- Учителю
- Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку 'День всех святых'
Вне классное мероприятие по английскому языку 'День всех святых'
Цель: активизация познавательной деятельности учащихся.
Задачи: 1. образовательная - обеспечить в ходе урока закрепление изученной лексики по теме в новой ситуации.
2. воспитательные: - содействовать свободному развитию личности (учить проявлять индивидуальность, вокальные способности, дикцию, высказывать свои мысли)
- формирование у учащихся уважительного отношения друг к другу
- привитие интереса и уважения к традициям изучаемого языка.
- воспитывать культуру поведения на празднике.
3. - развивающая - развитие памяти, мышления, языковые и индивидуальные способности, эмоции, готовность к коммуникации, познавательный интерес.
4. - практические:
- тренировать учащихся в устной речи
- вырабатывать навыки монологической речи и аудирования
Оборудование: костюмы, плакаты с песней, магнитофон (интерактивная доска), тыква, жетоны-яблоки, плакат с ведьмой, лента с карточками, игрушечные рыбки, символы (сердце, ракушка, монета, пуговица, кольцо, ключ, шары, карточки со словами).
I Представление костюмов
II Беседа о погоде
III Рассказ стихов
IV Конкурсы
Разгадывание кроссворда
Конкурс с шарами
Конкурс капитанов
V Разминка
VI Задания на карточках
VII Исполнение песни
VIII Подведение итогов и угощение
- Good morning boys and girls!
Glad to see you!
How are you?
I'm fine thank you, sit down please.
The Day is Fine today: we have a Holiday!
What holiday do we have?
So, today we'll play games, tell verses and sing the song.
Pupils, today I can't recognize you, Who are you?
- Well, witches and ghosts, say me please what is the weather like on Hallowe'en?
III - All right! Now let's begin our Hallowe'en! I and our guests are eager to listen to your verses. You are welcome!!!
IV - Now let's divided into two teams. Choose your captain/ You will get "an apple" for every right answer.
- a)Well pupils, let's guess the crossword. You will answer my questions one by one:
1. Halloween colors are black and … (orange).
2. The main vegetable at Halloween is … (a pumpkin)
3. These people were first who began to celebrate Halloween many years ago. (Druids)
4. Do you remember a legend? What was the devil afraid of? (a cross)
5. Do you remember a joke we read? Who said to his girlfriend: "I love every bone in your body" (skeleton)
6. The name of a man who didn't want to hell?
7. When we want sweets, apples, chocolate we say: "trick or … (treat)
8. Witches fly on a … ( broom).
- Who will be faster? You have guessed the words across. What do you think what is the word down? Do you remember such a joke as "A witch flies on a broom because this thing is very heavy? (vacuum cleaner)
- b)There are two balloons you should puff out your balloon and write down "HALLOWEEN"
- с) The next task is for captains. You see some cards with special words. Translate them into English. (ведьма, праздник, тыква, приведение и т.д.).
- d) Now, game is called a FISHMAN. At Halloween people choose different things which say about their future. Two boys (one is from the one team, the other is from the opposite one) should catch three fish and read what will wait your team in future. (a heart - love, a shell - long journey, a coin - wealth, a button - some troubles, a ring - soon marriage, a key - great success).
- It's high time to count your "apples".
- Which team has more apples? You have a right to hold a warming up!
V Warming up (pupils stand and do some special moves):
Little ghost turn aropund
little ghost touch the ground
Little ghost nod your head
Close your eyes and go to bed.
Do it slow
Do it quick
VI You have some cards with words. You should think about which words are belong to -a witch or - Jack-o'-lantern?
Name them please (words: to fly, moles, hell, a devil, a broom, fire, carved nose, spells, an apple tree, a pumpkin, a black cat, a hat).
VII Now, come here, please. Let's sing our song!(Fly witch, fly high
Right above our head...)
VIII -Thank you very much. Take you seats, please. Witches, ghosts, pumpkins, devils and vampires, at the end of our lesson I should say that all of you get "a five" for your costumes and verses. Yesterday I cooked worms for you. This is my treat for you. Help yourself, please!
Thank you for a good, unusual and interesting lesson and Good-bye!