- Учителю
- разработка отрытого урока в 1 классе на тему 'Let us count'
разработка отрытого урока в 1 классе на тему 'Let us count'
Students: first grade students (ages 7-8), beginner English in a Russian-speaking or Kazakh-speaking environment.
Setting: this is a public school where the students of the first grade have only one lesson a week. Time of the lesson is 40 minutes. There are 26 students in the class.
On this lesson teacher reviews the material of the previous lessons on the topic "Animals", "Numerals from 1 to 14", verb to have got and introduces the new vocabulary on the topic "Numerals from 15 to 20". Also students have already known the song "Ten little monkeys".
C. Learning Objectives/Expected Results:
As a result of this lesson the students will be able to use numerals from one to twenty, count objects, name animals and say what the animal they have got.
D. Materials and Sources:
Materials: toy animals (a horse, a cow, a bird, a dog, a cat, a monkey, a bear, an elephant), flash cards with numerals from one to twenty. Smart board for introducing video and audio files.
Song "Ten little monkeys jumping on the bed"
Audio CD. Primary Colours Level 1 Class Audio CD 1 for Kazakhstan (2)
E. Procedures / Timing:
Teacher does/says . . .
Students do/say . . .
Approximate time needed
greets the students
take their sits and greet the teacher.
2 min
shows the toys and asks the students to name these animals:
- Do you know who is it?
those students who knows the animals name them to the class:
- It's a cat, a horse, etc.
5 min
asks the students to repeat the words a horse, a cow, a bird, a dog, a cat, a monkey, a bear, an elephant.
repeat after the teacher
3 min
introduces a memory game. Teacher divides the students into three teams using the rows of desks. The students from the first row will be the first team, the second row will be the second team and so on.
the first student makes the sentence using the name of one animal (I have got a cat), next student repeat this sentence and adds the name of another animal (I have got a cat and a dog). Last student should name all the animals in the right order.
10 min
introduces the second section of reviewing - numerals from one to ten, using the video with the song "Ten little monkeys"
sing the song all together. They can stand up and dance, clap their hands and shake heads while they singing.
5 min
introduces the new vocabulary using record with pronunciation. Teacher shows flash cards with numerals from fifteen to twenty while the announcer pronounces new words.
listen to the record and repeat after the announcer.
5 min
divides the students into four teams and asks pupils to do simple sums, for example "two and three is…". Also teacher divide the blackboard into four parts, one part for each team and writes the score
listen to the teacher, then one person from each team comes to the blackboard, writes the answer and says it aloud. Students come to the blackboard one by one.
8 min
Repeats the numerals again from one to twenty and from twenty to one
Repeat after the teacher
2 min
Total lesson time
Total lesson time includes speaking, listening and singing.
40 minutes
the next lesson teacher reviews new vocabulary on the topic "Animals" and "Numerals", using the song "Ten little monkeys jumping on the bed" as warm-up.
Then the teacher introduces question "Have you got?" Students will work in pairs to consolidate this speech formula.
will have practice in using topical vocabulary and making questions.
40 minutes
F. Learner Feedback/Formative Assessment:
At the beginning of the lesson I will ask my students to remember the names of the animals they have already learned on the previous lessons. Watching their reaction I will see if they know the material or not. I will pay attention to those students who keeps silence or makes mistakes.
After introduction of new material I will play a game with my students making easy sums. For example I can make questions like ten and ten is… and ask children to give me an answer. I will see how they understand the material and notice those students who need help. I will come to them and repeat practice the new words individually.
G. Extended Reflection:
The lesson uses toys, flash cards, video and record with pronunciation as authentic material. Children are mostly kinesthetic learners. And using toys and flash cards is a good opportunity to connect meaning and form of the object. Students are able to touch these materials if they want. Video with song makes the lesson enjoyable, learners can relax and feel free. The record with pronunciation attracts students' attention and gives the chance to listen to the native speaker. Group work introduces the main activity of the lesson. And it is better to say team work than group work. Because children make teams and compete with each other and during the games they memorize and consolidate new material. And also playing these games they have to think critically and creatively. Students make sentences using the model "I have got…" and try to memorize what their peer says. And making sums they think about the answer and think how to say it in English.
For learner feedback/formative assessment I watch my students to see if they have problems with the vocabulary and pronunciation or they forget the meaning of the word. Then I can work individually or ask other students to solve the problem.