- Учителю
- Конспект обобщающего урока по английскому языку на тему 'Здоровье и личная гигиена' (6 класс)
Конспект обобщающего урока по английскому языку на тему 'Здоровье и личная гигиена' (6 класс)
Обобщающий урок по теме
«Здоровье и личная гигиена»
6 класс
Учебник В.П.Кузовлева
Разработала и провела
учитель английского языка
высшей категории МБОУСОШ №13
Емельянова Елена Николаевна
Задачи урока
Учебные задачи:
Закрепить введённую лексику по теме.
Совершенствовать речевые навыки на основе прочитанного текста.
Научить обсуждать проблему в диалогической речи.
Учить выражать отношение к обсуждаемому материалу в монологической речи.
Дальнейшее развитие умения аудирования с полным пониманием услышанного.
Совершенствование техники чтения, умения читать текст, содержащий новые слова.
Развитие умения письма.
Воспитательные задачи:
Учить бережно относиться к своему здоровью.
Культивировать у учащихся позитивное отношение к здоровому образу жизни.
Учить правильно распределять свободное время.
Развивающие задачи:
Дальнейшее развитие психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью, и речевых способностей.
Обучать самостоятельно делать выводы, решать проблемы по изучаемой теме.
Улучшение зрительной и слуховой памяти, внимания, воображения.
Аудиокассета с рассказом Маши
Презентация «Body»
Плакат с высказыванием "Early to bed early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise".
Рисунок с девочкой Машей
Стрелы с болезнями (6 штук)
Солнышки с пожеланиями (6 штук)
Картинки с распорядком дня
Ход урока
I.Организационный момент
Объявление темы урока.
T: Natasha, why were you absent yesterday? (She was ill, what a pity! ) Today we'll talk about health and healthy food.
II.Речевая зарядка
T: The proverb on the poster is linked with our lesson. Read it, please.
T: How do you understand these words?
T: Why is the word "wealthy" used?
T: You're right. And in my opinion if a person goes to bed and wakes up in proper time his brain isn't tired and his thoughts are wise.
III. Обучение устной речи на основе стихотворения "Tommy and His Clock"
T: Who tells us when to go to bed and when to get up? You can know it if you guess the riddle. Listen to it.
"What Is It?"
It can tell you all the day:
Time to sleep and time to play.
( The clock)
T: It's true. It's interesting to know that people often compare clocks with themselves. Clocks like people have faces and hands - minute hands and hour hands. Enjoy the drama. It's called "What Does Your Clock Say?"
"What Does Your Clock Say?"
P1: It must be late. What does your clock say?
P2: Just what it likes to say:"Tick, tick!"
P1: No, no, I ask you what time is it now?
P2: Well, it's ten o'clock now.
T: Clocks are our true friends. Like good friends they talk with us. In the morning an alarm-clock says to us :"Wake up! Get up!" Tommy has got many clocks and they talk with him. Listen to the conversation between Tommy and his clocks.
Tommy and His Clocks.
Clock: Tick-tock, tick-tock;
Now it's eight o'clock,
Eight o'clock, eight o'clock,
Now it's eight o'clock,
And what do you do, Tommy,
When it's eight o'clock?
Tommy: I go to school with my friends,
When it's eight o'clock.
Clock: Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Now it's ten o'clock,
Tick-tock, tick-tock;
Now it's ten o'clock,
And what do you do, Tommy,
When it's ten o'clock?
Tommy: We all read and write at school,
When it's ten o'clock.
Clock: Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Now it's twelve o'clock,
Twelve o'clock, twelve o'clock,
Now it's twelve o'clock,
And what do you do, Tommy,
When it's twelve o'clock?
Tommy: We are at the English lesson,
When it's twelve o'clock.
Clock: Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Now it's two o'clock,
Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Now it's two o'clock,
And what do you do, Tommy,
When it's two o'clock?
Tommy: I take my bag and go home,
When it's two o'clock.
Clock: Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Now it's three o'clock,
Three o'clock, three o'clock,
Now it's three o'clock,
And what do you do, Tommy,
When it's three o'clock?
Tommy: I like to play with my friends,
When it's three o'clock.
T: Tommy does many things during the day. What does he do every day?
T: Now you know about Tommy's daily routine. I'd like to know about your daily routine.
When do you get up?
What do you do at ten o'clock in the morning?
Do you have an English lesson at twelve like Tommy?
4. When do you have your English lessons?
5. What do you do at your English lessons?
6. When do you go home from school?
7. Do you play with your friends at three o'clock like Tommy? And what do you do at three o'clock?
8. What do you do at home in the evening?
9. When do you go to bed?
T: It's very important to do the right things in the right time. Children, do you know the secret of happy and healthy life? It's a right daily routine. Please, show me that you know it. Put these pictures on the blackboard in the right places.
(Students put drawings in such order and say: "At first I get up. Etc)
Get up -----do morning exercises ------ take a shower ------- clean teeth --------dress ------ have breakfast ------- go to school ----- ------- have dinner ----- do homework ------ help parents -------- play ------ go to bed.
T: Let's sing a song about your morning routine.
This is the way I eat my cake,
Eat my cake, eat my cake.
This is the way I eat my cake
So early in the morning.
This is the way I drink my tea,
Drink my tea, drink my tea.
This is the way I drink my tea
So early in the morning.
IV.Аудирование и обсуждение информации.
T: A girl Masha by name has got problems. Listen to her story and try to help her. (аудиокассета)
I've got a problem and I don't know what to do. The matter is I'm always late for classes and I don't understand why. Teachers scold me, my classmates laugh at me. I usually get up at half past seven in the morning. I don't make my bed, don't do morning exercises, don't have breakfast because I'm afraid to be late for classes. Then I put my text-books, exercise-books, pens, pencils and the diary into my schoolbag. On my way to school I suddenly remember that I've left something at home and return home. And as a rule I'm late. Without breakfast my stomach often hurts. After school I come home. Our form teacher tells us that before doing homework we should have a rest. That's why I watch TV and play with my friends. At 9 o'clock I start doing homework. I don't understand anything. I go to bed at 12 o'clock. My eyes hurt. I'm very tired. In the morning I have a headache. What should I do?
T: What problem has the girl got and why?
T: Help her. Give her some advice. Make up some sentences using the table written on the slide.
go to bed at 10 o'clock in the evening
do homework after dinner
get up at 7 o'clock
have breakfast
make your bed
watch TV much
do morning exercises
play sports
go to bed at 12 o'clock at night
take care of your health
T: It seems to me that you helped Masha. Very useful pieces of advice! And one of them is to do morning exercises.. Take care of your own health by doing morning exercises.
Put your fingers on your nose, then your hair.
Put your fingers on your nose, then your hair.
Put your fingers on your hair and wave them in the air.
Put your fingers on your nose, then your hair.
T: You can tell Masha the words of encouragement if you complete the crossword and read the sentence in the green checks. How well do you know the words which are connected with the problem of health?
зубной врач
головная боль
T: What can you read in the green checks?
Ps: Be healthy!
T: Be healthy, Masha. And Masha and Elena Nicolaevna wish you to be healthy too.
V.Обучение диалогу по данной теме.
T: If you don't care for your health you'll have a lot of illnesses. What illnesses do you know? Write the names of illnesses on the arrows and attach them around the girl with these magnet buttons.
Ps: A stomachache, a headache, a backache, a toothache, the flu, a cold.
(Pupils attach the cards around the girl)
T: If your stomach hurts you have a stomachache. If your ears hurt you have an earache. So many illnesses! Yuck!
People fall ill from time to time. Sometimes they must consult the doctor and in other cases if an illness isn't too serious they should keep warm and take some vitamins and syrup. Please, tell some short dialogues on healthy problems. As you remember they are your homework.
1. - What's the matter? You don't look happy today.
- I don't feel well. I've got a backache and a headache. I've got a cold. I blow my nose every minute.
- Oh, what a pity! How long have you been like this?
- Since last Monday.
- You should keep warm. You should stay in bed. You must consult the doctor. You mustn't take any tablets without his advice.
2. - Hi! How are you?
- I'm OK, thanks. And you?
- Oh, I feel awful.
-What's up?
- I've got a stomachache. Maybe it's appendicitis.
- I'm sorry to hear that. You must visit a surgeon. You must have medical check and should have an operation if it's appendicitis.
T: How to cure different illnesses? Form sentences-advice using the words in the table on the card №2.
a stomachache
a headache
a backache
a toothache
the flu
a cold
visit a physician
carry heavy things
visit a dentist
stay at home
take medicine
stay in bed
go to the hospital at once
keep warm
have a lot of food
have an operation
have a medical check
drink tea with lemon
VI. Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме.
T: Do you drink tea only when you have a cold?
T: Some pupils have prepared interesting information about tea and different food.
P: Russian people like tea. English people like tea, too. They drink a lot of tea. They have tea for breakfast. They have tea for lunch, dinner and supper. Some English families have two or three cups of tea at tea-time.
English people drink tea from cups, not from glasses. English people like to have tea with milk, not with lemon. They call tea with lemon "Russian tea".
P1: Tea comes from a plant, but it's not a fruit. We make tea from the leaves of a plant, so tea is a vegetable!
P2: What about coffee? From plants we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows on trees: apples, oranges and bananas. Some plants have fruit too, like the coffee plant. So coffee is a drink.
P3: People can't live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from animals. People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from birds.milk comes from cows. From milk people make butter and cheese.
P4: What about tomatoes? "Tomatoes are a vegetable," some people say. No, they are not. Tomatoes are fruit.
Different food comes from different countries. Oranges and bananas grow in Africa and America.
T: People have meals several times a day. What kind of meals do you know? Before to answer remember the poem about meals and time to have them.
Breakfast in the morning,
Dinner in the day,
Tea comes after dinner,
Then comes time to play.
Supper in the evening
When the sky is red.
Then the day is over
And we go to bed.
T: Rabelais said "The appetite grows by eating". What does it mean?
T: In different countries people different meals in different time. Let's compare traditional Russian meals and time of eating it and the same in England. Use the cards on your tables.
Traditional Russian meals
Traditional English meals
In the morning
At about noon
In the afternoon
In the evening
dinner/ supper
T: Americans have their own meal called "Brunch". What does the word "brunch" mean?
T: You've guessed! At a boy! Make your suggestions about the time of eating brunch.
T: Let's read the story and check our suggestion. I'll give you tables with the words " I know. I've known. I want to know". Fill in the checks.
What I know
What I've known
What I want to know
Americans eat it if they don't have breakfast and don't have lunch. They can eat it in the garden on Sundays when they have time to relax. They dress elegantly and sometimes they invite their friends.
They have pancakes on French toasts. They also have ham or bacon. Some of them like to eat brunch in restaurants. They start with tomato or orange juice. Then they have bacon and eggs on an English muffin.
Why don't you make your own brunch? Prepare a buffet with bacon, eggs and tomato sandwiches, salads, cheese and cakes or biscuits. You can drink fruit juice, milk, tea or coffee. Enjoy yourself!
T: Answer the questions:
When do Americans have brunch?
What day of the week do they eat it?
Do they have brunch alone?
Where do American people eat brunch?
What food do Americans have for brunch?
Would you like to have brunch too? What would you have for it?
VII. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.
T: Try to eat healthy food such as fruit and vegetables. Drink milk and juice. They've got a lot of vitamins. Take care of your health! Health is one of the most important things. What should you do to be healthy? What else would you advise to Masha?
Учащиеся подходят к доске, убирают таблички со стрелами-болезнями и вместо них прикрепляют солнышки с пожеланиями.
Play sports
Go to bed
at 10 o'clock
Eat more fruit
and vegetables
Spend a lot of
time outdoor
Don't eat
many sweets
T: Your homework is to do a project "My healthy life". Describe your routine and illustrate it with pictures.