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  • Урок английского языка в 6 классе 'Let's help wild animals'

Урок английского языка в 6 классе 'Let's help wild animals'

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Краткое описание: Урок английского языка в 6 классе "Let's help wild animals" составлен к учебнику Биболетовой М. З., Добрыниной М.В., Трубаневой Н. Н. "Enjoy English", 5-6 класс. Цель урока - систематизация знаний, полученных при прохождении темы "Давайте поможем диким животным".Во время данного урока происходит
предварительный просмотр материала

Класс: 6

Учебник: Биболетова М. З., Добрынина Н. В., Трубанева Н. Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy English: Учебник для 5-6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. - Обнинск: Титул, 2010.

Цель: систематизация знаний, полученных при прохождении темы «Давайте поможем диким животным».


  1. Образовательные (формирование познавательных УУД):

    1. знакомство учащихся с организациями Великобритании, занимающимися охраной окружающей среды (Лондонский зоопарк, Парк диких животных Уипснейд).

  2. Развивающие (формирование познавательных и регулятивных УУД):

    1. привитие интереса к иноязычной культуре, развитие интереса к предмету;

    2. расширение кругозора учащихся;

  3. Воспитательные (формирование личностных УУД):

    1. воспитание у учащихся внимательного отношения к животным;

    2. эстетическое развитие учащихся.

  4. Практические (формирование коммуникативных УУД):

    1. повторение ранее изученного лексического материала;

    2. закрепление навыков выразительного чтения, аудирования, активного говорения, письма.


  • оборудование для показа презентации;

  • учебник;

  • карточки;

  • раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

  • Good morning, boys and girls!

  • Sit down, please.

  • Who is on duty today? (What date is it today? Who is absent today?)

  • Today we go on speaking about animals in our life and how we can help them.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

  • First of all I'd like you to revise some reading rules. Listen to the speaker and repeat following sounds and words. (См. презентацию, слайды 2 - 7, список слов - приложение 1.)

  1. Повторение лексического материала.

  • And now let's revise these words once again. Read and translate them one by one. (См. презентацию, слайды 8 - 10, список слов - приложение 2.)

  1. Проверка домашнего задания.

  • At our last lesson we spoke about London Zoo. What can you say about it?

  • Well. And now let's check up your home task. At home you've prepared different stories about London Zoo. Let's listen to them.

  • Imagine that you are visitors to London Zoo. What can you hear over the radio? (Упр. 5, стр. 104, фото зоопарка - слайд 11.)

  • And now let's meet some workers of London Zoo. What do they tell us? (Упр. 7, стр. 105.)

  • Do you like London Zoo?

  • Would you like to visit it?

  • What animals would you like to see?

  • Would you like to work at London Zoo? What would you like to do there?

  1. Физкультминутка

  • Let's visit London Zoo! Show the animals we speak about. (См. презентацию, слайды 12-17, текст физкультминутки - приложение 3)

  1. Введение нового материала.

  • Do you want to know more about animals in Britain?

  • Today we'll learn some interesting things about Whipsnade Wild Animal Park. On the screen you can see this park. (См. презентацию, слайд 18.)

  • Open your books at page 108, find exercise 18. Listen and read about Whipsnade Wild Animal Park. (Текст упражнения см. в приложении 4.)

  • And now let's give a summary of this text. Complete the sentences, please. You have 3 minutes to do this task in pairs. (Текст задания см. в приложении 5.)

  • Your time is out, let's check up. Read the sentences one by one and translate.

  • Do you like this park?

  • Would you like to visit it? Why?

  1. Систематизация пройденного материала.

  • Let's compare a zoo and a wild animal's park. You should read the phrases, complete the sentence and stick a card to one of these colomns. (Карточки см. в приложении 6.)

  • What do you think is better for animals: to live in zoos or in wild animal's parks?

  1. Объяснение домашнего задания.

  • I hope this task will help you to do your homework.

  • Open your diaries and write down your home task. Our next lesson is on Monday. Your home task is ex. 20, p. 109 (in writing).

  1. Заключительный этап.

  • Today we have done many interesting and useful things at the lesson, haven't we?

  • What have we spoken about?

  • What have you learnt today?

  • Did you like the lesson?

  • What did you like most of all?

  • Today I give you following marks for the lesson.

  • The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good-bye!

Приложение 1

Список слов для проведения речевой зарядки

(в презентации слайды №№2 - 6)

Слайд №2

[æ] - natural, catch, activities, habit, hamster

Слайд №3

[ei] - cage, save, endangered, nature

Слайд №4

[з:] - world, burn, turn, word, work

Слайд №5

[ai] - fight, rhino, kind, wild, right

Слайд №6

[aiə] - society, scientific, scientists, giant

Слайд №7

[dʒ] - cage, project, join, enjoyable, endangered, giant

Приложение 2

Список слов для повторения лексического материала

(в презентации - слайды №№ 8-10)

Слайд №8

Insect, cage, nature, society, world, rhino, scientist, project

Слайд №9

Endangered, domestic, enjoyable, giant, natural, wild, zoological

Слайд №10

Join, save, watch, feed, fight

Приложение 3

Текст для проведения физкультминутки

(слайды №№12 - 17)

Giraffes are tall, with necks so long.

Elephants' trunks are big and strong.

Zebras have stripes and can gallop away,

While monkeys in the trees do sway.

Old crocodile swims in a pool so deep,

Turtles in the sun go to sleep.

Приложение 4

Текст для аудирования

(упражнение 18, стр. 108, слайд №18)

Whipsnade Animal Park

Your visit to Whipsnade Animal Park will be very enjoyable. At Whipsnade you will learn and understand more about the lives of animals and how to save endangered animals. Many scientists are working here. They are studying the effects that human activities have on the natural world.

At the children's farm you can get closer to domestic animals. In the wolf wood you'll have a good view of the wolves.

At a set time each day, the keepers of the park introduce animals around the park for you to learn more about them and ask questions about them.

But don't bring along your own dog or other pets into the park.

Приложение 5

Упражнение на понимание текста

Complete the sentences.

domestic, questions, Park, natural, endangered, scientists, activities, watch, animals

At Whipsnade Wild Animal _______ you will learn about the lives of _______ and how to save _______ animals. Many _______ are working here. They are studying the effects of human _______ on the _______ world.

At the children's farm you can see _______ animals. In the wolf wood you can _______ the wolves. You can also ask _______ about animals.

Приложение 6

Карточки для сравнения зоопарка и парка диких животных

live in cages

live in open space

people - to watch

scientists - to learn more

people - to save

more space for living

live alone

meet each other


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