- Учителю
- Разработка урока по английскому языку 'Традиции' (7 класс)
Разработка урока по английскому языку 'Традиции' (7 класс)
План урока
Класс: 7
Учитель: Проценко Анна Владимировна
Тема: "British Traditions"
Триединая дидактическая цель урока
- Учебный аспект
Организовать тренировку учащихся в употреблении лексических единиц и речевых оборотов по теме "British Traditions";
Развивать навыки чтения аутентичного текста с полным пониманием его содержания;
Систематизировать культурно-страноведческие знания учащихся о праздниках и традициях Великобритании.
Учить стоить монологические высказывания типа монолог-описание, монолог-рассуждение; отвечать на вопросы собеседника;
- Развивающий аспект
Развивать мышление, память, воображение.
Содействовать развитию интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей учащихся.
- Воспитательный аспект
Воспитывать толерантное отношение и интерес к изучаемому языку и культуре народа, говорящего на нём.
Укреплять навыки самостоятельной, парной и групповой работы.
Оборудование: проектор, доска, ноутбук, карточки с заданиями.
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
1.Организационный момент.
ввести учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения
снять трудности
актуализировать знания по теме
создать проблемную ситуацию
зафиксировать учебные задачи
3.Изучение нового учебного материала.
организовать групповую работу с учебным материалом
обеспечить взаимоконтроль полученных знаний
4. Упражнения на контроль понимания нового материала. Осуществление коррекции.
включить учащихся в обсуждение проблемных вопросов
снять трудности, связанные со значением новых лексических единиц
снять напряжение
снять трудности, связанные с произношением новых лексических единиц
5. Закрепление нового материала.
обобщить и систематизиро-вать изученное
учить выражать собственное мнение по теме аргументированно
6. Рефлексия.
7. Домашнее задание.
8. Оценка деятель-ности.
9. Прощание.
- Good afternoon!
- Glad to see you. Sit down, please.
- Firstly, watch a video and guess the theme of the lesson.
- So, what are we going to speak about today?
- Right you are. The theme of our lesson is "British traditions".
- What British traditions do you know?
- Good for you. I think you know all of them, don't you?
- It's a pity. Then would you like to learn more on the topic?
- Ok. What's the aim of our today's work?
- Shall you learn something?
- Shall you develop any skills?
- Excellent. To start with I'd like to divide you into two groups. A, B, A, …
- Group A sits here.
- Group B sits there.
- Now open your textbooks, Page 68,
Exercise 16.
- Group A reads about spring and summer holidays.
- Group B reads about autumn and winter holidays.
- While reading fill in 4 columns. List celebrations, dates, when they are held, their symbols and activities common for them.
- You've got 5 minutes for the task.
- Time is up.
- Choose a representative from each group.
- Ok. Each representative joins another group to check the answers of his/her group.
- You are given 2 minutes.
- Finish your work, please.
- Was everything correct?
- Take the copies of the completed table. It's high time to look through and discuss it. Answer my questions, please.
- What celebrations are held in summer?
- When is Guy Fawkes Day celebrated?
- What is the symbol of May Day?
- What do people do during Highland Games?
- Well done. But do you understand the meaning of all the words?
- Really? Then our next exercise will be helpful. Moreover you'll have a chance to move around.
- Each group gets the equal list of terms from the text.
- Group A is green.
- Group B is yellow.
- One by one each member of the group collects the definitions of definite colour from the walls. The others match them with the terms as quick as possible.
- The quickest group is the winner.
- Start, please. You've got 3 minutes on the task.
- Ok. Let's check the keys. Look at the screen, please.
- 1d, 2f, 3g, 4j, 5h, 6e, 7a, 8c, 9b, 10i.
- So that, group B is the winner. - Congratulations! Clap your hands, please.
- Now you've learnt the meaning of new words, but it's also important to pronounce them correctly. Repeat after me, please.
- ['vaɪkɪŋ].
- Maxim, repeat, please. ['vaɪkɪŋ].
- Only blondes, repeat, please. ['vaɪkɪŋ].
- [pə'reɪd].
- Only good pupils, repeat, please.
- [truːp]
- [kraun]
- ['eksɪkjuːt]
- Thank you.
- Let's play a world-known game by name "Crosses and Knots" or "Tic-Tac-Toe".
- First, I'd like to regroup you. Swan, Bonfire, Swan, …
- "Swans" sit here.
- "Bonfires" sit there.
- Choose the captains, please.
- Look at the screen. Here is the table for us. One by one teams open one of the squares of the table and have the task to do. If your answer is correct, I put the cross or the knot into the square. The team which succeeds in placing three respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.
- "Swans" are crosses.
- "Bonfires" are knots.
- Crosses, it's your turn. Choose the number of the square.
- It's a picture. What holiday is it connected with? Tell me a few words about it.
- Right. I put the cross into your square. Knots, it's your turn. …
- Ok. Who is the winner?
- Great!
- And the last task is the following.
- Work in pairs.
- Tell each other which celebration you'd like to go to and why.
- Here are 2 minutes for you.
- Time is up. Tanya, express your idea, please.
- Denis, what about you?
- Very well. Thank you.
- So, we've worked hard today.
- To sum up, complete any sentence written on the screen, please.
- Have you remembered any words?
- Any holidays?
- I see. Now open your diaries and write down your home task, please.
- At home try and find more facts on the topic: some new holidays and their
description or something interesting about those we've discussed today. Use the sources of our library or the Internet.
Your report must include not less than 5 sentences.
- Everyone worked hard at the lesson. But the most active pupils were …, their answers were quite correct so that they get excellent marks. The others get four as there were some pronunciation and grammar mistakes in their speech.
- The lesson is over. Goodbye!
- Afternoon!
- About British traditions.
- I know Christmas.
- I know St. Valentine's Day.
- I know Easter.
- No, we don't.
- Of course.
- The aim is to learn more about British traditions.
- The aim is to develop speaking skills on the topic.
- Sure.
- The Trooping of the Colour, Swan Upping and Highland Games are held in summer.
- Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated on the 5th of November.
- The symbol of May Day is a maypole.
- People compete, dance and play bagpipes.
- No, we don't.
- ['vaɪkɪŋ].
- ['vaɪkɪŋ].
- ['vaɪkɪŋ].
- [pə'reɪd].
- [pə'reɪd].
- [truːp]
- [kraun]
- ['eksɪkjuːt]
- Number 3.
- It's Up-Helly-Aa.
- On that day people watching the ceremony of carrying a longship.
- British dress in Viking costumes.
- Friendship has won.
- I'd like to go to The Trooping of the Colour. I think it would be pleasant to a big parade with brass bands and hundred of soldiers.
- As for me I'd like to go Highland Games, because I enjoy competing. I'm a sportsman. I would be glad to toss a caber or throw the hammer.
- Today I've learnt that Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated on the 5th of November.
- Now I can speak about British holidays.
- It was difficult to pronounce new words.
- Sure. They are crown, toss, swan.
- St David's Day, May Day.
- Carol Singing, Swan Upping.
- Bye!
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