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  • Урок в 9 классе по Верещагиной Computers

Урок в 9 классе по Верещагиной Computers

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План - конспект урока английского языка

«Computers »

Тема: «Computers»

Цель: развитие и совершенствование лексических навыков, а так же навыков говорения, чтения и письма;


- развитие речевых умений и понимания иностранной речи на слух;

- способствовать пополнению словарного запаса, путем повторения лексики по теме «Virtual reality»;

Оборудование: учебник, наглядные пособия, экран, проектор.

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Основная часть


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Good morning children.

Sit down please.

Tell me what's date today?

What's day today?

Is it sunny?

Is it snow?

Who is absent today?

Look at the screen, you some questions about virtual reality.

Tell me please, what is the virtual reality?

What are advantages of virtual reality?

What are disadvantages?

What do critics say about VR?

What do the scientists say about VR?

What does VR mean for human ethics and morality?

What does the word "science" mean?

What are branches of science?

What does the astronauts' mission usually include?

What are the most important problems which scientific are working at?

You know that all scientists discover a lot of things. But some times they invent something new. Open your books at page 178. You see the difference between to invent and to discover.

Read and translate the rule.

Open your copybooks write the date class work and write the difference between these words. So Ex. 70. Read the task. Делаем это упражнение устно по цепочке. Begin.

Tell me please what is one the most important inventions for communication and entertainment in the XX century?

Yes it is a computer.

Look at the screen. You see the computer what parts of it do you know?

Yes, and now open your books at page 181 Ex 76. You see a lot of things which are the parts of computer and some additions.

Ex. 77. You see the questions on the screen find the answers.

So our lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye.

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