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  • Разработка урока по теме Это-я

Разработка урока по теме Это-я

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Разработка открытого урока учителя английского языка Кузнецовой Марины Витальевны.

Тема урока: «Me in the world».

Класс: 7 «Б»

Цели урока:

1. Совершенствовать произносительные навыки.

2.Активизировать лексические и грамматические навыки учащихся.

3.Практиковать учащихся в восприятии речи на слух с полным пониманием содержания текста.

4.Научить учащихся реализовывать и презентовать проект.

Этапы подготовки проекта:

1-й этап. Подготовка, определение темы и целей по данной тематике (разработка биографической книги о себе и о своих одноклассниках).

2-й этап. Планирование (определение источников информации,

определение способа представления результатов - презентация себя., своих интересов, интересов и увлечений своих одноклассников) .

3-й этап. Исследование проблемы.

4-й этап. Достижение результатов (работа над фонетикой, лексикой, грамматикой используемого материала).

5-й этап. Представление результатов. Презентация автобиографической книги.

Развивающие цели:

  1. Говорение- развитие монологической и диалогической речи;

  2. Письмо-развитие навыков письма (описание себя, как личности, умение анализировать, сравнивать, критиковать, делать выводы).

  3. 3.Чтение- развитие навыков и умений чтения с полным пониманием содержания текста.

  4. Аудирование - развитие навыков и умений восприятия иноязычного текста на слух, беседе по содержанию услышанного.

Оборудование урока: 1.Аудиокассета к УМК «New Millenium» - 7 класс

2. Выставка творческих работ учащихся (картины, визитные карточки учащихся).

3.Мультимедийный проектор.

4.Биографическая книга «The 7 th «В» in the World».

5.Учебник «New Millenium» для 7-го класса.

6.CD магнитофон.

7.Фото - выставка учащихся 7-го класса.

Ход урока:

  1. Начало урока. Приветствие. Постановка цели.

Teacher: Good morning, dear students! I am very glad to see you at our lesson! Today we are presenting our book « The 7 th -B in the World». The main tasks of our lesson are: 1.To summarize our knowledge of speaking on the topic, grammar, reading, listening, writing, to show the result of our project «The 7-th B in the World».

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Let us train our language to speak perfectly. Will you read this rhyme all together!

(чтение стихотворения, изображенное на мультимедийном проекторе).

«I want to look like me

Everybody says: «I look like my mother»,

Everybody says: «I look like my aunt Bell»,

Everybody says: «My nose is look my father,s but Iwant to look like me» .

Teacher: Thank you very much!

3.Презентация проекта.

Your home task was to make your personal identity cards and to draw or to take a photo of an animal, which is associated with your feelings or features of character. Look at this personal card. Zakharova Svetlana associates herself with a cat. How can you characterize her as a person?

P1: To my mind, she is very kind , merry, funny and charming.

P2: As for me, I am sure that she is a creative girl and nice.

Teacher: Natasha Bibisheva thinks she is like a swallow. How do you think?

What kind of person is she?

P3: She is romantic, artistic, sensitive, dreamy, caring.

T: How can you characterize Sasha Selivanov, who assosiates himself with a dog?

P4: There is no doubt , Sasha is kind, outgoing, friendly, cheerful. And he is talkative, of course.

(Учащиеся характеризуют друг друга, глядя на визитные карточки).

T: The psychology is a guest of our lesson. She will try to comment your identity cards. Do, please!

Psyhology: Looking at your photos, I would like to tell you that everybody is creative, fun-loving, chatty and talented. Also you are happy and cheerful girls and boys.You can keep secrets. That is why you are true friends. You are good at all subjects, at Art, at sport, at music. I am sure, you are the best students of our school.

Thank you very much , that you have spoken well of our students of the 7th «B».

T: Let us open the first page of our book and answer the question: «What am I like? »

P1: Hello! I am Alxander Selivanov! Selivanov is my surname and Alexander is my first name. My friends call me Sasha or Sashka. I am a Russian student of the 7 th «B». I love my classmates , my teachers and my school very much. My friends say that I am a handsome boy. But I am not sure in it. I would

like to tell you a few words about myself and about my family. There is no doubt; I love my parents very much. They are the best parents in the world.

They are very sensitive and caring. I have a little brother. He is a happy, a cheerful boy. I am lucky that I have such a funny little brother. People say,

I am clever, outgoing and an adventurous person. But I think, that I am friendly

and fun- loving. I am often called a chatterbox. I like chatting on the phone most of all .I can do it right now.

(звонок мобильного телефона)

Sasha: Hello! Can I to speak to Zhenya?

Zhenya: Hi! This is Zhenya.

Sasha: Oh! Hi, Zhenya! Is Sunday still OK for volleyball?

Zhenya: Yes.That is fine.

Sasha: Great! See you on Sinday at 10! Buy!

Zhenya: See you!

Sasha: I am bored. I shall make a call to my friend Sasha Korotkov.

(звонок мобильного телефона)

Sasha Selivanov: Good afternoon!

Sashas father: Afternoon!

Sasha: Соuld I speak to Sasha?

Father: No. Sorry. He is not in.

Sasha: Could you ask him to ring me back this evening?

Father: Right! I will tell him.

Sasha: Good buy!

Father: God buy!

Teacher: Thank you very much! You are really kind, adventurous, handsome, caring, and very, very chatty. But now I would like to suggest opening of the second page of our book. The title of this page is «Great friends are the coolest thing about school».And try to answer my questions, please.

1. Who is your best friend?

2. Where did you meet your best friend?

3. What does it mean to have the best friend?

In reality we can not have many true friends. Our life proves we have only on

true friend. What is your opinion? Let us make our presentation.

P1. People are lucky who have real friends. To my mind a good friend is

a person who I can rely on. My best friend is my classmate. Her name is Anna. We have become friends since our childhood. I trust my friend because she can keep secrets. She is helpful and friendly. We have much in common: the same interests, and attitude to life. My friend is shy, clever and well-educated. She is caring and sharing and very fun -loving. I am happy to have such friend as Ann.

P2: I have met my friend at school. My best friend Julia is a pretty girl. She is always ready to help me when I need. She is the best student at our class. She is the best at all subjects. She gets only excellent marks at school. My friend is very responsible.

Especially she is good at English. Besides it she is good at painting. I miss my friend

when I can not see her for a long time.

P3: I am sure that I have a true friend. She is Vika Plotnikova. She is a person who does not talk about me behind my back. She is always get to ready to hear my problems and to solve them with me. My friend is the best at English. It is her best subject. I like my friend very much.

T: I am happy that you have found your true friends in your school life. When we have such people in our life we are the happiest people in the world. But to my great regret , we can meet people who do not have true friends in there life. That is why they feel themselves unhappy. Now let us listen to Stella. She does not go to school.

She is fed up with being the fool.


T: Answer my questions: What would you do if someone bullied you?

P1. If someone bullied me I would ignore them.

P2: If someone bullied me I would talk with this person.

P3: If someone bullied me I would turn his or her comments into joke.

P4: As for me I would be confident and hold up and stand up straight.

P5: Might be I would keep a diary about my problems.

P6: I would be frustrated and I would change my school.

T: What advice would you give to Stella?

P1: You should hold your head up.

P2: You should change this school.

P3: You should not show you are depressed.

P4: You should not cry.

P5: You can make friends not only among your classmates.

P6: You should join a sport club.

P7: You should be more fun- loving.

T: I hope your recommendations will help Stella .It is high time to open the third page of our book and be convinced of the talents of the students.

T: People say that hobby makes our life more interesting. Do you agree with this statement? What is your favorite activity when you have free time? What are you good at?

P1: I like sport. I prefer to spend my free time, playing volleyball, football or tennis. My friends and me like going skiing in winter. I am sure sport is useful for our health. Good health is above wealth.

P2: As for me I adore to work with computer. It is very interesting to make programmers and to play computer games. I use computer to practice English.

P3: Frankly speaking I have no much spare time. I work hard at school. I like playing chess when I have free time. I often work with computer.

P4: I devote my free time to my dog. It is called Bim. It is the cleverest dog I have ever seen.

T: I know that most of students of your class study at the Art School. You are good at painting and music. What would you like to tell your foreign pen friend about your favorite activities?

P1: I study at the Art School. I like painting. I have been painting since my childhood. When I was a child I painted with my father. He taught me how to draw.

But now I paint by myself. I like painting people, nature, animals. I take part in different exhibitions. This is one of my pictures. Some of my pictures are exhibited at the Art School. I have got the first prize for this picture. (картина демонстрируется) I would like to know about painting as much as possible. Painting is something spiritual for me. It makes me happy and helps me to understand beauty and harmony of the world. I can paint from morning till night. I should work hard to be a good artist. Painting demands much time and work. My parents and friends admire my pictures. The best pictures are hanging on the wall in my bedroom.

T: Thank you very much. You are a talented girl. But tastes differ. Some students like painting and others are fond of music. Let us listen girls who love music.

P1: Hello,Vika. I have not seen you for ages.

P2: It is true. I am very busy. I have to work hard practicing English and playing the guitar.

P1: Can you play the guitar? It is fantastic!

P2: I can not play the guitar perfectly but I try to do it.

P1: You are lucky. But I can not play any musical instrument. Though I like music very much.

P2: What sort of music do you like?

P1: I am crazy about pop- music. I like not only listening to music but also singing.

P2: I like singing too. Especially English songs.

P1: We have the same tastes. Let us sing our favorite song. (поют песню

« Susanna».

T: Thank you very much. You are good at music and vocal. Russian people can not live without singing and dancing. I envy people who can dance well. Who is good at dance at our class?

(девочки танцуют танец).

P1: We are good at dancing. Dancing helps us to be in good shape and to keep in good health. We dance everywhere: at home, at school, at concerts.

(закрывается книга)

T: Our story about students of the 7 th class is over. I hope pen friends will read it with great pleasure.

4.Обобщение урока.

T: What have we done at our lesson?

P1: We have spoken about ourselves: about our features of character, about our families and friends.

P2: We have spoken about our true friends.

P3: We have discussed the problem of friendship.

P4: We tried to show a wide range of our interests, using English language.

P5: I agree with my classmate. We have touched upon an important topic « Me in the world», using English language. To my mind we should work at this subject as much as possible to know it perfectly.

T: I would like to say: «Everybody is the best in the 7 th «В». Every person is good at English. Thank you very much for your work and for your creativity.

Список используемой литературы.

1.УМК «New Millenium» для 7-го класса.

2.Англо-русский словарь, автор Мюллер.

3.Журнал « Иностранные языки в школе»

4.Газета «Первое сентября».

5.УМК «Headway»



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