город Калининград»
План - конспект
урока английского языка
«Помогаем по дому»
Урок английского языка
для 5 класса
Учитель английского языка
Джураев К.М.
Калининград - 2014 год
Урок английского языка для 5 класса на тему
«Помогаем по дому»
Структура урока:
Организационный момент
Фонетическая зарядка
Речевая зарядка
Развитие навыков чтения
Развитие навыков письма
Автоматизация лексических единиц говорения
Подведение итогов урока.
Цели: развитие навыков говорения, чтения и письма; совершенствование лексики по теме; развитие речи, памяти и мышления; привитие любви к иностранному языку.
Оборудование: раздаточный материал, учебник, карточки с заданиями, рабочая тетрадь.
Лексика урока: help my mother (father, grandmother) - помогать моей маме (папе, бабушке); help in the garden- помогать в саду; cook dinner - готовить обед; set the table- накрывать на стол; clear the table - убирать со стола; make bed- заправлять постель; sweep the floor- подметать пол; mop the floor- мыть пол; clean/wash windows- мыть окна; walk my dog - выгуливать собаку; take out the rubbish - выносить мусор; water the plants- поливать цветы; wash up - мыть посуду; go shopping- делать покупки; look after my little brother (sister)- смотреть за младшим братом (сестрой).
Ход урока:
Организационный момент
Good morning , children!
Good morning, teacher!
And today Irina will help me. Irina, what date is it today and who is absent, please?
Today is the 18th of March; nobody is absent.
Thank you. Sit down, please.
Фонетическая зарядка
Let's play a new game. Be active and try to remember as many English words as you can. Игра: «Назови рифму».
Ученики должны подобрать рифму к слову Ученик, назвавший слово, получает 1 балл. Mother. (Father.) Knife. (Wife.) Pork. (Fork.) Moon. (Spoon.) Quarter. (Daughter.) Piece. (Niece.) Meat. (Eat.) Cake. (Make.)
Colder. (Older.) We. (Tea.)
III. Речевая зарядка. I want to ask you some questions. You must be quick and attentive.
What is your name? (My name is Kate.) How old are you? (I am eight.) What is her name? (Her name is Ann.) How old is she? (She is nine.) Do you like to eat sweets for breakfast? (No, I don't. I don't like to eat sweets for breakfast.) Did you help your mother yesterday? (Yes, I did. I helped my mother yesterday.) Will you go to the park tomorrow? (Yes, I shall. I shall go to the park tomorrow.) When does your mother usually have lunch? (She has lunch at eleven o'clock.) Can your nephew play the guitar? (Yes, he can.)
IV. Развитие навыков чтения. Let's read this text. Давайте прочитаем текст и ответим на вопросы.
Помогаем по дому
Meet the little Town Mouse. The little Town Mouse lives in a town. His name is Jerry. He lives in a big house. Jerry is grey and funny mouse. He likes to play computer games. In the morning he likes to listen to music. He can dance well. He has a lot of friends. They often come to see him.
He has a mother. The Mother Mouse makes his bed every morning. The little Mouse goes to school every day. When Jerry comes home after school he eats his dinner. His mother cooks dinner every day. She sets the table for the little Mouse. After dinner Mother Mouse cleans the table. The little Mouse plays computer games. She sweeps the floor every day. Jerry listens to music and his mother mops the floor. Jerry goes for a walk in the park and his mother goes shopping. The little Mouse watches TV and his mother washes up. Jerry plays football and his mother takes out the rubbish. Jerry is very happy. Is Jerry's mother happy too? And what do you think: your mother is happy?
V. Развитие навыков письма
Упражнение 1. Напишите утвердительные или отрицательные предложения по образцу:
1) Jerry does not help his mother. - I help my mother to set the table.
2) Jerry does not make his bad. - My sister helps my grandmother to make her bed.
3) Jerry does not go shopping. - ___________________________________________________________.
4) Jerry does not wash windows. - _________________________________________________________.
5) Jerry does not sweep the floor. - ________________________________________________________.
6) Jerry does not take out the rubbish. -____________________________________________________.
VI. Физкультминутка
VII. Автоматизация лексических единиц говорения.
Упражнение 2. Напишите предложения по образцу, что вы делали в разные дни недели:
1) On Monday I help my mother to set the table. _____________________________________________.
2) On Tuesday I help my grandmother to make her bed.________________________________________.
3) On Wednesday ______________________________________________________________________.
4) On Thursday _______________________________________________________________________.
5) On Friday__________________________________________________________________________.
6) On Saturday________________________________________________________________________.
7) On Sunday _________________________________________________________________________.
А теперь давайте повторим, как мы на английском называем родственников:
Сейчас попробуем применить ваши знание английских слов по теме родственники, для этого давайте решим кроссворд:
1. Diana is Sarah's and Jack's ……..……….. …........ 2. Paul is Sarah's and Jack's…..……..…..…………... 3. Henry is Sarah's and Jack's…… …………………….…4. Jack is Diana's and Henry's…...……………… .………… …….5. Jack is Sarah's………………………. 6. Paul is Anne's………… ……… …7. Anne is Paul's …..…………………. 8. John is Sarah's and Jack's …………………. 9. Anne and Paul are Sarah's and Jack's ……………..………….. 10. Sarah is Jack's ……..……………….... 11. Sarah is George's and Sandra's …….…….………………………. 12. Anne is Sarah's and Jack's …………..…… 13. William is Amelia's ……..……..…………… 14. Jack is George and Sandra's ….………..……. 15.Sarah is Diana's and Henry's……….………..… 16. Amelia and Sandra are Sarah's and Jack's…………..………. 17. Emily and Peter are Sarah's and Jack's ………………….….. 18. Jack is Paul and Anne's ……………………..…
VIII. Подведение итогов урока.
And now write down: your homework - Ex 6. p 56.
Запишите, пожалуйста домашнее задание упражнение 6 страница 56. Ваши оценки ………….
Your marks are…… The lesson is over. Good- bye
Урок окончен. До свидания.
Приложение 1