- Учителю
- Урок английского языка в 10 классе 'Schools around the world'
Урок английского языка в 10 классе 'Schools around the world'
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
Комиссаровская средняя школа
Разработка урока английского языка
по теме:
Schools around the world
учитель английского языка
Кособуцкая Ирина Евгеньевна
2015 - 2016 учебныйгод
Schools around the world
Цель: развитие коммуникативных умений
развитие интеллектуальных способностей (память внимание, мышление);
совершенствование иноязычных компетенций (речевая, языковая, учебно-познавательная, социокультурная, компенсаторная)
воспитание интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
1 этап. Введение в языковую среду. Стадия вызова.
Teacher: Good morning, dear friends. I'm very glad to see you.
Далее идет вводная беседа, которая подводит к теме урока:
What day is it today? (P. - It's Friday)
Is it your favorite school day? Why? (P.1 - It's one of my favorite days because we have History today and it's my favorite subject. P.2 - I don't like Friday because we have too many lessons today. Etc.)
Do you like going to school? Why? ( P. 1,2,3… - I like going to school because I can learn something new / enjoy studying / can meet my friends / etc.)
What is your favourite subject?
What do you think we shall talk about today? (P. - May be about school life?)
Прием «Кластер»
Teacher: Yes, you are right. We are going to talk about schools but not only about Russian ones. You will learn a lot of interesting information about different schools around the world. It is the topic of our lesson. What comes to your mind when you hear the word "school"?
Let's write down your ideas.
Учащиеся создают кластер.
2 этап. Актуализация знаний
Thanks a lot. But do you know that schools can be differenttypes? Look at the blackboard. (Просмотр презентации о типах школ)
После просмотра презентации менее сильным учащимся предлагаются карточки с заданием:
Ex 1a page46
Match the types of the schools with their descriptions:
A boarding school
A single sex school
A co-educational school
A state school
A private school
A specialists school
A school for boys and girls
A school students go for a practical reason ( ex: to become an actor)
A school for only boys and girls
A school owned by the government
A school which students live in during school term
A school you usually have to pay to go to
There are also a wide range of schools, but you will learn about them later and now I want you to play with me.
Some of you will do exercise in the cards I'll give. The other will try to guess my thoughts.
Прием «да» - «нет».
I'll think about a school. It may be co-educational school or a state school. You must ask me some general questions to guess what type of school I'm thinking of.
E.g. P 1. - Is it a school for only boys or only girls?
T - Yes, it is
P 2 - Is it a single-sex school?
T - Yes, it is
Good for you. And now let's sum up and check up the task in our cards. So, what school is boarding school/a single-sex school (etc.)?
Учащиеся, работавшие по карточкам, отвечают на вопросы.
Прием «Групповая дискуссия»
Teacher: You know that there are some school rules which all students must follow. You can read some of them. Let's do ex 1 b, page 46. Which of them are true for our school. Let's discuss what you would like to change.
. Students wear a school uniform.
.There are lots of rules.
. Facilities and equipment are good. (e.g. libraries, science labs, sports equipment e.t.c)
. The teachers are strict.
. Students are motivated.
. There is a selection of unusual subjects to choose from.
. Students sit a lot of exams.
. Most students take part in extra-curricular activities (Ex. drama, sports)
. Students get a lot of homework.
Most students live nearby.
Учащиеся выбирают правила и комментируют их, высказывают свою точку зрения:
P1 : I like wearing a school uniform.
P2:I don't. Students have to wear a uniform in our school. I don' think that school uniform is a good idea. It isn't comfortable and doesn't show our individuality.I'd rather wear something more fashionable to school.
P2: As for me, I think we should wear a uniform because it is our dress code.
P3: Facilities and equipment are good. We have a science lab and a modern gym but it would be good to have a swimming pool in our school. Etc
Этап 3.Осмысление новой информации.
Прием «Инсерт»
Teacher : And now let's listen and read about different schools around the world. Open you books at page 46 and do exercises 2 and 3. While listening and reading the text make these notes:
" !" - I like this idea.
"V" - I don't like this idea.
"?" - I don't understand it.
После того, как учащиеся закончат работу с текстом, они прослушивают его аудиозапись, во время которой самостоятельно проверяют правильность выполнения упражнения 3а. Затем идет обсуждение текста. Учащиеся объясняют пометки, которые они сделали в тексте:
P1 - I was surprised to know that in some American schools students can study such subjects as comic book art, song writing or photography. I would like to study them too.
P2 - I don't like that in one Chinese school training starts at 5.30. I think it's too early.
P3 - I agree that cleaning of the school before leaving it is a good idea, because if we cleaned our school we would not make it dirty. Etc.
Этап 4. Решениеучебныхзадач
Прием «Рафт»
So, let's watch a video where you'll see the report about English schools. After watching it you'll answer some questions about your school and make a report about it. Are you ready? So let's start.
Просмотр видео
What type of school is your school?
Do you have a school canteen?
Do you like your school gym?
Do you have any competitions at your school?
And now imagine that you are British TV presenters and you should interview Russian students. Think of some questions for these students and then we shall organize this interview.
P1: Hello, we are making a TV programme about schools in Russia. Could you tell me about your school?
P2: Yes, of course. What would you like to know?
P1: When does school start?
P2: School starts at 8.30 am.
P1: And how do you get to school?
P2: I walk to school. It takes me 10 minutes.
P1: Do students wear a uniform?
P2: No, we can wear what we like.
P1: are there rules in your school?
P2: Yes, of course, but they are not very strict. etc
Этап 5. Контрользнаний, обратнаясвязь
«Метод интеллектуальных карт»
So, at the end of our lesson let's make a mind map to sum up our knowledge. You have a sheet of paper and some crayons. The main word of our lesson is "school". Whathaveyouknownduringourlesson? Make a mind map, please.
Учащиеся работают с интеллектуальной картой, в конце работы объясняя все, что на ней изображено.
Этап 5 . Рефлексия
Our lesson is over, so answer the questions, please.
What emotions do you feel? Why? Was the lesson interesting for you? Have you known anything new?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, используя опоры и смайлики, находящиеся на партах.
Was not bored, worked hard. didn't relax, answered properly, was active, was emotional, fulfilled the task, received a reward (a good mark).
Домашнее задание. Прием «Рафт»
Your home task is exercise 6, page 47 . Imagine that you are a newspaper correspondent and write a short article about your school (40-80words)
Домашнее задание дифференцированное, так как объем эссе от 40 ( для слабых учащихся) до 80 (для сильных) слов.
Список используемых интернет ресурсов.
Приложение 1
Match the types of the schools with their descriptions:
A boarding school
A single sex school
A co-educational school
A state school
A private school
A specialists school
A school for boys and girls
A school students go for a practical reason ( ex: to become an actor)
A school for only boys and girls
A school owned by the government
A school which students live in during school term
A school you usually have to pay to go to
Match the types of the schools with their descriptions:
A boarding school
A single sex school
A co-educational school
A state school
A private school
A specialists school
A school for boys and girls
A school students go for a practical reason ( ex: to become an actor)
A school for only boys and girls
A school owned by the government
A school which students live in during school term
A school you usually have to pay to go to
Match the types of the schools with their descriptions:
A boarding school
A single sex school
A co-educational school
A state school
A private school
A specialists school
A school for boys and girls
A school students go for a practical reason ( ex: to become an actor)
A school for only boys and girls
A school owned by the government
A school which students live in during school term
A school you usually have to pay to go to
Приложение 2
Was not bored, worked hard. didn't relax, answered properly, was active, was emotional, fulfilled the task, received a reward (a good mark).
Schools around the world