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- Технологическая карта внеурочной деятельности английского языка 'Funny music' 5 класс
Технологическая карта внеурочной деятельности английского языка 'Funny music' 5 класс
As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox | Хитрой как лиса, сильной как бык, |
As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth | Злой как волк, острой как зуб, |
As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture | Красивой как картина, висящая на зажиме |
As warm as the sun, as silly as fun | Теплой как солнце, глупой как шутка |
As old as time, as straight as a line As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee | Старой как время, прямой как линия |
mean [miːn] - недоброжелательный, злой
That was a mean thing to do.
bite [baɪt] - укус, кусать
ugly ['ʌglɪ] - безобразный, уродливый
a very ugly man
toad [təud] - жаба
fixture ['fɪksʧə] - закрепление
nail [neɪl] - ноготь, гвоздь
(as) hard as nails - выносливый, закалённый
whale [(h)weɪl] - кит
scary ['skeərɪ] - жуткий, ужасный
royal ['rɔɪəl] - королевский
the royal palace - королевский дворец
stealth [stelθ] -скрытный
Cats rely on stealth to catch their prey.
smooth [smuːð] -
The jet made a smooth landing.
glider ['glaɪdə] -
are very expensive.
you can use to write with.
have a nice smell.
are dangerous.
can make you feel happy.
are warm.
are yellow.
are very heavy.
are clothes.
are animals.
are rooms.
taste nice.