- Учителю
- Рабочая программа по английскому языку на тему What is theatre (9 класс)
Рабочая программа по английскому языку на тему What is theatre (9 класс)
Theme: What is theatre?
Aims: - to consolidate previous materials, to train the pupils in using model verb.
"must, mustn't" in speech;
- to develop pls' abilities in oral speech and reading;
- to teach pupils to respect each other and to be polite;
- to develop skills', knowledge.
The type of the lesson: lesson - introduction.
Method: complex work, association, question - answer, gr. work, Round - Robin
The Outline of the lesson
I. Organization of the lesson
Good morning, dear children!Sit down!Who is on duty today?What date
is it today?Who is absent today?What day is it today?What's the
weather like today?Talking with pupils about the winter, the season
and winter games.
II. Warm-up.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes
III. Checking up the home work: 10 suggestion (Present Continues Tense)
IV. The main part. Now, pupils today we'll take Grammar
Model verb: must, mustn't, have to
1. Remember: После модального глагола применяется глагол с частицей
"to" .
Example: He must do his homework. She must do it.
Example: She must do it. He should take an umbrella.
2. do / does сұраулы сөйлемде қолданылмайды.
Ex: Can I help you? What should I do?
3. «Must»употребляется ,когда говорят о необходимости и об обязательствах, на спонтанной мысли говорящего применяется.
Ex: I must cut my hair.
You really must work hard.
4. «Have to» необходимость законному правилу обосновываться,
чтобы действие в обязательном порядке характеризовать касалось
дело, попытки, применяется. Например
Ex: children have to go to school (закон)
You have to wear a Uniform (правила)
Отрицательная форма глаглоа: mustn't, don't have to
Mustn't - о том что нельзя выполнить какое-либо дйствие
Don't have to - применяется в том, когда нет никакой
Example: It's a secret. You mustn't tell anybody
Some children iron their socks, but you don't have to
It's a waste of time.
V. Read some school rules:
1. You must
do your homework.
arrive at school at 1o 'clock
wear a Uniform
Bring a letter from your parents
if you missed your lessons
Stand up when a teach comes
into the class room.
be quiet in the classroom
in the library
Keep your classroom tidy.
2. You mustn't (Замечания)
be late for the lessons
bring mobile phone
run in the corridors
chew chewing gums
wear jeans or trainers
make a noise during the lesson
leave school at break time
VI. Writing work.
Exercise 3. p. 111. Complete the sentences with must, mustn't
and translate them into
a) We _____________ bring CD players to school
b) We_____________ have a dictionary at the English lesson.
c) We _____________ stay at school until 2 o' clock.
Exercise 4. p. 111 What do you use after must and mustn't? Complete
the table with the correct form of the verb.
to wear -------- wearing -------- wear ------ wears
She ------ must _______________________ a uniform.
It ------- mustn't _____________________ earrings.
Exercise 5. p. 112 A work in small groups. Think of some rules for
your ideal school.
Execise 6. p. 112 Listening: Listen to Tom and guess what his job
сыпайы ------------ polite adj
қысқа женді ----- short - sleeved adj
клиент ------------ сustomer n
алып беру ------- serve v
VII. Reading work.
Text: I dont't have to get up early in the morning.
I have to start work at 11 o' clock in the morning or at 4 o'clock
in the afternoon. I don't have to work on Wednesdays, but I have to
work at weekend. That's the busiest time. I have to serve meals and
I have to be polite to customers.
I have to wear short - sleeved white shirt, black trousers and a
nametag. I love my job.
VIII. Reflection:
What was the theme of our lesson?
What interesting things did you know?
IX. Home task: 1-lesson: exercise 15 p.114 answer the questions
2-lesson: exercise 16 p.114 write down five things you had to do last week that you didn't want to do, then share your list with the class and find out the five worst things you had to do.
Translate please. Do you know any Kazakh and Russian proverbs
about health?
" Дені саудың - жаны сау".
" Денсаулық - зор байлық".
" Здоровье - лучшее богатство"
X. Marks:
The marks for the lesson are …
The lesson is over! Good-bye!