- Учителю
- Методическая разработка урока Days of the week
Методическая разработка урока Days of the week
Автор публикации: Минниахметова В.Н.
Дата публикации: 18.10.2016
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала
Автор и составитель урока: Минниахметова В.Н.
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 5
Тема урока: "Days of the week"
Урок: "Days of the Week"
Цель урока: развитие лингвистических способностей.
Задачи: 1) закрепить лексические единицы по теме;
2) практиковать учащихся в монологической и диалогической речи.
Наглядность: картинки, карточки, слайды.
Ход урока.
Фонетическая зарядка
a) Monday, Sunday, Russian
Saturday, Wednesday
b) poem "Mrs.Grundy"
Mrs.Grundy washes on Monday
Irons on Tuesday
Shops on Wednesday
Bakes on Thursday
Sews on Friday
Cleans on Saturday
Cooks on Sunday.
This is the tale of Mrs. Grundy.
Речевая зарядка "Days of the Week"
What day of the week is today?
Is today Monday?
Is today Wednesday?
Is today Thursday?
Is today Tuesday or Friday?
Listen to the story:
There are 365 days or 366 days in a year. There are 7 days in a week. The seven days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
In Russia Monday is the first day of the week.
In Great Britain it is Sunday.
Name the days of the week in Russia.
Name the days of the week in Great Britain.
Answer the questions:
How many days are there in a week?
Is Monday the first day of the week in Russia?
What is the name of the first day of the week in G.B.?
Do you go to school on Tuesday?
Do you go to school on Sunday?
On what day do you not go to school?
Does Friday come after Saturday?
Does Friday come before Saturday?
Does Tuesday come after Monday?
Does Tuesday come before Wednesday?
After what day does Saturday come?
Before what day does Thursday come?
3) Read the abbreviations: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thus., Fri., Sat., Sun.
4) Explain what does it mean. Let's play "Who knows better?"
Sunday is the day of the sun.
Monday is the day of the moon.
Tuesday is the day of the god of the war.
Wednesday is the day of the chief god.
Thursday is the day of thunder.
Friday is the day of the Frig.
Saturday is the day of Saturn.
5) Разгадывание кроссворда
A) the day of the chief god
B) the day of thunder
C) the day of the moon
D) the day of Saturn
E) the day of the god of the war
F) the day of the Frig
What day is it? It is Sunday.
6) Стих " Monday for Wealth"
Translate into English:
Понедельник для богатства
Вторник для здоровья
Среда лучший день для всех
Четверг для ссор
Пятница для потерь
И суббота нет удачи совсем.
Tell the poem by heart "The Dance on Sunday"
7) Аудирование . Listen to the story about Mrs. Grunday.
Answer the questions:
When does she work?
When does she sit on the sofa?
What does she do on Friday?
When does she rest?
8) Guess the puzzles
Which is the strongest day of the week?
Sunday (because all the others are week days).
9) Фонетическая отработка лексики: Russian, Literature, Maths, English, Cooking, Handicraft, Music, Art, Sport, Computing.
10) Учебный разговор:
What is your favourite subject?
What lessons have you got on Monday, Tuesday,…?
11) Аудирование рассказа (упр.5, стр. 202)
12) беседа по тексту (упр. 5, "English for Children")
13) Составить предложения по картинкам.
Where will you go on Monday?
Where will he go on Sunday?
14) Подведение итогов.
15) Домашнее задание:
A: Ex.6, p.202
B: Ex.7, p.203
С: составить рассказ