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  • Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Welcome to London

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Welcome to London

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Мұғалім: Акбарова Г

Form: 4 б

The theme of the lesson: Welcome to London ?

The aim of the lesson:

Educating: Оқушылырға Лондонның тарихын түсіндіру және орналасқан ортасы яғны географиялық орнын айту.

Brining up: Лондон жайлы оқу және жана сөздермен таныстыру.

Developing : Оқыту,жаздыру,сұрақ - жауап,ойын ойнату және сөздік қорын дамыту.

Type of the lesson: The lesson of new information.

Methods: Interactive, demonstrative, reflective, oral, method of searching.

Visual aids: Cards, pictures

Literature: "Chatter box"

Procedure of the lesson

Organization moment.

1 a) speech drill

2 b) phonetic drill

T: Good afternoon children.

P: Good afternoon teacher

T: Thank you, sit down. I am glad to see you.

2 Checking up the home task.

What was your home task for today? Are your ready? Who is ready?

3 To explain the new words (слайд)

Capital - астанысы

Pull down - төмен тарту

Fall down - құлау

Fair lady - әділ ханым

Burn - өртену

Engine - мотор

Pour - қую

Fire - от

Many - көп

4. To read about London

This is London, the capital of England. London is very old city. Three hundred years ago, there was a big fire in London and many houses burned. There is a big river in London - the Thames. The first bridge over the river was called London Bridge. You can not see London Bridge today-people pulled down.

Song about fire.

London is burning,

London is burning ,

Find the engines,

Find the engines ,

Fire ! Fire!

Fire! Fire!

Pour on water,

Pour on water.

5. Concluding the new lesson.

What is the capital of England?

Is London a very old city?

What was the names of the first bridge over the river?

Were there many houses burnt?

Did people pour water on the fire?

6. Marking. Give me please your diaries, I will give you your mark .


5 - Excellent

4 - Good

3 - Satisfactory

2 - Unsatisfactory

7. Concluding :

What have we done during the lesson? Pupil's overview the material of the lesson in pairs. Ok, children do you have understand the lesson? Do you have any questions?

8. Home task

Activity book p 39 ex 4.

The lesson is over, good bye.


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