- Учителю
- Поурочные планы 8 класс
Поурочные планы 8 класс
Урок 1. У природы нет плохой погоды
Цели: знакомство детей с учебником, его структурой и особенностями; развитие лексических и коммуникативных навыков.
Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; карточки с условными изображениями погодных условий (см. упр. 1).
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент*
- Good morning, dear friends!
- Good morning, teacher!
- I am glad to see you.
- We are glad to see you, too.
- How are you today?
- We are fine, thank you.
- Today we are going to study your new textbook, to speak about the typical weather in our country and abroad and to learn to have a talk about the weather. Besides, we shall learn a poem.
II. Рассказ об учебнике
- This year you have got a new textbook. Let's study its structure.
Учитель рассказывает о структуре учебника, о том, что он состоит из разделов (units), каждый из которых посвящен определенной теме и разделен на несколько частей. Учитель сообщает, что во время изучения данного учебника учащиеся будут много слушать, составлять диалоги и монологические высказывания, выполнять разнообразные письменные задания, в том числе и из рабочей тетради (workbook).
- Look through the names of the units. You see that we shall speak about our planet, you will understand how important it is to protect and safe the Earth. We'll see what mass media is. You will learn to become a successful person and if it is good to be independent. At the end of the book there are grammar reference, a list of irregular verbs, a pronunciation table, a linguistic and cultural guide, a list of personal verbs, a list of geographical names and a vocabulary. You may use them to find the necessary information. Every unit ends with the tasks to do at home and progress check. Now ask your questions if you have any.
Учитель обращает внимание учащихся на условные обозначения, принятые в учебнике.
III. Фонетическая разминка
- Now you know a lot about your textbook. Let's pass over to our today's topic "After Rain Comes Fine Weather".
Запись на доске: [w], [б].
- What sounds are they? Pronounce them. Name the words with these sounds. {We, why, when, where, what, weather, etc.)
- We need them today at the lesson. Let's train to pronounce them in the correct way. The poem on the blackboard can help you.
Запись на доске:
Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot, We'll weather the weather Whatever the weather Whether we like it or not.*
- Translate the poem, read it after me. Учащиеся повторяют за учителем по строчкам.
- Now read the poem in pairs. Listen to each other and correct the mistakes if there are any. Read it in a natural manner. Who wants?
IV. Активизация лексики в речи
- I see that you can pronounce the sounds [w] and [5] really well. As you know we are going to speak about the weather. Look at the photos on p. 6. You see seven different symbols. What do they mean? (The first symbol means sunny weather. The second symbol means cloudy and sunny weather. The third symbol means rainy weather. The forth symbol means stormy weather. The fifth symbol means snowy weather. The sixth symbol means windy weather. The seventh symbol means cloudy weather.)
При необходимости учитель может записать структуру ответа на доске. Например:
The first symbol means... weather.
- What about the weather today? What is it like? Is it rainy, snowy or sunny? (// fc sunny today. The sun is shining brightly. It is stormy today. The strong wind is blowing. There is a thunder storm. It is snowy. It's snowing heavily. It is cloudy. There are a lot of clouds in the sky. It is rainy. It's raining heavily. It is cloudy and sunny today. The sun is shining but there are also some clouds in the sky. It is windy. The wind is blowing.)
- You know that in different countries the weather is different. First of all learn to pronounce the names of some European countries to prepare for the discussion. See ex. 2 on p. 6. Repeat the names of the countries. Say which of them were not mentioned on the tape.
- If you want to know the typical European weather then prepares a report about it for the next lesson.
Учитель распределяет страны между учащимися для подготовки доклада.
- And now we shall discuss the typical Russian weather. You know our country is the largest in the world. That's why the weather can differ in its different parts. Ex. 3 will help you. I would like you to work in groups of four. Discuss the weather using the example.
Проверить ответы учащихся можно следующим образом. Учитель заранее готовит условные изображения погодных условий, как в упражнении 1. Карточки с изображениями раздаются учащимся. Представители одной группы показывают одну из карточек, представители другой группы определяют, о каком регионе России идет речь.
- Do Russian people often talk about the weather? (No, they don't.)
- What about British people? Look and read the information from ex. 4 on p. 7. Remember it. Let's learn to talk like British people.
Work in pairs and make up a dialogue using exercises 4 and 5. Present your dialogues to the class. ( It's a terrible day today, isn't it?
- Yes, it's awful, isn't it?
- It's a wonderful day for playing golf today, isn't it?
- Yes, it's beautiful, isn't it?
- It's miserable weather today, isn't it?
- Yes, it's terrible.)
- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest.
V Физкультминутка
VI Развитие коммуникативных навыков
- Are you sad or angry when the weather is bad? What is sung about the weather in a song from the famous Russian film "The Official Romance"? (Уприроды нет плохой погоды. /Каждая погода -благодать.)
- Do you agree with these words? Why? Let's learn a poem about what you should do when the weather is awful. Read it in ex. 6. Say what mustn't we do when it is wet, cold or warm. What must we do? (We must not fret when the weather is wet. We must not scold when the weather is cold. We must not storm when the weather is warm. But we must be thankful whatever the weather.)
- I would like to know what you usually do on different days. Answer the questions from ex. 7, p. 7.
Учащиеся могут выполнять задание фронтально или в парах.
a) When the weather is fine and warm I usually go for a walk, play football, go to the park, go to the river or play at the playground with my friends.
b) When the weather is cold and windy I usually talk to my friend over the phone, stay at home and read books, visit my best friend, stay at home and watch TV, or put on warm clothes and go for a walk.
c) When the weather is rainy and misty I usually stay at home and play chess with my father, cook my favourite dish, talk to my best friend over the telephone, watch videos or play computer games.
d) When I don't like the weather I usually call to my friends and ask them to come to me, listen to my favourite group, try to write poems, sit at the window and watch people in the street, read fairy tales to my little brother (sister).
Если задание выполняется в парах, то после работы учащиеся докладывают о занятиях своих собеседников.
a) When the weather is fine and warm Kolya usually goes for a walk, plays football, goes to the park, goes to the river or plays at the playground with his friends.
b) When the weather is cold and windy Olya usually talks to her friend over the phone, stays at home and reads books, visits her best friend, stays at home and watches TV, or puts on warm clothes and goes for a walk.
c) When the weather is rainy and misty Misha usually stays at home and plays chess with his father, cooks his favourite dish, talks to his best friend over the telephone, watches videos or plays computer games.
d) When Katya doesn't like the weather she usually calls to her friends and asks them to come to her, listens to her favourite group, tries to write poems, sits at the window and watches people in the street, reads fairy tales to her little brother (sister).
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- We have done a lot today. We have discussed the kinds of weather, the typical Russian weather. What have we learnt to do? At home prepare a report about the typical European weather and some tasks in writing.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 1, 2, стр. 34; доклад.
Урок 2. Типичная британская погода
Цели: обучение диалогической речи; развитие навыков монологической речи.
Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; карточки с условными изображениями погодных условий (см. упр. 1).
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will learn to talk to each other about weather using the structure "It's...", to speak about the typical weather in our country and find out what weather is typical of Britain. Besides, we are going to listen to your reports about the weather in Europe.
II. Фонетическая разминка
Вариант 1
- Let's start our lesson with the poem we learnt last lesson. Read it slowly first.
На доске записано разучиваемое стихотворение.
- Read the poem faster. Read it as quickly as you can. Who is the quickest?
Вариант 2
- Let's read the poem about the weather again. Open ex. 6 on p. 7. Read it after me, please. Answer my questions.
- Must we fret when the weather is wet? (No, we mustn't. When the weather is wet we must not fret.)
- Must we scold when the weather is cold? (No, we mustn't. When the weather is cold we must not scold.)
- Must we storm when the weather is warm? (No, we mustn't. When the weather is warm we must not storm.)
- What must we do then? (We must be thankful whatever the weather.)
- Recite the poem by heart.
III Речевая разминка
Вариант 1
- Open ex. 6 on p. 7. Answer my questions.
Must we fret when the weather is wet? (No, we mustn't. When the weather is wet we must not fret.)
- Must we scold when the weather is cold? (No, we mustn't. When the weather is cold we must not scold.)
- Must we storm when the weather is warm? (No, we mustn't. When the weather is warm we must not storm.)
- What must we do then? (We must be thankful whatever the weather.)
- Recite the poem by heart. Вариант 2
- Imagine that you work on TV and forecast weather every day. The operator will show you the cards with symbols, and you will tell us the weather.
Учитель использует карточки с изображениями природных условии см. упр. 1, стр. 6. На роль оператора, показывающего карточки, 1Ыбирается один из учащихся. Он же и выбирает отвечающего.
IV. Проверка домашнего задания
Вариант 1
- You know different types of weather, don't you? And you also know that it may be different in different places of the world. Tell us about the typical weather in Europe. Listen to your classmate and ask him/her questions.
Вариант 2
- You know different types of weather, don't you? And you also know that it may be different in different places of the world.
Work in groups of three. Tell each other about the weather in your European city. Listen very attentively and prepare to report to the class about the city described by your partners.
- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Развитие коммуникативных навыков
- When we speak about weather we say: "It's warm, cold, sunny, etc." Review the cases when it is used. See ex. 8 on p. 7. Read and remember.
- Learn to read the structure in your speech. See ex. 9, p. 7. Look through the dialogues. Listen to them. Read after the announcer. Answer my questions on the first situation.
- Is it a terrible day? (No, it isn't.)
- What day is it? (It's a lovely day.)
- Is it cold or warm? (It's cold. It's minus 15.)
- What will they do? (They will go to the cinema.)
- Let's discuss the second situation.
- Is it a nice morning? (Yes, it is. It's a lovely morning.)
- Is it warm or cold? (It's warm and sunny.)
- What will they do? (They will go to the beach.)
Подобные вопросы по второй ситуации учащиеся могут задавать друг другу сами.
- Now it's your turn. Work in pairs and make up a short conversation about the weather. Use the information from exercises 4 and 8, p. 7. You have five minutes. Please, act out your dialogues.
- What do you know about the weather in Britain? If you want to know more read the text in ex. 12, p. 8. Say why Britain's climate has got such a bad reputation. (Britain's climate has got such a bad reputation because you can never be sure of a dry day as the weather in England changes very quickly.)
- Show if you understand the text well. Do ex. 13 on p. 8. Keys. 1. C; 2. С; 3. B.
- Now you know a lot about Britain's weather. Prepare to speak about the weather in Russia. See ex. 14, p. 8. Read the task. Work in pairs now. (You can never be sure of a dry day. It doesn't usually get very cold in autumn. It often gets hot in summer. It's never as cold in autumn as it is in winter.)
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- What have we done today? What have we discussed at the lesson? The most active pupils today are... Your marks for the lesson are... At home prepare advice to your friend about what you can do in different seasons. Don't forget to describe the weather. Besides, do some tasks in writing.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 11, стр. 8; упр. 3, 4, стр. 34.
Урок 3. Прогноз погоды
Цели: развитие навыков аудирования, монологического высказывания по теме «Прогноз погоды».
Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will learn to forecast weather. That's why we need to pronounce some new words correctly.
Il. Фонетическая разминка
Запись на доске:
Centigrade ['sentigreid] - шкала температур; Celsius ['selsias] - Цельсий;
Fahrenheit ['faeranhart] - шкала температур по Фаренгейту; temperature ['tempritfo] - температура; above zero [эЪм 'ziarau] - выше нуля; below zero [bi'tau 'ггэгэи] - ниже нуля; degree [di'gri:] - градус;
forecast ['fo:ka:st] - прогноз погоды; прогнозировать погоду.
- Look at the blackboard. Learn to pronounce these words. Read them after me, please. Now you do it yourselves. Be my echo.
5 degrees (5 degrees);
5 degrees below zero (5 degrees below zero); It's 5 degrees below zero (It's 5 degrees below zero); It's 20 degrees above zero (и т. д.) What's the temperature? It's 6 degrees Centigrade. What's the weather forecast for today? It's 69 degrees Fahrenheit.
III. Речевая разминка
- Read the information about the temperature on p. 8, ex. 15. Remember it. What scale is used in Russia (Britain, the USA)? (In Russia temperature is measured in Celsius. In Britain both scales are used: Celsius and Fahrenheit. In the USA temperatures are measured in Fahrenheit.)
IV. Обучение аудированию
- Learn to use the information. Study the table from ex. 16 on p. 9. Repeat the names of the cities after me.
- Now listen to the tape and fill in the table.
- Let's check up the task. Look at the blackboard. One of you asks the question, another one gives a full answer.
Запись на доске:
- What was the weather like last Christmas in...?
- It was... and... in... It was... degrees above (below) zero. Примерные диалоги учащихся:
- What was the weather like last Christmas in Amsterdam?
- It was cool and wet in Amsterdam. It was 6 degrees above zero.
- What was the weather like last Christmas in Moscow?
- It was sunny and cloudy in Moscow. It was 1 degree below zero.
- What was the weather like last Christmas in St Petersburg?
- It was cloudy and windy in St Petersburg. It was zero degrees.
- What was the weather like last Christmas in Washington?
- It was dry and warm in Washington. It was 13 degrees above zero.
- What was the weather like last Christmas in Helsinki?
- It was sunny and dry in Helsinki. It was 10 degrees above zero.
- What was the weather like last Christmas in Canberra?
- It was wet and hot in Canberra. It was 23 degrees above zero.
- What was the weather like last Christmas in Wellington?
- It was sunny and cloudy in Wellington. It was 28 degrees above zero.
- What was the weather like last Christmas in Ottawa?
- It was stormy and windy in Ottawa. It was 4 degrees above zero.
- What was the weather like last Christmas in Tokyo?
- It was cloudy and dry in Tokyo. It was 20 degrees above zero.
- Learn to change the temperature in different scales. Ex. 17 will help you. Work in pairs. Read the dialogue and complete it.
- Listen to the tape, check your answers. Have you got any mistakes? We could change the dialogue using other numbers. Do it, please, right now.
V. Физкультминутка
VI Обучение монологической речи
As you know how to say the temperature and what kind of weather there can be learn to forecast weather. See the table in ex. 19, p. 9. Listen to the weather forecast and tick the right box. Report to the class what weather will be tomorrow. (In the morning it will be wet and cloudy. The temperature will be from 17 to 20 degrees Celsius above zero. In the afternoon it will be sunshine with a light wind. The temperature will be plus 56-60 degrees Fahrenheit.)
- Work in pairs now. Discuss the weather in our place yesterday, today and tomorrow. First of all read the examples in ex. 21 on p. 9. Pay attention to the structure used to speak about today, yesterday and tomorrow. Help me to make up questions. See ex.20.
Учитель с помощью учащихся записывает на доске: What was (is, will) the weather (be) like...?
- 1 give you 4 minutes.
- Try to forecast weather yourselves. Write your own weather forecast for tomorrow.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
At home prepare the weather forecast like real TV hosts. Besides do the task in writing. What have we done today at the lesson? Was it difficult for you? Thank you for the work. Your marks for the lesson are... Write down your homework.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 22, стр. 9; упр. 5, стр. 34; рабочая тетрадь (РТ): упр. 1, 2, стр. 4.
Урок 4. До встречи в России
Цели: формирование навыков поискового чтения; развитие навыков монологической речи.
Оборудование: записи на доске; карточки со значениями температур; карточки с диалогами.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- We are going to read about English-speaking countries and learn to write our own postcards. Besides, we shall learn some English proverbs connected with weather and find their Russian equivalents.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- What types of scales do people use? (People use Centigrade/Celsius or Fahrenheit.)
- What scale is used in the USA (Russia, Britain)? (In the USA they use Fahrenheit. In Russia they use Centigrade/ Celsius. In Britain they use Celsius and Fahrenheit.)
- Look at the cards and work out the temperature in another scale. Say what temperature was yesterday, what it is today and what it will be tomorrow.
Запись на доске: Yesterday it was... Today it is... Tomorrow it will be...
95 °F (35 °C), 59 °F (15 °C), 73 °F (22,8 °C), 32 °F (0 °C), 20 °F (-6,6 °C), 80 °F (27 °C), 34 °F (1 °C).
III. Речевая разминка
- At home you prepared your own weather forecast, didn't you? You will role play your weather forecast one by one. Other pupils will be judges. Imagine that you are going to take a TV host (hostess) to your TV channel. Listen to the weather forecasts and choose the best TV host (hostess). (And now here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Tomorrow it will be warm (cold, hot, frosty, cool) and dry (rainy, snowy, windy, foggy) with no falls (rain, snow). The wind is from the south-east, 3-5 seconds a minute. The temperature during the day is 20-22 degrees above zero. At night the temperature is 10-12 degrees above zero.)
- In the end express your opinion with the help of the following phrases.
Запись на доске: In my opinion... To my mind... As I see it... Frankly speaking... I must confess...
- Well, I see that you can be good TV hosts, you can present the weather forecast quite well.
IV. Обучение чтению
- You know that good weather is important for tourists, because their rest depends on it. In ex. 23, p. 10 you can read the postcards people sent home while visiting English-speaking countries.
Besides, they sent some photos. Read the texts and match them with the pictures. Say: на доске: Photo... is to text... l.C.
2. B. 3. A.
- Look through the texts again and match them with the words given in ex. 24, p. 11. (The first group of words belongs to text B. The second group of words belongs to text C. The third group of words belongs to text A.)
v Физкультминутка
- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest, stand up, class.
VI. Развитие коммуникативных навыков
I would like you to work in pairs. Do the task of ex. 25 on p. 11. Then make up your own sentences with these words one by one.
Запись на доске: Nouns: temperature, sun, weather. verbs: begin, change, start. Adjectives: sunny, warm, wonderful. Adverbs: surprisingly, hardly, quickly.
Примерный ответ:
The weather was fine yesterday. It started to rain but we still were walking in the street. It is surprisingly warm today. What wonderful weather! It will be sunny tomorrow; the temperature will be 30 °C. It hardly ever rains in this part of the year. The weather changed quickly. It began to snow in a half an hour.
- Say what facts from the texts surprised you. Use the word expressions from ex. 26.
(I'm surprised that in Australia it's mid-summer in January. I think it 11 interesting that the words "Life is a beach " mean that everything is great and surprising. I can't believe that in North America in summer it could he hot: +35 °C. In my opinion, it's surprising that when it's cold outside in North America you can go to the shops, see a film or have a meal without going outside. I'm surprised that in Britain the weather is so changeable.)
- Now you try to have a talk about weather in your country. Study the situation in ex. 27, p. 11. First of all look through the expressions that must be used. Do you understand all of them? Choose any country you like and any phrase you must begin with.
Более слабым учащимся предлагаются карточки с готовыми диалогами, где пропущены некоторые фразы. Например, выделенные жирным шрифтом слова: a)
- It looks like rain.
- Yes, it's a terrible day today.
- You can never be sure of a dry day in London.
- I have no umbrella with me.
- Well, take mine then, b)
- It's a wonderful day, isn't it?
- Yes, it's lovely weather.
- It doesn't usually get very cold in early autumn in Russia.
- Let's go for a walk.
- OK, let's, c)
- What terrible weather we are having today!
- Awful weather.
- We'll have to stay at home today.
- Or wear warm coats.
- It's raining heavily and the strong wind is blowing.
- You can never be sure of a beautiful day here.
- Imagine that you have visited an English-speaking country, and you've got a new friend now. Write him a postcard to describe the climate and weather in your home town. Use the texts from ex. 23 as examples. Remember to begin and finish the postcard in the correct way. I give you 15 minutes.
Примерный текст открытки:
Dear Polly,
I live in Russia. The weather is different here in different seasons. It is usually warm and even hot in summer. The sun shines brightly, the sky is blue, and it rains but not much. In autumn you can't be sure of a warm day. The early autumn is usually warm, but then it is quite cold. The temperature is from 3 degrees below zero to 10 degrees above zero. Then winter comes and everything gets its white clothes. It is snowy, cold and even frosty. In early spring the weather is usually quite cold. It sometimes snows. Then there come warmer days. The sun begins shining more brightly. So, if you want to come to my country, be sure of the season you choose.
Best wishes,
Keys: 1. с) 2. b) 3. e) 4. d) 5. a). The proverbs "It never rains but it pours", "One cloud is enough to eclipse the sun" are shown in the picture.
- At home learn the proverbs by heart.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- So, we have done a lot today. Which of the activities do you find the most interesting? What new information have you learnt?
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр.29, стр. 11 (выучить); РТ: слабым учащимся - упр. 3, сильным - упр. 30, стр. 11; упр. 6, 7, стр. 34.
Урок 5. Наша планета Земля
Цели: формирование навыков поискового чтения; развитие Навыков монологической речи; тренировка в употреблении новой лексики по теме «Планета Земля».
Оборудование: записи на доске; карточки с поговорками.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will learn some new words and read much information about our planet.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- Let's start with the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard.
Запись на доске:
A swan swam over the sea. Swim, swan, swim. A swan swam back again. Well swum, swan.
- Read the tongue twister after me. Translate it. Read it to each other in pairs. Read the tongue twister as quickly as you can.
III. Речевая разминка
Учитель заранее готовит карточки с поговорками из упражнения 29 на странице 11. На одних карточках даны английские поговорки, на других - их русские эквиваленты.
- Last time we learnt some proverbs connected with weather. Take the cards with the English proverbs and their Russian equivalents.
Запись на доске:
You are perfectly right... means...
I'm afraid you are not right... doesn't mean lt means...
Если кому-то было задано упражнение HI па странице II, то он мог бы прочитать свой рассказ, не называя поговорки. Остальные ученики должны отгадать поговорку - заголовок рассказа.
- Let's listen to Olga's story with a proverb. Can you guess which proverb her story explains?
Если же задание не было подготовлено, то учитель сам может прочитать свои рассказы.
Варианты текстов:
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
One day I was trying to get to the University from one end of the city to another. There was a car accident on the road. I saw an old man who was at the helm and a young woman with a baby in the car. I rushed to the car to help the passengers. I let the woman with the baby out quite quickly. It was rather difficult to help the driver. Suddenly I saw the petrol flowing from the car. There was no time but I made all my forces to save the man. When everything was over I understood that I had missed my lectures. Two days later I had a phone call. It was that man from the car. He invited me to visit them and thanked for saving their lives. Now I have my new friends. Every cloud has a silver lining.
To Everything There Is a Season
Our neighbours were so loud. They are young people. They always listened to loud music even at night. We were so tired. We could never have a rest. My parents often visited them to say they should stop listening to music, but it was no use.
A month ago the young couple had a baby. The loud music stopped. At last we have time to relax. One day we had a party. The next day mother was talking to the neighbour. She told mother that they were not sleeping the whole night as their baby couldn't sleep. Mother answered: "Now do you see that you shouldn't have listened to music so loudly all day long? To everything there is a season".
It Never Rains but It Pours
There are sometimes days when we have a trouble after trouble, and it seems to have no end. I had one of such days yesterday. First of all I overslept as my alarm-clock stopped. Then I went to the bathroom to have a shower but they switched oil' the hot water. While I was dressing my bus went away. I had to get to school In taxi So, as you could understand I was late. We had a test on Maths that day. My teacher was angry. Due to this I had to stay after classes to finish my test. People are right to say that it never rains but it pours.
One Cloud Is Enough to Eclipse the Sun
Our class is quite good. Nevertheless we couldn't win the school competition to be called the best class. There are 25 students in our class. We all try to study well, but there is one student in our class who is often not ready for classes. Besides, he is always late for classes and rude with our teachers. So, everybody at school thinks that our class is had. I think the proverb "One cloud is enough to eclipse the sun" is about that student.
After Rain Conies Fine Weather
Our class is quite good. Nevertheless we couldn't win the school competition to be called the best class. There are 25 students in our class, we all try to study well, but there is one student in our class who is often и ready for classes. Besides, he is always late for classes and rude with 0U1 teachers. So, everybody at school thinks that our class is bad.
But not long ago we had a council. We decided to organize help to that our student. We hope to win in the competition next year. After rain line weather.
IV. Обучение чтению
A new topic we start to discuss is "We're a Part of the Universe". As you may understand we are going to discuss space and our planet the Earth. What do you know about it? (The Earth is round. It is big. It moves around the Sun. It's a blue planet. There are a lot of oceans, seas, rivers, mountains and lakes on the Earth.)
- Learn some more information about the planet. Study the Passport of the Earth. See ex. 31, p. 12. Can you add any more information to the passport?
- Do you want to know more about the Earth? Then read the Earth page from the encyclopedia. Open ex. 32 on p. 12. Find the answers to the questions. Do you understand them? I give you two minutes to look through the text.
Now answer the questions in pairs. Prove your answer with the help of the text. Say: "It is said in the text that..." Примерные ответы:
1. People call the Earth "the Blue Planet", because it is said in the text that 70%, nearly three quarters of it, is covered with water.
2. The most of Earth's water is found in the oceans as it is said in the text that the oceans contain 97% of all the water on the Earth.
3. The Sun is not a planet as it is said in the text that the Sun is just one of many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.
4. There are nine main planets in the Solar System as it is said in the text that the Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the Solar System.
5. It is said in the text that there are four oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic.
6. It is said in the text that the oceans contain 97% of all the water on the Earth.
- Tell me what you can about our planet. Use the questions in ex. 32 as the plan.
Примерный ответ:
The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main planets in the Solar System. People call the Earth "the Blue Planet", because 70%, nearly three quarters of it, is covered with water. The most of Earth's water is found in the oceans. There are four oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic. The oceans contain 97% of all the water on the Earth.
Понимание текста можно проверить и в режиме учитель - ученик. Тогда рассказ учащиеся составляют уже в парах или группах, где каждый участник группы говорит по предложению.
V. Физкультминутка
- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest. Stand up, please. Can you imagine how big the Earth is? Let's have an experiment. Hold the hands of your partners as you see in ex. 33, p. 12. Stretch your arms as wide as you can. Now imagine that you are trying to reach from pole to pole. Close your eyes. Can you imagine? Open your eyes. Take your seats.
VI. Работа с лексикой
- Do you know how many people must stand in the same way to measure the Earth? Read the information in ex. 33. Are you impressed?
- You have read a lot of words connected with space. Learn to pronounce them correctly. See ex. 34, p. 13. Listen to the tape. Repeat the words. Pronounce the words correctly.
Pl-Ps, P2 -* Ps и т. д.
- Now read the words one by one.
- In pairs find the same words in Russian. Say: "The Solar System" means «Солнечная система».
The Solar System - Солнечная система;
the Galaxy - Галактика;
the Universe - Вселенная;
the Milky Way - Млечный Путь; planet - планета;
distance - дистанция (расстояние); Sun - Солнце; the Earth - Земля; Moon - Луна; pole полюс; atmosphere - атмосфера ocean - океан; ton тонна;
Intergalactic - межгалактический; .I Lin- travel - космическое путешествие; spaceship - космический корабль; aeronaut - космонавт; telescope -телескоп.
Learn to use the words. Do ex. 35onp. 13.1 give you two minutes to think.
1 planet is a large, round object that goes round a star. '2) A galaxy is a huge group of stars and planets. 3)the Solar System is the Sun together with the planets going round it.4) A spaceship is a rocket or other vehicle that can travel in space.
5) Space is a place far above the Earth where there is no air. 6. a) The Universe is all space and everything that exists in it.
Some of the words have similar pronunciation to the Russian words.
Write them in your workbooks: ex. 1, p. 7. That is all for today.
Vll. Подведение итогов урока
- What new information have you learnt from the text? Name the new words. Thank you for your work. Your marks are.,.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 8, стр. 34; упр. 36, стр. 13 (прочитать, запомнить); I' Г: упр. 4, стр. 5.
Урок 6. Что вы знаете о космосе?
Цели: формирование навыков поискового чтения; развитие навыков монологической речи; тренировка в употреблении новой лексики по теме «Планета Земля».
Оборудование: записи на доске; карточки с поговорками. Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today we are going to repeat the new words and learn to use them in the speech, then you will learn to use the article "the" and read some information about space.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- Let's start with the new words. You see them on the blackboard. Read the words in transcription.
PI - Ps; P2 -> Ps.
[.mtaga'laektik ] ['distans] ['gasbksi] ['sastilait] ['tehskaup]
- Translate the words
III. Речевая разминка
- Open your books at p. 13. Look at the space picture and name the objects. {Number one is the Earth. Number two is an astronaut. Number three is space. Number four is a spaceship. Number five is a planet. Number six is a star. Number seven is the Moon. Number eight is galaxy. Number nine is the Sun.)
IV. Обучение лексике
- You know some words have several meanings. You read about different meanings of words "space" and "star" at home, didn't you? So, tell us about them. (The word "space" has such meanings as «пространство», «космос» and «космический». The word "star" means «звезда», «знаменитость», «звезда» (в связи с отелями).)
- Learn to use the words. Open ex. 10 on p. 34. Work in groups of three. Translate the sentences into English.
Примерный ответ:
Do you know your planet? They say it is still young. From the space it seems to be white-blue because for three thirds it is covered with oceans. Would you like to be on the Moon? It is our nearest neighbour. I am sure that people will fly there by the spaceship to have a rest at weekends. Imagine a five-star hotel on the Moon for the winners of our competition!
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение грамматике
- Now we'll talk about the article "the". Read and remember when we use it. See ex. 38 on p. 14. Learn to use it. Do ex. 39, p. 14in writing. Read the sentences. Other pupils will express their opinion about the use of the definite article. Besides, you must explain the use of it with the help of the information from ex. 38, P .(Weuse "the " before "Earth " as there is only one Earth, it's unique. We use "the" before "sky" as we must say so, etc.) At home learn the rules and give your own examples.
VII Обучение поисковому чтению
Would you like to know about space more? Then read the Information in ex. 41, p. 14. But first try to do a test in ex. 40, p. 14.
Запись на доске: In my opinion... I о my mind... AS I see it...
express your opinion with the given phrases
check your answers with the help of the text "Galaxies".
Find the necessary information. Say if the sentences are true or false.
запись на доске: It's true/false because it is said in the text that...
Примерный ответ:
I It's false, because it is said in the text that the Sun and all the stars u e see in the night sky belong to a great group of stars that travel through space together.
list rue, because it is said in the text that the star group to which
our system belongs is called the Milky Way it is false, because it is said in the text that the Milky Way is the
star group or just the Galaxy. 2. It's false, because it is said in the text that there are about
100,000,000,000 stars in the Galaxy, l. It's false, because it is said in the text that travel to other galaxies
will only be possible in huge "starships". - At home work with the unknown words from the text. Ex. 42 on
p. 15, will help you. Study it carefully. Besides, do some written
VIII. Подведение итогов урока
What have you learnt to do today? What was the most interesting (difficult) activity for you? The marks you've got today are...
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 42, стр. 15; упр. 9, стр. 34; РТ: упр. 4, 5, стр. 9.
Урок 7. Загадки Вселенной
Цели: формирование навыков поискового чтения; развитие навыков монологической речи; тренировка в употреблении новой лексики.
Оборудование: записи на доске; карточки с поговорками.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will revise the new words on our theme and do a lot of exercises to remember them.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- Let's revise the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. На доске записана разучиваемая скороговорка.
- Read the tongue twister. Translate it. Read the tongue twister after me. In pairs read it to each other. Correct the mistakes in pronunciation. Read it quicker, and then read it as quickly as you can.
III. Речевая разминка
- What sound do you hear more often? ([s].)
- Yes, you're right. Let's revise the words on our theme with the sound [s]. (A galaxy, the Solar System, a spaceship, space, the Universe, a star, a spacesuit, the Sun, an astronaut.)
- Good! Now listen to the statements and guess what they mean.
- People who work in space. (Astronauts.)
- A special vehicle for travelling to space (A spaceship.)
- A huge group of stars and planets. (A galaxy.)
- The Sun together with the planets going round it. (The Solar System.)
- A place far above the Earth where there is no air. (Atmosphere.)
- All space and everything that exists in it. (The Universe.)
- A large round object that goes round a star. (Planet.)
IV. Обучение говорению
- What text did you read last lesson? (Last lesson we read the text "Galaxies".)
- What is the text about? (It's about the Solar System.)
- Read out the sentences with the new words for others to translate.
PI - P2; P3 -> P4.
Примерный ответ:
The Sun and all the stars we see in the night sky belong to a great group of stars that travel through space together. - Солнце и все звезды которые мы видим на ночном небе, принадлежат к огромной : ппс шезд, которые путешествуют по космосу вместе.
Such a group is called a galaxy. - Такая группа называется гатактикой.
Use the text "Galaxies" and try to complete the sentences from ex. 12, p.34. Discuss them in pairs first. (Through; to; for; on; of; -; from; to; through; in; from.)
- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Активизация лексики
- Read the task to ex. 13, p. 35. Do it in writing. (A group of stars - a galaxy; a man or a woman - a human being; the world - the Universe; to study - to explore; a spaceship - a starship; large - huge; convenient - suitable; to examine carefully - to investigate
- Now work in pairs and make up true and false sentences using the words from ex. 13. Other pupils will say if they agree or disagree with them. For example: "A group of stars is called a galaxy". (We agree with you.)
- Let's return to the text "Galaxies". Use the information in the text to make notes under the headings: see ex. 44, p. 15.
Примерный ответ:
The Galaxy or the Milky Way:
The star group to which our system belongs.
The number of stars in the Galaxy: 100,000,000,000.
The shape of the Galaxy:
A huge disk with a bulge in the middle.
Other galaxies:
Thousands of millions, too far from the Earth, the Andromeda galaxy, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.
Travel to other galaxies:
In huge "starships", through space for hundreds or even thousands of years.
- Now try to write your own Intergalactic Address. Use the notes from ex. 45, p. 15. Compare the addresses with your partner. Tell us about your classmate. (My partner lives...)
- At home do the tasks from your workbook to learn to use the space-words.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- So, you've learnt much information today. What do you know about galaxies? Was it interesting to read and discuss the questions? That is all for today. You may be free.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 7, стр. 11; упр. 44, стр. 5 (подготовить рассказ о галактиках).
Section 3. КТО ТАМ?
Урок 8. Что вы делали вчера?
Цели: формирование грамматических навыков - время Past Continuous; тренировка в употреблении времени Past Continuous в речи.
Оборудование: записи на доске.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will learn to speak about what you were doing at some time yesterday.
IIФонетическая разминка
Запись на доске:
I was dreaming, Не was not. They were swimming, We were not. Was she reading? Yes, she was. Were they singing? Yes, they were.
- Let's start with pronunciation. Read the rhymes from the blackboard. Repeat after me, pronounce the ending "-ing" correctly. Say what event is described in the rhymes: present, past or future. (Past.)
i ми гель записывает слово "Past" на доске.
Now translate it into Russian. Read it to each other in pairs. You Ив the verb is used with ending "-ing". What tense is it then: Simple, Continuous or Perfect? (It's Continuous.)
- So, what tense shall we speak about? запись на доске: Past Continuous.
Ill. Речевая разминка
Read the information about the tense in ex. 46, p. 16. Look through the examples. What happens in negative and interrogative sentences? You may speak Russian. (В отрицательных предложениях появляется частица «not» и встает после вспомогательного глагола. В вопросительных предложениях вспомогательный глагол встает перед подлежащим.)
- Read the sentences in ex. 47, p. 16 and translate them. Keys:
1. Я писал письмо в 2 часа вчера.
2. Что ты делал в 8 часов прошлым вечером?
3. Тим насмехался над своим младшим братом, когда его мама вошла.
4. Весь вторник шел дождь.
5. Они работали снаружи космического корабля, когда заметили что-то странное.
6. В 4 часа вечера вчера маленький спутник двигался к нашей космической станции.
7. Поэт смотрел на небо, когда я задел его плечо.
8. Мы чинили космический костюм, когда он вошел.
9. Что ты делал, когда услышал крик?
V. Формирование грамматических навыков
- Now you try to make up your own sentences. Ex. 48 on p. 16 will help you. Other pupils will translate.
P1-»P2; P3-P4.
Примерный ответ:
I was cleaning the room at 2 p.m. yesterday. I was cleaning the room the whole evening. I was cleaning the room an hour ago.
Tim was speaking English the whole evening. Tim was speaking English when I came in. Tim was speaking English when she rang. Tim was speaking English when the guests arrived. Tim was speaking English an hour ago.
The girl was making fun of the boy the whole evening. The girl was making fun of the boy when I came in. The girl was making fun of the boy when the guests arrived. The girl was making fun of the boy an hour ago.
We were using a computer at 2 p.m. yesterday. We were using a computer the whole evening. We were using a computer when she rang. We were using a computer when the guests arrived. We were using a computer an hour ago.
His parents were having a picnic at 2 p.m. yesterday. His parents were having a picnic the whole evening. His parents were having a picnic when she rang. His parents were having a picnic an hour ago.
The astronauts were looking at the sky at 2 p.m. yesterday. The astronauts were looking at the sky the whole evening. The astronauts were looking at the sky an hour ago.
We were looking for the book the whole evening. We were looking for the book when she rang. We were looking for the book when the guests arrived. We were looking for the book an hour ago.
His parents were talking about future at 2 p.m. yesterday. His parents were talking about future the whole evening. His parents were talking about future when I came in. His parents were talking about future an hour ago.
Tim was eating cakes at 2 p.m. yesterday. Tim was eating cakes the whole evening. Tim was eating cakes when I came in. Tim was eating cakes when she rang. Tim was eating cakes when the guests arrived. Tim was eating cakes an hour ago.
The girl was walking in the park at 2 p.m. yesterday. The girl was walking in the park the whole evening. The girl was walking in the park when the guests arrived. The girl was walking in the park an hour ago.
We were playing chess at 2 p.m. yesterday. We were playing chess the whole evening. We were playing chess when she rang. We were playing chess when the guests arrived. We were playing chess an hour ago.
I was calling up at 2 p.m. yesterday. I was calling up the whole evening, i МШ calling up when the guests arrived. I was calling up an hour ago.
See ex. 50, p. 17. Do you know all the words from the task? Say
what they were doing one by one. Примерный ответ:
I hey were getting up at 7.00 a.m.
- They were meeting in the conference hall lobby at 8.20 a.m. They were travelling around the countryside looking at the environment at 11.30 a.m.
They were having lunch in a country pub "The Tickled Trout" at 1.30 p.m.
- They were visiting the University of Wye at 3.00 p.m.
- They were attending a party for conference participants at 7.15 p.m.
- They were leaving the party and returning to the hotel by bus at 10.15p.m.
V Физкультминутка
VI. Совершенствование грамматических навыков
It's time for you to express your own ideas using the Past ( 'continuous tense. Do ex. 51, p. 17 in writing. Keys:
1 I was taking a shower (working on the computer, playing computer : Mines) when the telephone rang.
2 Nick was talking to his friends (reading a newspaper, watching buds) when she saw him yesterday.
I Paul was knocking at the door (looking through the window, walking in the park) when he heard the voice.
4. The man was looking for his keys (the telephone was ringing, (granny was cooking) when they opened the door.
5. I was walking (looking at the sky, sitting on the bench) when it started raining.
6. The telephone rang while they were discussing the problem (playing chess, having breakfast).
7. We wrote postcards while he was making envelopes (counting stamps, drawing them).
8. He ran away while they were calling up the police (laughing at him, arguing).
9. They had a very good time while they were sitting in the cafe (discussing the news, riding bikes).
- Divide into groups of three. Share your ideas and choose the most interesting ones.
- Open ex. 14 on p. 35. Complete the sentences in writing. (7. Was cooking. 2. Were... talking. 3. Was preparing. 4. Were... doing. 5. Noticed, was moving.)
- At home do some tasks from your workbook to remember the tense Past Continuous.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- What new information have you learnt today? When do we use the Past Continuous tense? Give your examples. The lesson is over. See you next time.
Домашнее задание
PT: упр. 1, 2, 3, стр. 11-12; выучить правило: упр. 46, стр. 16.
Урок 9. У страха глаза велики
Цели: закрепление грамматики: время Past Continuous; развитие навыков аудирования.
Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; видеоаппаратура.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- We shall start with pronunciation today, then we'll train using the Past Continuous tense. After that you will read an interesting space story.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- You'll need to use some words from ex. 54, p. 18. That's why learn to pronounce them correctly. Open ex. 54. Listen and repeat.
- Now you try yourselves. P1-P2; P3->P4.
III. Речевая разминка
- When do we use the Past Continuous tense?
- Say that you were doing it too.
1.1 was eating at 7 o'clock yesterday.
2.1 was playing computer games the whole evening yesterday.
3. Nick was watching cartoons yesterday.
4. She was doing homework the whole Sunday.
5. We were reading books at 3 o'clock yesterday.
6. They were swimming yesterday.
7. My friend was playing chess with his lather.
8. He was looking through the newspaper when his father came in.
IV. Совершенствование грамматических навыков
- Now open ex. 52 on p. 17. Look at the picture for two minutes. Close your books. Answer the questions.
Примерным ответ
1. The father was reading a newspaper
2. The children were playing chess.
3. There were two sweets on the tray.
4. Nobody was crying.
5. There was an armchair and a table in the spaceship.
На роль учителя, задающего вопросы из данного упражнения, ми л но выбрать кого-либо из учащихся. Тогда он может реагировать на ответы одноклассников с помощью таких реплик, как: «Yes, you и. perfectly right», «I'm afraid, you are not right (certainly not)».
- Watch the video "A Quiet Weekend". What do you think this film is about? (In my opinion...)
- What were the people doing at that quiet weekend? Take the text of the video. Read the dialogue after the speakers. Mind the stresses and intonation.
- Translate the dialogue. Learn the dialogue at home to role play it at the next lesson.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Развитие навыков чтения
- Now we are going to read an interesting story. Open ex. 55 on p. 18. What is the title of the text? (The title of the text is "Who's There?".)
Look at the picture and the title of the text and try to guess if it is frightening or a funny story. (To my mind, it is a...)
- Read the text till the task under the letter "b". Answer the questions under the letter "b".
- Work in pairs and answer the questions from ex. 56 on p. 19. Prove your answers with the help of the examples from the text. Say: "Because it is said in the text that...". Do you like the story? Why?
- At home do the task connected with the text and one exercise on the use of the Past Continuous tense.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- Was it interesting to read the space story? When do we use Past Continuous^ Can you give your own examples in this tense? Thank you for your work. You were very active.
Домашнее задание
PT: упр. 5, стр. 13; упр. 16, стр. 34; диалог.
Урок 10. Пробы пера
Цели: введение и первичное закрепление новой лексики; подготовка монологического высказывания на основе текста.
Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; видеоаппаратура
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today we are going to discuss the text "Who's There?". Then you will try to make up your own story.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- As usual we begin with pronunciation.
Запись на доске:
Don't trouble trouble
Until trouble troubles you.
It only doubles trouble
And troubles others, too.
- Look at the blackboard. This is a tongue twister. Listen to it and try to translate. Read it slowly all together. Now read it to each other faster. Read the tongue twister as quickly as you can.
III. Речевая разминка
- Look through the text "Who's There?" and answer the questions from the blackboard.
Запись на доске:
1. What is the text about? (The text is about a man who worked in a spaceship.)
2. Who is the main character? (The main character is a spaceman.)
3. Is it a frightening or a funny story? Why? (// is a funny story because the end of the story is unusual.)
4. Is the story interesting for you? Why? (Yes, it is. It is interesting for me because I am interested in space.)
5. Can the story be finished with the tongue twister? (Yes, it can.)
IV. Работа над текстом
- In ex. 57, p. 19 you see some sentences from the text. Work in groups of three and decide where the sentences come from. Now change the groups and compare your answers.
Примерный ответ:
Sentence 1 comes after "I was told to go out and to bring it in". Sentence 2 comes after "I put away my papers and went to get my spacesuit".
Sentence 3 comes after "I climbed into my spacesuit and soon I was in space".
Sentence 4 comes after "And it was trying to get into my spacesuit, I thought".
- There are some new expressions in the text. See ex. 58, p. 19. Write them down.
Think of your own phrases with these expressions. Примерный ответ:
работать на космической станции - to work in a space station; скучать внутри космической станции - to get bored inside the рис station;
no дороге - on my way; двигаться навстречу - to move towards; застыл от страха - froze with fear; после несчастного случая - after the accident; Я в опасности! - I'm in trouble! потерял сознание - fainted; с (сделали ошибку - made a mistake; повержен - knocked out.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Подготовка монологического высказывания
- As you see some sentences in the text are written in bold letters. Translate them into Russian.
Примерный ответ:
I hey were building part of the station. - Они строили часть станции.
A small satellite was coming towards us. - Маленький спутник приближался к нам.
Something was scraping on the metal of the spacesuit. - Что-то скреблось о металл моего космического костюма.
And it was trying to get into my spacesuit, I thought. - И оно попыталось «браться в мой космический костюм, думал я.
Was his ghost trying to get back into my spacesuit? - Пытался ли 11 о его призрак забраться ко мне в космический костюм?
But they weren't looking at me. They were looking at something more interesting. - Но они не смотрели на меня. Они смотрели на что-то более интересное.
The doctors were playing with three kittens. - Врачи играли с тремя котятами.
- Why is the Past Continuous tense used here? (The Past Continuous is used there to say that someone was in the middle of doing something at a certain time.)
- Now role play the dialogues with the Past Continuous tense you have prepared for today. Listen to your classmates and express your opinion on the dialogues. Use the following expressions.
Запись на доске: To my mind... I must confess that... In my opinion...
Emotional (exciting, interesting...) to listen to...
- Prepare for the test on the Past Continuous tense at home.
- Let's continue our work on the text. Say what the main idea of the story is. See ex. 60 on p. 19. Explain your choice. (I think the main idea of the story is the devil is not so black as he is painted because the Station Supervisor didn't know what there was in his spacesuit. When people don't know something they are afraid of it.)
- I think it's time for you to retell the story. Ex. 17 on p. 35 will help you. Use these words and write the story from the point of view of a man working at the station or one of the doctors.
Можно распределить по желанию учащихся или по вариантам.
Примерный рассказ:
One day I was in my office watching the men working outside. Suddenly I was called on the radio and told to go out and to bring a small satellite in. On my way to the lockers I met a cat. I put on my spacesuit and went into space. But at that moment I heard a strange noise. Something was scraping on the metal of the spacesuit. I fainted. Sometime later I woke up. I was back in the station. The doctors found three kittens in my spacesuit. Finally I understood why I had heard the strange noise.
- Look at the pictures in ex. 63, p. 19. Work in groups of four. Make up a story. Use the guidelines from ex. 17, p. 34. Change the groups. Tell your stories and choose the most interesting one.
Примерный рассказ:
One day a cosmonaut got bored inside his space station and decided to go out into space. He put on his spacesuit and was in space. Suddenly he saw a flying object. It was coming towards the man. An alien got out of the object. He seemed more frightened than our cosmonaut. They became friends. They were talking about their planets. Before the alien flew away he took pictures of the man. After that the alien flew away but he left the photos to the astronaut.
- At home prepare another frightening story. Then learn it and tell to your classmates.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- Whose story do you like most? Do you like the story about the man at the space station? Would you like to fly into space? Thank you for your work. The lesson is over, see you on Monday.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 62, стр.19 (письменно; выучить); повторить время Past Continuous.
Урок 11. Знаменитые космонавты
Цели: контроль грамматических навыков (Past Continuous); развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Изучение космоса». Оборудование: распечатки; записи на доске; магнитофон.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- We shall start our lesson with the test on the Past Continuous tense. After that you will learn to speak about famous cosmonauts and the exploration of space.
и. Проверочная работа
- So, as I've said you will write a test on the Past Continuous tense.
Вариант 1
Answer the questions.
a) Were you watching TV at 6 o'clock yesterday evening?
b) Was your mother cooking all day yesterday?
c) Who was teaching you English last year?
d) You were taking a shower when your mother came home, weren't you?
e) Your aunt was watching stars in the sky when you phoned her, wasn't she?
f) Was your friend working in a space station or doing homework yesterday evening?
g) What were you doing at 7 o'clock yesterday morning?
Вариант 2
Answer the questions.
a) Who was looking after you when you were a baby?
b) Was your friend flying in a spaceship or watching TV yesterday evening?
c) What were you doing at 12 o'clock yesterday afternoon?
d) Your mother was reading magazines the whole evening yesterday, wasn't she?
e) You were cooking dinner, when your mother came home, weren't you?
f) Were you sleeping at 6 o'clock yesterday morning?
g) Was your sister cleaning her room at 5 o'clock yesterday? Вариант 3 (для менее подготовленных учеников)
Put in the right verb: was/were.
a) Nick... playing computer games the whole evening.
b) Who... playing the guitar yesterday?
c) I... watching TV when my friend phoned me.
d) ...you cooking dinner yesterday?
e) Nelly and Kitty... making a present for their mother.
f) We... not watching stars in the sky, we... taking pictures. Keys: a) was; b) was; c) was; d) were; e) were; f) were.
III. Речевая разминка
- Let's have a talk about people who explored space. Open your books at p. 20. See ex. 64. Look at the photos and name the people.
- Now try to answer the given questions. Vova is a secretary. You will write the answers to the questions. Then we'll check them up.
Y. Gagarin was the first astronaut.
K. Tsiolkovsky first invented the idea of space rockets.
S. Korolev constructed the first spaceship.
A. Leonov was the first man to take a walk in space.
N. Armstrong was the first man on the Moon.
V. Tereshkova was the first woman in space.
- Listen to the tape and find out if you were right. So, have you given correct answers? Vova, report to the class.
IV. Введение новой лексики
- To speak about space and famous spacemen we should learn some more new words. See ex. 65 on p. 20. Work in pairs. Translate the word combinations. Create your sentences with them.
Для быстроты выполнения задания учитель может распределить слова между парами. По окончании работы каждая пара сообщает классу значение своего словосочетания, учащиеся записывают их в словарики или тетради.
- Read your sentences for others to translate. P1-+P2;P3^P4
Примерный ответ:
to explore space - исследовать космос;
to explore all the possibilities - исследовать все возможности;
space exploration - исследование космоса;
to do research into/on - делан, исследование по;
space research - исследование космоса;
to launch a spaceship - запускам, космический корабль;
to launch a project - запускать проект;
a scientific problem - научная проблема; a medical problem - медицинская проблема; to solve a problem - решать проблему; no problem - нет проблем.
Our scientists have all the possibilities to explore space. Space exploration is very interesting. When I become a grown-up I will explore space. Are you doing research on the problems of space? Space research is very important. Space research is a scientific problem. People launched the first spaceship many years ago. We must launch the project to solve the main problem.
There are a lot of medical problems in our country.
- Will you buy me some medicine, - said mother to her son.
- No problem, - answered he.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Развитие навыков говорения
- Let's speak about space exploration. Listen to the teenagers speaking about space exploration. Complete the sentences from ex. 66, p. 20. The first letters of the missing words will help you.
- Listen to them again and say who you agree with. Explain why. What is your opinion about space exploration? Ex. 67 on p. 20 will help you. First read the given word expressions. Do you understand all of them?
Вариант 1. Work in pairs. Share your opinions then say what your partner thinks of space exploration. Примерный ответ:
It seems to me that space exploration is very interesting. For thousands of years people have been dreaming of travelling through space, of researching and touching the stars, of communicating with beings from other planets. They have always wanted to find a planet to live on. We could learn a lot from space research, solve different medical and scientific problems, and make progress in science. In my opinion, it's worth trying because space research can change people's life for the better.
I believe that space research is a waste of money. We should spend money on other (medical, scientific) research. There are a lot of serious problems on the earth (dangerous diseases, pollution, a lot of crime and wars). So, space is not a key problem for people nowadays.
Besides, space research can ruin another planet. It's a chance in a million that we will have a success.
As for me, I have no idea about space research. It's useless to dream about space travel. Don't care. People must solve everyday problems.
Вариант 2. Divide into 2 big groups. The first group thinks that it is worth exploring space, the second group thinks it isn't. Give your arguments. After that we'll make a conclusion. - I see that most of the students in our group are (are not) interested in space. But if you were a correspondent what questions would you ask an astronaut to learn more about space exploration?
Listen to such interview and say how long the astronaut has been in space centre.
- Now open ex. 68, p. 20. Translate the dialogue.
- Listen to it again, mind the stresses and intonation. At home get ready to act it out.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- What new information have you learnt today? Do you remember the new words? Was it difficult for you to express your opinion about space exploration (to understand the dialogue)? The most active pupils today are... Your marks for the lesson are...
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 68, стр. 20; упр. 18, стр. 35.
Урок 12. Что такое Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous?
Цель: введение и дифференциация времен Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous.
Оборудование: записи на доске; РТ.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- First, I'd like to listen to your interviews. After that you will learn some grammar information.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- But we are going to start with the new words you learnt at the previous lesson. Open your workbooks: ex. 1, p. 14. Read the words in transcription.
P1,P2, P3...
Now repeat the words again after me. T-Ps.
Write the missing words. (Foundation; communication; realization; celebration; illustration; quotation; explanation.)
- Make up your own word combinations with these words.
III. Речевая разминка
- At home you prepared a dialogue. Name the new words in it. I give you 2 minutes to repeat it. Then you will role play the dialogue. Listen to each other attentively and choose the brightest and the most emotional dialogue without any mistakes.
IV. Обучение грамматике
- Open your books at p. 21. See the end of the dialogue. Name the predicate that is expressed by (Have been; have done.)
This tense is called the Present Perfect tense. Read the rule about it In ex. 69. Answer my questions.
I) What is common and different in these two tenses? (We use both of them to talk about actions which started in the past and continue up to the moment of speaking. But the Present Perfect Continuous is used to talk about the continuing situation, and the Present Perfect is used to say that something is completed.) ') When "since" is used? ("Since" is used to mark the beginning of a period.)
3) In what meaning "for" is used? ("For" is used to say how long something has been happening.)
4) What verbs can't be used in Continuous! (Believe, belong, consist, contain, depend, hate, know, like, love, mean, need, prefer, realize, remember, seem, suppose, understand, want.)
- Let's have a drill now. Say that you have done it or have been doing it too.
1. I have prepared for the lesson. (I have prepared for the lesson too.)
2. I have read 3 newspapers so far.
3. I have cooked a tasty dinner.
4. I have been talking over the telephone for an hour.
5. I have been solving the problem for 3 days.
6. I have been reading about space since Friday. 7.1 have been exploring space since last year.
8.1 have finished my research.
- Now talk about your childhood. Ex. 70 on p. 21 will help you. Read the example first.
Примерный рассказ:
I've walked in the park a lot since I was a young child. I've eaten much porridge since I was a young child. I've played with toys since I was a young child. I've slept much since I was a young child. I've watched many cartoons since I was a young child.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Закрепление грамматических навыков
- Learn to use "since" and "for". See ex. 71, p. 21. Do it in writing using the example.
Примерный ответ:
1. We have known each other for a long time.
2. The little boy has felt bad since Friday.
3. His parents have lived in New York since they got married.
4. She has been playing tennis for six years.
5. Mr Marshall has been teaching English in Russia since 1999. 6.1 have been dreaming of going to Australia since I was a child. Один ученик работает у доски.
- Use the Present Perfect tense in your answers to the questions from ex. 72, p. 21. Do the task in writing.
1. No, I haven't listened to music for a long time.
2. No, I haven't played football for ages.
I No, I haven't watched TV since Monday. No I haven't gone out for a longtime.
No I haven't gone to the disco for two months. No, I haven't argued with my elder sister for ages.
- Open ex. 2 on p. 14 in your workbooks. Make up your sentences.
Примерный ответ:
2. Scientists have explored many things since the space era began.
3. It hasn't stopped raining since yesterday.
4. People have done lots of research on outer space orbital stations.
5. How long have you spent outside the spaceship?
6. It has been stormy and windy for three days.
- At home continue working on the two tenses. First of all learn the rule from ex. 69, p. 12. Then do some written work from the workbook.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- What tenses have we talked about today? What do they express? What prepositions are used there? What are their meanings? You have done a lot today. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
Домашнее задание
Выучить правило, уч.: упр. 69, стр. 21; РТ: упр. 3,4, стр. 14-15; подготовиться к диктанту.
Урок 13. Путешествие в космос
Цели: письменный контроль новой лексики; развитие навыков монологической речи на основе прочитанного текста.
Оборудование: записи на доске; распечатки с заданиями.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- We shall start the lesson with the dictation. Then you will learn some interesting information about space discoveries.
II. Диктант
- Show me that you can write the new words correctly. I give you two minutes to repeat the words.
- Now if you are ready write the test.
Вариант 1
Spell the words, translate them into Russian.
[iks'pb:] [b:ntf] ['gaebksi]
[,ekspb'reifn] ['probbm] ['tehskaop]
[n's3:trj ['speisfip] ['plaemt]
[n's3:t(3] ['a3stranD:t] [sta:]
Keys: explore, launch, galaxy, exploration, problem, telescope, i arch, spaceship, planet, researcher, astronaut, star.
Вариант 2
Write down the sentences. Translate them into Russian.
1. It is a very serious problem to explore space.
2. Many years ago they launched the first spaceship.
3. The exploration of our planet continues.
4. Galaxy is a group of stars and planets.
5. Do you want to be a researcher?
6. N. Armstrong was a famous American astronaut.
7. You have never used a telescope, have you?
8. Is it easy to do research? Keys:
1. Исследовать космос - очень важная задача.
2. Много лет тому назад запустили первый космический корабль.
3. Исследование нашей планеты продолжается.
4. Галактика - это группа звезд и планет.
5. Ты хочешь стать исследователем?
6. Н. Армстронг был знаменитым американским астронавтом.
7. Ты никогда не пользовался телескопом, не так ли?
8. Легко ли проводить исследование?
III. Физкультминутка
IV. Работа с текстом
- Open your books at р. 22. Look at the picture. Say what or whom you see in the picture. (I see...) Do you know anything about space discoveries? Read the text in ex. 73 to find out the answers to the given questions.
Примерный ответ:
1. We do not know when men began to dream of travelling in space. The first story about a space flight was written in the year 150. During a great storm a big wave raised a ship up to the Moon, and the men on the ship found themselves in a new world.
2. This word is "sputnik". There are other international Russian words that are known internationally. They are "samovar", "pelmeni", "kvass", "bliny".
3. The first animal in space was Laika. Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space who circled the Earth in Vostok spaceship. Over 2,000 spaceships have been launched since the space era began. The most important achievements include work on orbital stations. The longest expedition lasted more than 350 days.
4. The fact that... has impressed me.
- I'd like you to work in groups. Describe the picture on p. 22 and discuss in your groups what captions are suitable to them. Ex. 75 will help you. Report to the class. (We think that the following ports are illustrated in the picture. "A big wave raised a ship up to the Moon ". "In the sixteenth century, Galileo made the first telescope and looked through it at the moon and the planets". "He sends his heroes into space by means of a huge gun ". "Then in 1961, all people on the Earth learned about the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin ". 'Sputnik' is one of the Russian words which became internationally known.")
- Have you decided about the captions? Then change the groups and present your captions; choose the most impressive ones.
- You see some sentences in the text are in bold letters. Translate them, please.
Примерный ответ:
Since that time the 12th of April has been celebrated in Russia as Space Day. - С тех пор 12 апреля празднуется в России как День космонавтики.
In more than 40 years since Yuri Gagarin's flight Russian space science has come a long way. - Более чем за 40 лет со времени полета Юрия Гагарина русская космонавтика прошла длинный путь.
Over 2,000 spaceships have been launched since the space era began. - Более 2000 космических кораблей было запущено с момента начала космической эры.
More than seventy Russian spaceman have worked in orbit, many of them more than once. - Более семидесяти русских космонавтов поработали на орбите, многие из них не единожды. - What tense is used in all the sentences? Why? (It's the Present Perfect tense. The Present Perfect is used here to say that the action started in the past and continues up to the moment of speaking.)
- What is the difference between the Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous tenses? (We use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about the continuing situation. The Present Perfect says that something is completed.)
- At home continue working with the text and do some tasks in writing.
V. Подведение итогов урока
- So, which of the activities at the lesson do you find the most difficult: writing the test, reading a text or discussing it? What new information have you learned today? Your marks for the lesson are...
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 20, 21, стр. 35; PT: упр. 5, 6, стр. 15-16.
Урок 14. Стихийные бедствия
Цели: развитие навыков аудирования; введение новой лексики и тренировка в употреблении новой лексики по теме «Земля - опасное место?».
Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; распечатки с заданиями.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- We have already spoken about space and its discoveries. Now it's time to have a talk about the Earth. What shall we begin with? Open your books at p. 23. Look at the pictures. These are disasters. Repeat the word after me: a disaster - disasters. (A disaster - disasters.)
II. Фонетическая разминка
- As you see, there a lot of different kinds of disasters on the Earth. Learn to pronounce their names. Listen to the tape and read the words from ex. 76, p. 23. Now you try to do it yourselves.
Один ученик читает слова, остальные за ним повторяют.
- Label the pictures. Give a full answer. (Number one is a hurricane. Number two is a volcano. Number three is a flood. Number four is a tornado. Number five is a drought. Number six is an earthquake.)
III. Речевая разминка
- Try to explain the meanings of the words in English. Ex. 77 will help you. First discuss it in pairs.
Примерный ответ:
We think that an earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground. A hurricane is a very violent storm or wind. A tornado is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed. A volcano is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases are thrown from the crater. A flood is a large amount of water which covers a place that is usually dry land. A drought is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.
- Listen to the tape and check your answers.
IV. Обучение аудированию
- Learn to use the new words. Listen to the tape and try to complete t he table. What information must you listen to? What questions should you answer? (We must understand what continents and countries have these types of disasters more often.)
Listen to the tape twice and complete the table in your exercise books. Prepare to report about the disasters in the world. Use the structure from the blackboard.
Запись на доске:
Earthquakes are common in... They happen in... more often.
Примерный ответ:
Earthquakes are common in Asia, South America, North America and Europe. They happen in Japan, China, India, Turkey, Peru, Chile, Mexico, the USA, Armenia, the Russian Federation and Portugal more often. Hurricanes are common in Asia and North America. They happen in Japan, the Russian Federation, China, the Philippines, and the USA more often. Tornadoes are common in North America. They happen in the USA more often. Volcanoes are common in Europe, Asia and South America. They happen in Italy, the Russian Federation, Salvador and Hawaii more often.
V. Физкультминутка
- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest. Stand up, class.
VI. Работа с лексикой
- Learn to use some more new words. Open ex. 79 on p. 24. You see several words and word combinations with them. Work in pairs. Read them and translate into Russian. If you are ready, translate the words. Примерный ответ:
a terrible disaster - ужасное несчастье; a disaster area - территория бедствия; to do a lot of damage - причинить много вреда; to damage - повредить; to shake with laughter - трястись от смеха; to shake with anger - трястись от злости; to shake like a leaf - дрожать как лист; to shake a head - мотать головой; to be badly, seriously hurt - сильно повредиться; he wouldn't hurt a fly - он и мухи не обидит.
- In your exercise books write your own 5 sentences with the new words and word expressions. Then read them to the class to translate.
PI -Ps.
Примерные предложения:
The hurricane was a terrible disaster. A terrible disaster happened to the citizens of the city. The disaster area is far from that region. The strong wind damaged my father's harvest. The story л is so funny that we shook with laughter. I shook with anger when I heard the news. The wind was so strong that my little brother shook like a leaf. "Do you know the correct answer?" - asked the teacher. I only shook my head. Suddenly we heard some noise: it was a little puppy, it was seriously hurt. I was badly hurt in the disaster. It was settled: they shook hands with each other and left the room. My friend couldn't do t hat, he wouldn't hurt a fly.
- Read the sentences on your cards and complete them with the given verbs in the correct form. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tenses.
На карточках:
1. Why is she crying? - She ... (hurt) her arm.
2.... they (launch) the spaceship yet?
3. The strong wind ... (damage) everything around for 3 hours.
4. What is the result of the tornado? - It... (do) a lot of damage.
5. The scientists ... (do) the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
6. They ... (not, solve) that serious problem yet, have they?
Keys: 1. She has hurt her arm. 2. Have they launched the spaceship? 3. The strong wind has been damaging everything around for hours. 4. It has done a lot of damage. 5. The scientists have been doing the exploration of the island since they discovered it. 6. They haven't solved that serious problem yet, have they?
- Explain the use of the tense. At home prepare the information about earthquakes. Write it down. Then do some tasks in writing using the new words you have learnt.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- What new words have you remembered? Can you explain what a(n) earthquake (tornado, volcano...) is? The most active pupils today are... Thank you for your work, see you next time.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 80, стр. 24; упр. 22, 23, стр. 35-36.
Урок 15. Сравни: Past Simple и Past Continuous
Цели: развитие навыков монологической речи на основе текста; введение и тренировка в употреблении новой грамматики: времена Past Simple и Past Continuous.
Оборудование: записи на доске; распечатки с заданиями.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- As we have started speaking about disasters we shall do it again discussing earthquakes. Then you will learn to differentiate and use two more English tenses.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- But first we must repeat the new words. Look at the table on your cards. Make up words using the letters. Use some letters several times. Pronounce the words correctly.
На карточках:
Согласные буквы
Гласные буквы
d, s, t, r
i, a, e
h, r, c, n
u, i, a, e
d, r, g, h, t
o, u
r, t, h, q, k
e, a, u, e
d, m, g
a, e
t, r, n, d
о, a
s, h, k
v, 1, c, n
о, a
h, r,t
Один из учеников может работать у доски, записывая слова под диктовку.
- Now pronounce the words all together. Do it one by one. Keys: hurricane, drought, earthquake, damage, tornado, flood,
• hake, volcano, hurt.
III. Речевая разминка
- What's the Russian for "disaster"? (The Russian for "disaster" is «бедствие»)
Now you ask this question.
Учащиеся продолжают задавать вопросы по цепочке.
IV.Закрепление лексики
- See if you remember the words well. Open your workbooks at p. 17. In ex. 1 there is a crossword puzzle. Work in you workbooks and guess it. Check your answers in pans.
Keys: 1. Flood; 2. Disaster; 3. Volcano; 4. Drought; 5. Tornado; '1 Hurricane.
I asked you to prepare information about earthquakes. Work in groups of three. Discuss what you know about earthquakes. Then report to the class. Данное задание можно проверить, выслушав несколько рассказов
ШКОЛ 1.ников и попросив остальных учащихся высказать свое мнение
о прослушанном.
V. Обучение чтению
- Open your books at p. 24. See ex. 81. What is the title of the text? (The title of the text is "The Yungay Earthquake".)
- Read the text and say if there are some new facts about earthquakes.
Учащиеся читают текст про себя.
- Well, what new facts have you learnt? (I have learnt that...)
- Now look through the text again and find the answers to the questions from ex. 82, p. 24.
1. The Yungay earthquake took place on May 31st 1970.
2. The letters on the blackboard started to dance in front of Juan's eyes.
3. Juan heard some noise coming from the ground.
4. The boy ran out of school into the street. The ground was moving under his feet. He ran to the fields. The earth was moving up and down like a sea. The nearest mountain began to fly at the boy. Juan swam across the river. On the other side, he started to run again. A great wind carried him along. Then earth and snow fell on top of him.
5. No, it wasn't. There was an earthquake in China in 1556. It killed 830,000 people.
6.1 have never had an earthquake in my area, but I had a hurricane. It was a terrible disaster. Tree fell on the ground. Strong wind was blowing. The fences also cracked and fell on the ground. Some of the trees flew to the windows. I heard screams in the street. Luckily, nobody was hurt, but a lot of houses were damaged.
- Now you know about earthquakes a lot. Do the task of ex. 83, p. 24.
Nouns: noise, bangs, screams, wind. Verbs: jump up and down, move, fall, break, lose. Adjectives: terrible, disastrous, damaging, awful, strong. Adverbs: terribly, awfully, strongly, fast, badly.
VI. Физкультминутка
VII. Обучение грамматике
When was the Yungay Earthquake? (It was on May 31st 1970.) What lenses are used in the text about the disaster? (Past tenses.)
- Let's revise the past tenses in the English language. Read the necessary information in ex. 84, p. 25. Is everything clear here? Then learn to use these tense to speak about past events. Do ex. 85 in writing. Explain the choice of the tense.
Запись на доске:
We use... tense in this sentence to talk about...
- This time you have to choose the correct tense. Do ex. 86 in writing. Explain why you use that tense.
1. The fire destroyed most of the buildings while he was sleeping.
2. When they were travelling around the country they saw a tornado.
3. The girl was shaking with laughter when her mother came in.
4. It was raining heavily when she left the house.
5. Where were you standing when you heard a scream?
6. When we found the puppy it was shaking like a leaf.
7. He was writing about disasters when I phoned him.
- At home continue working on the two tenses. Learn the rule about them and do some tasks.
VIII. Подведение итогов урока
- Is there anything new you have learnt about earthquakes? What tenses help us to speak about past events? Is it difficult to differentiate the two tenses?
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 24, стр. 36; упр. 84, стр. 25; РТ: упр. 2, 3, стр. 17.
Урок 16. Торнадо - это страшно
Цели: введение новой лексики; развитие коммуникативных Навыков; контроль грамматических навыков: Past Simple/Past ('continuous.
Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; карточки с за-
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- We are going to learn some information about tornadoes but first of all we must revise the tenses: Past Simple and Past Continuous.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- As usual, we begin with pronunciation. Open your books at p. 27. See ex. 90. You will need these words today. Listen to them and read.
- Now you do it one by one. I'l >P2;P3^P4...
III. Речевая разминка
- Now answer my questions, please. Define the tenses: Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1. What were you doing at 7 p.m. yesterday?
2. Did you visit your grandparents yesterday?
3. Was there any disaster at your place last year?
4. Your mother was cooking when you came home yesterday, wasn't she?
5. When did they launch the first spaceship?
6. Did you see stars in the sky yesterday night?
7. Was it raining or snowing last evening?
8. What were you doing when your mother came? Примерный ответ:
1.1 was ...ing at 7 p.m. yesterday. - Past Continuous.
2. Yes, I did. I visited my grandparents yesterday.
No, I didn't. I didn't visit my grandparents yesterday. - Past Simple.
3. Yes, there was. There was a ... at our place last year.
No, there wasn't. There wasn't any disaster at our place last year. - Past Simple.
4. Yes, she was. My mother was cooking when I came home yesterday.
No, she wasn't. My mother wasn't cooking when I came home yesterday. - Past Continuous, Past Simple.
5. They launched the first spaceship in 1975. - Past Simple.
6. Yes, I did. I saw stars in the sky yesterday night.
No, I didn't. I didn't see stars in the sky yesterday night. - Past Simple.
7. It was raining (snowing) last evening. - Past Continuous.
8. When my mother came I was ...ing. - Past Simple; Past Continuous.
IV. Введение новой лексики
- What theme do we learn? (We learn the theme "Disasters".)
- What disasters can you name? (They are tornadoes, volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts.)
- What have you learnt about earthquakes?
- Today you will learn to speak about tornadoes. But first you need some more new words. Please, open ex. 87, p. 26. There are three words that you must differentiate: to destroy, to break and to damage. Read their meanings, the examples and translate.
1. Ломать - разделять что-то на части неожиданно или грубо.
а) Если ты что-то ломаешь, оно распадается на куски или перестает работать.
б) Мальчик сломал свой стул.
в) Она упала с лестницы и сломала ногу.
г) Мои часы сломаны. Мне следует их починить как можно скорее.
2. Уничтожить - повредить что-то так сильно, что его невозможно починить; разрушить.
а) Наводнение уничтожило маленький город.
б) Во время урагана почти 200 домов были уничтожены.
в) Нам показали фильм о разрушительной силе торнадо.
г) Землетрясение привело к большим разрушениям.
3. Повреждать - портить или ломать что-то, так что оно плохо работает или выглядит не так, как раньше.
а) Здание было сильно повреждено наводнением.
б) Наводнение нанесло огромный ущерб.
в) Ураган нанес огромный вред домам на той территории.
г) Ты должен знать о вреде, который может причинить курение твоему здоровью.
- Now open your books at p. 36. See ex. 26. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Keys: 1. damage; destroy; damaged; 2. destructive; 3. broken; 4. broken; damage.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Работа с текстом
- What have you heard about tornadoes? (I've heard that...)
- Read some more information about them. Say what new fact you have learnt.
- Find the words or phrases in the text which have a similar meaning to the words in ex. 91, p. 27. Do the task in pairs. (Hurricane - tornado; no one - nobody; powerful - strong; to damage - to destroy; to happen - to appear; the most comfortable - the most likely; to start - to occur; luckily - fortunately; to defend - to protect; opportunity - chance.)
- Try to describe tornadoes. Ex. 92, p. 27 will help you. Find in the text the sentences with the words "to destroy, to damage, to break". Read them out and translate. (Tornadoes destroy houses, carry away cars and telephone boxes. - Торнадо уничтожают дома, уносят машины и телефонные будки.)
- Now you make up your own sentences with these words. Divide into two groups. Say your sentences for the members of another group.
- At home continue working on the text. Make up heading for each paragraph. Besides, do some more tasks.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- So, to sum up say what new information have you learnt? Which of the activities at the lesson were more interesting for you?
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 94, стр. 27, упр. 27, стр. 36; принести листы, краски, фломастеры, кисти и т. д.
Урок 17. Осторожно: угроза стихийного бедствия!
Цели: развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Стихийные бедствия».
Оборудование: записи на доске; ватман; краски; кисти, карандаши, фломастеры, клей, пластилин; словари русско-английские; карточки.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will work in groups and prepare your poster warning people about disasters to present them to the class.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- Let's start with a tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. Listen to my reading.
Запись на доске:
Moses supposes his toeses are roses,
But Moses supposes erroneously;
For nobody's toeses are posies of roses
As Moses supposes his toeses to be.
- Try to translate it. Read the tongue twister after me. T^Ps.
- Learn to read it in pairs. Now read the tongue twister as quickly as you can.
PI, P2, P3.
- What sounds do you hear more often? {They are [m], [эи], [z].) Звуки [m], [эи], [z] учитель записывает на доске.
- Name other words with these sounds. Примерный ответ:
[m] - mother, move, damage, the Milky Way, impression; [эи] - nose, no, road, sold, soul; [z] - zoo, ozone, organize.
III. Речевая разминка
- We read a text about tornadoes last lesson. There are six paragraphs in it. What are the headings to them? (They are...)
IV. Работа с текстом
- Open your books at p. 27. See ex. 93. In pairs discuss what sentences are true. Prove your answers with the examples from the text.
Примерный ответ:
1. It's true, because it is said in the text that "tornadoes are the most violent of all storms".
2. It's false, because it is said in the text that "nobody can predict what they might do. Tornadoes destroy houses, carry away cars and telephone boxes".
3. It's false, because it is said in the text that "tornadoes occur in the spring. A hot day in the afternoon or in the early evening is the most likely time for this dangerous storm".
4. It's true, because it is said in the text that "the violent winds of tornadoes blow down almost everything on their way".
5. It's false, because it is said in the text that "fortunately tornadoes can be predicted".
- Now you know a lot about earthquakes and tornadoes. Say everything you know about the disasters sentence by sentence one by one without a stop. If you think too long you are out of the game. - Well, I see that you can describe the disasters. Let's have a rest.
I. Обучение говорению
- As you know, the disasters usually break something, damage buildings or even destroy towns. Who do you think helps people if they get into a disaster?
Учащиеся дают ответы по-русски.
- Yes, you're right. They are emergency workers.
Запись на доске: emergency [i'm3:g9nsi] workers.
- Read the text in ex. 95, p. 27 about these people and say who helps other people. (People who help others when there is a disaster are doctors, nurses, firemen, water and gas workers, the police, the army.)
- Work in groups and decide what the emergency workers do. Ex. 96 will help you. You have 5-7 minutes. You may use dictionaries. So, what have you decided? (5.Evacuate people from dangerous areas. 6. Get medicines and food to the dangerous places.)
Задание проверяется либо фронтально, либо в новых группах, i i > i орые формируются из участников других групп.
- Now it's time for you to make posters warning people about disasters. Choose one of the disasters. Work in groups. You may use dictionaries. Ex. 97 will help you.
- The lesson is coming to an end. At home prepare a presentation of your poster. Use the plans on the cards.
На карточках:
1. Describe the disaster.
2. Explain the phrase.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- Was it difficult to make a poster? What have you learnt about emergency workers?
Домашнее задание
Подготовить презентацию постера; уч.: упр. 27, стр. 36.
Урок 18. Презентация
Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Стихийные бедствия».
Оборудование: записи на доске. Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- We are going to listen to your presentations, then you will lqarn to use one more tense: Past Perfect.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- Begin with the tongue twister. Let's remember the previous tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. Complete the sentences.
Запись на доске:
Moses supposes his toeses are...,
But Moses supposes...;
For nobody's toeses are posies of...
As Moses supposes his toeses...
Keys: ...roses; ...erroneously; ...roses; ...to be.
- Read the tongue twister very quickly. Don't look at the blackboard. Recite the tongue twister by heart.
III. Речевая разминка
- What do we call people who help others when there is a disaster? (We call them emergency workers.)
- What emergency workers do you know? (They are doctors, nurses, firemen, water and gas workers, the police and the army.)
- Would you like to be an emergency worker? Why? (Yes, I would like to be an emergency worker because I want to help people in difficult situations. No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't like to be an emergency worker because it is very dangerous.)
IV. Проверка домашнего задания
- Present your posters now. Explain how people can be warned. Others listen and put your marks according to the criteria.
На карточках:
Put 1-3 balls to the following points:
1. If it is interesting to listen to.
2. Mistakes.
3. The poster itself.
- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение грамматике
- Look at the sentences. Say in what part of them the action started or finished earlier.
Запись на доске:
Mr Brown looked out of the window and saw that his car had disappeared. He left the house and understood that he had lost the key from his office. After visiting the police station Mr Brown realized that his car had been back. It was a really strange day.
- In that part of the sentence where the action started or finished we use had + verb in the third form.
- This tense is called the Past Perfect tense. Read the information about it in ex. 98, p. 28.
- Let's have a drill. Begin with ex. 99, p. 28. Keys:
1. Я вернулся вчера к десяти часам.
2. Она никогда не слышала эту песню до концерта.
3. Что она перевела, прежде чем начался фильм?
4. Он написал три пригласительных письма, когда я пришел.
5. Кто выучил слова к пятнице?
6. Снег перестал идти к восьми часам.
7. К пяти часам дождь прекратился и они пошли в парк.
- Make up as many sentences as you can. Use the chart from ex. 100.
- Open the brackets in the sentences in ex. 101 using the Past Perfect tense. Do the task in writing.
1. She had gone home by 4 p.m. yesterday.
2. The pupils had translated only one text by the end of the lesson when the teacher collected their tests.
3. The boy had changed his T-shirt by that time.
4. When they came the party had already begun.
5. He couldn't phone her because he had forgotten her phone number.
6. Had you received the fax message before you left the office?
7. Had she done her homework before she went to school?
8. What had Martin bought before he took the bus?
- Now try to use your own ideas to complete the sentences in ex. 102, p. 28. Share your ideas in pairs.
Примерный ответ:
1. The earthquake had stopped by that time. Mary had finished her letter to Bob by that time. Mr White had prepared his report by that time.
2. Nick had done his homework by 5 p.m. The guests had left by 5 p.m. The clouds had become darker by 5 p.m. 3. We had passed all the exams by Wednesday. The wind had become weaker by Wednesday. Our classmates had cleaned the school area by Wednesday.
4. We had met in Red Square before the party. They had bought some food before the party. We had made some phone calls before the party.
5. The pupils had finished writing the test by the end of the lesson. We had done three tasks by the end of the lesson. They had read paragraph 2 by the end of the lesson.
6. When I came my mother had finished cooking. When I came the TV programme had begun. When I came the guests had already gathered at the table.
7. When he phoned we had set the table. When he phoned the hurricane had stopped. When he phoned I had read three pages of the book.
8. We had met in front of the palace before the concert began. We had bought the tickets before the concert began. We had switched off our mobile phones before the concert began.
9. The wind had been strong before the rain started. It had become colder before the rain started. We had entered the house before the rain started.
10. We couldn't get into the house because father had lost the keys. We couldn't get into the house because the earthquake had destroyed it. We couldn't get into the house because a big tree had fallen in front of it.
- Do ex. 103, p. 29 in writing. Use the Past Perfect. Keys:
1. The party was a success. - We had prepared tasty food and good music.
2. Everybody enjoyed the trip. - They had bought cheap tickets and had visited the most picturesque places.
3. He had a lot of problems at school. - He hadn't learnt the rule, he hadn't translated the text and he had forgotten his ex.-books.
4. The earthquake did a lot of damage to the city. - The earthquake had destroyed 80% of the houses; it had killed a lot of people.
5. His parents were proud of him. - He had saved a boy from the criminals and had called the police.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- So, when do we use the Past Perfect tense? How is it formed? Can you give your examples? That is all for today. See you next time.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 102, стр. 28; упр. 98, стр. 28 (выучить правило).
Урок 19. Необитаемый остров
Цели: контроль грамматических навыков (Past Perfect); подготовка монологического высказывания на основе текста.
Оборудование: записи на доске; распечатки.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- We will start lesson with a test on the Past Perfect tense. Then you will read and discuss the text "Six Robinsons and Their Guitar".
II. Проверочная работа
1) Complete the sentence.
When we are talking about something that happened... another thing, we use the... tense.
2) Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1. They (launch) the first spaceship in 1975.
2. I (look) at the clock and (realize) that it (break).
3. They (finish) the interview by that time.
4. When you (visit) your granny last?
5. We (leave) before the rain (start).
6. Nick (invite) 3 best friends yesterday.
Keys: 1) before, Past Perfect; 2) 1. launched; 2. looked, realized, had broken; 3. had finished; 4. did you visit; 5. had left, started; 6. invited.
III. Фонетическая разминка
- Start with the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard.
Запись на доске:
A big black bug bit a big black bear. A big black bear bit a big black bug.
- Listen to my reading. Try to translate it. Read after me slowly. Do it in pairs. Now read the tongue twister as quickly as you can. What sounds do you hear more often? ([b], [i], [a], [эе], lea].)
- Name other words with these sounds. Примерный ответ:
[b] - break, borrow, brother, etc.
[i] - Uttle, hurricane, disaster, think, spaceship, etc.
[a] - run, flood, hurricane, brother, fun, etc.
[аз] - man, cat, damage, hat, that, etc.
[еэ] - hare, there, hair, rare, share, etc.
IV. Речевая разминка
- Open your books at p. 29. Look at the picture and say what you see. What do you think about that group of men? What are they doing? How would you call them? (I see a captain on the boat. He is sailing in the ocean and looking at the group of people through the tube. Those men are on the island. I think they see the boat and they are happy. In my opinion they are Robinsons.)
- That's right. The story we are going to read and discuss is called "Six Robinsons and Their Guitar". But before you read it have a rest.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение чтению и работа с текстом
- So, read the text in ex. 105, p. 29 and find out if you were right about it. Work in pairs and answer the questions from ex. 106, p. 29. Then report to the class what you have found out.
- Continue working in pairs. Decide what proverb you would choose to finish the story. Why do you think so?
- What do you think about the story? Is it humorous? Is it easy to read? Are there any expressions difficult to understand? Are you glad for the Robinsons?
- What would you do if you were on the island like the boys? Do you think it is easy to arrange your life on the island?
Примерный ответ:
I think that the story is... In my opinion it is (not) a humorous story. It is (not) easy to read. There are (no/ some) difficult expressions (such as...). Yes, I am. (No, I am not.) I am very glad for the boys because it is better to be at home than somewhere else. (I am not glad for them. I think it is more exciting to live on an island.) I would build a house and live. I don't think it is easy to arrange life on the island: you must find food every day, you must build a house, you must be careful of the wild animals.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- Is the text interesting for you? Do you think it is a real story? That is all for today. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
Домашнее задание
PT: упр. 1, 2, стр. 9; уч.: упр. 109, стр. 29.
Урок 20. Богатства планеты Земля
Цель: развитие навыков аудирования, монологического высказывания на основе текста.
Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон; карточки.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will prepare the retelling of the text about Robinsons. Then you will listen to and discuss the information about world records in nature.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- But first let's revise the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. Complete the sentences.
Запись на доске:
A big black... bit a big black... A big... bear bit a big black...
Keys: bug; bear; black; bug.
- Now read the tongue twister as quickly as you can. Try not to look at the blackboard. Recite the tongue twister by heart.
III. Речевая разминка
- It's time to discuss the text "Six Robinsons and Their Guitar". Who are the main characters of the story? Is it a humorous story? Do you like it? Why? Could you live like Robinsons on the island? Why?
Примерный ответ:
The main characters of the story are six boys. I think it is a humorous story. Yes, I do. (No, I don't.) I like the story because it is interesting and easy to read. (I don't like the story because it isn't interesting for me.) Yes, I could. (No, I couldn't.) I think I could live like Robinsons on the island because it is exciting. (I think I couldn't live like Robinsons on the island because it is difficult to find food, it is dangerous to live there.)
IV. Работа с текстом
- Take the cards on your tables. You see the sentences. Read them and say if you agree, disagree or don't know. Prove that you are right.
На карточках:
1. The island of Ata is uninhabited.
2. The island of Ata is in the North Sea.
3. It is summer all year round on the little island of Ata.
4. "The Mary Jane" was a ship which stopped near the island.
5. There were six people on board the ship "The Mary Jane".
6. There were seven people on the island.
7. The boys were very happy to see the ship.
8. The boys spent 20 months on the island.
9. These 6 men had had a ship-wrack before they got on the island. 10. Their boat had been in the storm for 3 hours.
11. The boys shared the duties between each other.
12. The boys were happy to be saved because they hadn't enjoyed their life on the island.
Примерный ответ: •
1.1 agree. It is said in the text that "nobody lives on the little island of Ata".
2.1 disagree. It is said in the text that "...island of Ata, in the South Sea".
3.1 agree. It is said in the text that "where it is summer all year round".
4.1 agree. It is said in the text that "everybody knows that ships don't stop at Ata, but once "The Mary Jane" suddenly changed her course and went towards the island".
5. We don't know, because there is no information in the text.
6. I disagree. It is said in the text that "there were six of them, all boys".
7.1 agree. It is said in the text that "they were shouting and jumping up and down".
8.1 disagree. It is said in the text that "fifteen months before, they
had gone out fishing". 9.1 agree. It is said in the text that "their little boat had gone down during a terrible storm". 10. We don't know because there is no information in the text. 11.1 agree. It is said in the text that "each boy had his own duties." 12.1 disagree. It is said in the text that "they had enjoyed their fine life on the island, but they were glad to be saved".
- I see that you know the text quite well. Then work in pairs and find out in the text the English equivalents of the phrases from ex. 107, p. 29. (All year round; had gone out fishing; on the ground; changed her course; a terrible storm; in the air; had noticed; had arranged their life; in the water; climbed up; whatever they could find; to return home.)
Для быстроты выполнения задания учитель может распределить данные выражения между парами.
- How would you finish the story? What Russian proverb would you choose? Then find the English equivalents among those in ex. 108, p. 29. (I would choose the proverb "God helps those who help themselves" because the Robinsons tried to do everything to survive on the island. They had their own duties. That's why they had enjoyed their fine life on the island.)
- Are you ready to retell the story? Then say what sentences you should use in your story to summarize the main events.
Примерный ответ:
Nobody lives on the island of Ata. Once the ship "The Mary Jane" I hanged her course and went towards the island. Some people on the ship had noticed a number of people who ran down the hill into the Water to meet the ship.
Fifteen months before, they had gone out fishing and were on the Island because of the storm. They had arranged their life very well and li.ul enjoyed it. But they were happy to be saved.
- At home get ready to retell the story as if you are a passenger of the ship who noticed the boys or one of the Robinsons.
- I see that you are tired. Let's have a rest.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение аудированию
- The Earth is the unique place where there are a lot of oceans, seas, islands, mountains, rivers and lakes, forests and fields. The Earth is rich in animals and plants. But in different parts of our planet there are some special places which can't be found in other parts. Listen to the information about world records. Say what you have learnt.
- Listen to it again and look through it in ex. 111, p. 30. What facts about Russia have you found out? Isn't Russia a special place? (Yes, it is. Russia is a special place because it is the largest country in the world, and it has the biggest number of the world records.)
- Have we got any records in our place? Work in groups of 4 and decide what they are. Then report to the class.
- At home do some tasks in writing and prepare the story about six Robinsons.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- What new information about Russia have you learnt? Was it difficult to understand the information? You were very active. Your marks for the lesson are...
Домашнее задание
Уч.: пр. ПО, стр. 29; РТ: упр. 3, 4, стр. 19-20.
Урок 21. Прошедшие времена английского глагола
Цели: развитие навыков дифференциации времен группы Past; контроль навыков монологической речи.
Оборудование: записи на доске; рабочая тетрадь; карточки с заданиями. Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- I'd like to listen to your stories about Robinsons. Besides, you will learn to differentiate and use the Past tenses. »
II. Фонетическая разминка
- Let's start with pronunciation. Open your workbooks at p. 21. See ex. 1. Read out the words with the sound [cr.]. (Garden, farm, dark, park, laugh, heart.)
- Add some more words to the list. (Large, father, hard, car, farmer, etc.)
. - Now read out the words with the sound [л]. (Number, honey, lunch, custom, money, button.)
- Add some more words to the list. (Brother, mother, funny, young, run, just, etc.)
III. Речевая разминка
- Let's pass over to the text "Six Robinsons and Their Guitar".
Вариант 1
Listen to my sentences and finish them.
1. Nobody lives on... (the island of Ata).
2. Once "The Mary Jane" changed her course and... (went towards the island).
3. Some people on the ship had noticed... (a number of people).
4. They ran down the hill into the water... (to meet the ship).
5. The boys occurred on the island... (because of the storm).
6. They had arranged... (their life on the island).
7. They had enjoyed their life on the island but... (they were happy to be saved).
Вариант 2
Look at the cards. Match the beginning of the sentences and the end.
A. Nobody lives on... 1.... their life on the island.
B. Once "The Mary Jane" 2.... a number of people, changed her course and...
C. Some people on the ship had 3.... because of the storm, noticed...
D. They ran down the hill into 4. ... the island of Ata. the water...
E. The boys occurred on the 5.... to meet the ship, island...
F. They had arranged... 6. ... went towards the island.
G. They had enjoyed their life 7.... they were happy to be on the island but... saved.
Keys: A-4; B-6; C-2; D-5; E-3; F-l; G-7.
IV. Проверка домашнего задания
- I see you know the text quite well. Will you tell us the story of six Robinsons?
Учитель может опросить 1-2 наиболее сильных учеников и пре-I0C1 а пить им возможность помочь выслушать и оценить одноклассников. Возможна также проверка домашнего задания в группах, когда учащимся рассказывают друг другу заданную историю, а учитель тем Временем прослушивает рассказы, оценивая подготовку учащихся.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение грамматике
- You have learnt to use the Past tenses. Learn to differentiate them. Open your books at p. 30, ex. 113. Let's read and discuss it. Translate the examples given.
- Let's have a drill now. Do the following exercises in writing. Read the task very attentively. Use the correct tense.
Запись на доске: Ex. 114,115,116,p.31 -Student'sbook;ex.4,p. 22-Workbook.
- You may do it as quickly as you can. Один учащийся работает у доски. Keys:
Ex. 114, p. 31.
1. Yesterday he returned home only at half past eight. He was tired. He watched the news on TV and looked through the newspapers. Then he turned off the light and went to bed.
2. A strange woman took a clean sheet of paper and a pen, sat down and wrote a short letter. She put the letter into the envelope with an address.
She gave it to the messenger boy. Then she stood up and left the room. Ex. 115, p. 31.
1. When you phoned, I was playing a new computer game.
2. When the teacher came into the classroom, Steven was making fun of Ann.
3. It was raining when he got up yesterday morning.
4. He was telling his friends a frightening story when somebody knocked at the door.
5.1 saw that Nancy was writing a letter. 6. While I was working in the garden, I found a kitten. Ex. 116, p. 31.
1. When they arrived at the cinema, the film had already begun.
2. When she came to the station, the train had already left.
3. The girl had done her homework before she went to the park. 4. Tim had already done his work when his mother phoned him.
5. We were very pleased to see Alice again. We hadn't seen her for three years.
6. Mike played polo yesterday; he had never played polo before.
- At home learn the rule about the past tenses, and then revise*some words connected with our theme.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- Was it difficult for you to complete the sentences with the correct tense? How do they differ? Thank you for your work. See you on Wednesday.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 113, стр. 30 (выучить правило); упр. 31, 32, стр. 36; упр. 117, стр. 31 (устно).
Урок 22. Природа в разных уголках света
Цели: введение новой лексики и первичное ее закрепление; развитие навыков просмотрового чтения.
Оборудование: записи на доске.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will learn some new words and learn to use them. Besides, you will read small texts about different parts of the world and learn to express your opinion about them.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- We are going to start with pronunciation as usual. Open your books at p. 32, ex. 118. Pronounce the new words correctly. Try to do it yourselves first.
Запись на доске:
Human [тци:тэп], amaze [a'meiz], attract [a'traekt].
- Repeat the words after me. Now read them yourselves.
III. Речевая разминка
- Read the word expressions in ex. 118, p. 32 and translate them.
- Work in pairs and make up your own sentences with the new words. I give you 7 minutes. Please, read your sentences for others to translate.
IV. Обучение чтению
- You are going to read the text about different countries. Match the names of the countries and the titles of the text from ex. 119, p. 32. - Let's see if you are right. Read the text, please, and check your answers.
Kingdom of Birds - New Zealand. The Roaring Waters - The USA. The Peak District - Great Britain. Where the North Begins - Russia. Hot and Dangerous - Australia.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Работа с текстом
- Look at the photos in the text and say if they associate with the text. Prove that you're right.
Запись на доске: подчеркнутое предложение; The... text associates/doesn't associate with... Примерный ответ:
The first text associates with the picture as we can see a lot of birds in п Hut the photo doesn't associate with New Zealand because we can't i he place in the photo. The second text associates with the photo
IB we can see a sign on the road with the picture of a kangaroo. And л kangaroo always associates with Australia. The third text associates В nil the picture as we can see the waterfall, but it doesn't associate with America. The forth text associates with the photo as we can see mountains, trees in it. But the picture doesn't associate with England as I here are a lot of such places in the world. The fifth text associates with the photo as we can see snow on the ground and trees without leaves, and the photo associates with Russia. I think only Russia has
such sights.
- Have you learnt anything new from the text? What other special places in Russia can you name? Why are they special?
- At home find out in the texts the sentences with the new words (ex. 118, p. 32). Write them and translate into Russian. Besides, do some more tasks orally.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- What new information have you learnt today? Would you like to visit any of these places? Why or why not? What new words can you name? What do they mean? Thank you for your work. You may be free.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 6, стр. 23; PT: задание в тетради - выписать предложения с новыми словами и перевести.
Урок 23. Пишем сценарий фильма о природе
Цели: развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Планета Земля»; обучение аудированию.
Оборудование: записи на доске; видеоаппаратура; карточки.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will learn to make a film, and then you will watch the film about the Peak District in England.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- Let's learn another tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. Listen to my reading first.
Запись на доске:
Little Linda lost her locket, Lovely, lucky, little locket. Lately Linda found her locket Lying still in Linda's pocket.
- Translate the tongue twister into Russian. Now read it slowly. Train reading it in pairs. Read the tongue twister as quickly as you can.
- What sounds do you hear more often? ([1], [i], [n], [a].)
- Name other words with these sounds. Примерный ответ:
[1] - launch, late, lunch, loose, light, etc. [i] - big, pig, six, sit, chick, children, etc. [d] - dog, doll, lot, fox, rocket, etc. [a] - hurricane, fun, run, monkey, just, etc.
III. Речевая разминка
- What places did you read about last lesson? (We read about New Zealand, Australia, America, England and Russia.)
- Listen to the sentence and say what place it is about. Are you ready?
1. A mass of water falls over a cliff 27 meters high with a terrible noise. (It is about the Niagara Falls.)
2. Another interesting thing of this area is a large lake which gives water for the city of Sheffield. (It is about the Peak District.)
3. With few natural enemies, most of these birds lost their ability to fly. (It's about New Zealand.)
4. There are high mountains and fields, deserts and cool and foggy coastline, tropical heat and Arctic cold in it. (It's about America.) 5. This area is rich in beautiful forests and lakes, wooden churches and monasteries, which grew into cultural centers. (It's about Russia.)
6. Indeed, sheep farming is an important part of the local economy. (It's about England.)
7. They say the north begins with Vologda. (It's about Russia.)
H. There are several species of poisonous spider and many poisonous snakes. (It's about Australia.)
IV. Работа с текстом
- Now you will work in groups doing different tasks. Let's divide the texts. Read your extract and discuss five comprehension questions on the text. I want to remind you the word order in questions. Take the cards on your tables. I la карточках:
Вопросительное слово
Вспомогательный глагол
вспомогательный глагол
остальные члены предложения
остальные члены предложения
- Change the groups and ask your questions there. Give your partners time to look through your texts. Then report to the class if your partners gave correct answers,
v. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение аудированию
- Say which text you think is the most interesting. What new information have you learnt? (In my opinion/ to my mind/as I see it...)
- Sit in groups again and discuss your future film about the Peak District. Decide what you would show in your film. Start with the help of ex. 123, p. 33.
- Now share your ideas with other partners. Примеры идей:
c) Several visitors with cameras in the park;..
d) Sheep eating grass...
e) A general view of a farm...
f) A lake near Sheffield...
g) A view of several small villages...
- Watch the video about the Peak District. Answer the questions in ex. 124, p. 33. Read the questions first. Say if you understand them all right. - Now we are ready to start. So, what new facts have you learnt? Report about the difference between your film directions and the video.
- At home do the test connected with the text from ex. 120, p. 32^. Think what you would write about the environment at your place, make a plan. Ex. 120, p. 32 will help you.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- What places did we speak about? Would you like to visit any of these places? Why or why not? Do you find the information you have learnt interesting and useful? Why? That is all for today. You may be free.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 33, стр. 37; повторить новые слова на стр. 37; РТ (для
сильных учащихся): упр. 5, стр. 20.
Урок 24. Природа родного края
Цель: формирование навыков письменной речи (рассказ о природе родного края).
Оборудование: записи на доске; картины с видами знаменитых (популярных) мест соответствующего района; словари.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- As you know, much useful information about different popular parts of the world you will learn to write your own stories about the place you live in.
II. Фонетическая разминка
- But first let's revise the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. Complete the poem.
Запись на доске:
Little... lost her...,
Lovely, lucky,......
Lately... found her...
Lying still in... pocket. Keys: Linda; locket; little locket; Linda; locket; Linda's.
- Read the tongue twister as quickly as you can. Recite it by heart.
III. Речевая разминка
- To write a story you will need some word expressions. Open your books at p. 33, ex. 125. First read them, please, after me.
T-Ps. - Find these expressions in the texts of ex. 120. Translate the sentences with them.
Примерный ответ:
For a continent 4,000 km across and 3,750 km from north to south, Australia has an amazing set of natural environments and wildlife. - Для континента в 4 тыс. км длиной и 3750 км с севера на юг, в Австралии удивительная окружающая среда и животный мир.
America's climate and geography are amazingly varied. - Климат и география Америки удивительно разнообразны.
There are high mountains and fields, deserts and cool and foggy coastline, tropical heat and Arctic cold in it. - Там высокие горы и поля, пустыни, прохладные и туманные побережья, тропическая жара и арктический холод.
The Niagara Falls is one of the most amazing American sights. - ниагарский водопад - одна из самых удивительных американских достопримечательностей.
It attracts a great number of people than any other place on the continent. - Он привлекает большее количество людей, чем любое другое место на континенте.
Between them is one of the most unspoiled areas in England. - Между ними находится одна из самых нетронутых территорий в Англии.
The area attracts many visitors from both cities. - Территория привлекает много посетителей из обоих городов.
Indeed, sheep farming is an important part of the local economy. - Действительно, овцеводство - важная часть местной экономики.
IV. Обучение письменной речи
- Let's make up a plan of your future story. I ask you to work in pairs and discuss the plans you've written. Now share your ideas with the class.
- Let's discuss it all together. Look through the texts again and say what you must start with. (We must write some sentences (2-3for the beginning) and say some words about our place.)'
- What will you write then? (Then we will describe the weather in this place.)
- Say what you can about the weather in your place. Don't forget to finish your text with the information about what attracts people to this place. Look at the blackboard. You see my plan to the story. You may choose it for your story. Before you start writing have a rest.
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Обучение письму
- It's time for you to start writing. Запись на доске: Plan
1. Beginning.
2. Weather.
3. Attractions.
- Don't forget to use the words from ex. 125, p. 33 and the texts in ex. 120.
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- Was it difficult to create a story about the place you live in? Hand in your papers. That is all for today. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
Домашнее задание
Повторить времена Past.
Урок 25. Контрольная работа
Цели: контроль пройденной лексики и грамматики; закрепление навыков чтения и аудирования.
Оборудование: записи на доске; магнитофон.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will write a test to show how well you know the words learnt, if you differentiate the Past tenses, if you can understand the text read and the text listened.
II. Контрольная работа
- Let's discuss the tasks you have to fulfill. Open your books at p. 38.
In ex. 1 you must write only the number of the sentence and the letter. For example of the correct answer. 1. b), etc. (7. b); 2. b); 3. c);
4. a); 5. b).)
In ex. 2 choose the word to complete the sentence. Write the number of the sentence and the letter of the suitable word. For example: 1. a). (1. a); 2. a); 3. b); 4. c); 5. a); 6. a).)
In ex. 3 you must change the words given to make them suitable in the sentences. Write the number of the sentence and the new word. For example: 1. researcher. (1. researcher; 2. exploration; 3. lovely; 4. natural;
5. foggy; 6. outer.)
Make up the sentences in ex. 4 using the Past Continuous or the Past Simple tenses. Study the example carefully. Write the whole sentences. Keys:
1. The little girl was crying the whole evening yesterday.
2. It was snowing all day long yesterday. 3. What were you doing at 4 p.m. yesterday?
4. He was looking at the sky when the boy touched him.
5. The old lady was watching TV when the telephone rang.
6. Where were you standing when you heard this terrible sound? In ex. 5 you should open the brackets using the correct tense - Past
Perfect or Past Simple. Write the whole sentences.
Keys: 1. had destroyed; 2. had finished; 3. came, had already collected; 4. had already read, phoned; 5. have you already found, came; 6. had Steve seen, changed.
In ex. 6 choose the correct form of the verb. Write only the number of the sentence and the letter of the correct answer.
Keys: 1. a); 2. b); 3. c); 4. b); 5. a); 6. c).
Read the text about Antarctica in ex. 7 once to understand the main idea. Then look through the test and read the text for the second time to find the correct answer. Write only the number of the sentence and t he letter of the correct answer.
Keys: 1. c; 2. c; 3. d.
Before you do all the tasks above you should start with listening comprehension. See ex. 9, p. 39. Listen to the weather forecast and make short notes.
Keys: London- wet & cloudy - +15 °C ; Ottawa - sunshine & wind - +20 °C; Washington - sunny & windy - +18 °C; Canberra -windy & cloudy - +22 °C; Wellington - dry & sunny - +22 °C
- Now start writing the test.
III. Подведение итогов урока
- At the next lesson you will write a letter to your English pen friend. Then you will make up a dialogue and a story. That's why I ask you to prepare at home.
Домашнее задание
Уч.: упр. 10, стр. 39 (устно).
Урок 26. Продолжение контрольной работы
Цель: контроль навыков письменной, монологической и диалогической речи.
Оборудование: записи на доске.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Today you will write a letter to your pen friend from England. Besides, I would like to know if you can tell stories in English and have a talk to your partner about the weather.
I. Контрольная работа
- I hope you have prepared for today's lesson. The task is to tell a story about one of your thirty days on an island in the Pacific Ocean.
Then act out "a weather dialogue" with the partner.
Первый ученик рассказывает свою историю, второй готовится, выходит, и они разыгрывают диалог с первым учеником. Затем второй ученик рассказывает свою историю и т. д. Пока двое отвечают, остальные пишут письма - упражнение 8.
III. Подведение итогов урока
- I checked up your previous tests. Some of you made mistakes. At home make corrections on the test.
Домашнее задание
Сделать работу над ошибками в контрольной работе; для сильных учащихся - РТ: упр. 5, стр. 22.
Урок 27. Телешоу «Земля - наша планета»
Вариант 1 - работа с текстом № 1 из Книги для чтения, подготовка монологического высказывания на основе прочитанного текста.
Вариант 2-урок-игра (пригласить учителей или старшеклассников в жюри).
Цели: повторение пройденной лексики и грамматики; закрепление навыков аудирования, монологической речи.
Оборудование: диплом и 2 сертификата; карточки с заданиями.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Let me invite you to the TV game show "Our Planet the Earth". First of all let's divide into three teams. Think of the name of your team. Are you ready?
II. Фонетическая разминка
- The first task for you is connected with the tongue twisters hecite any of the tongue twisters you know as quickly as you can.
III. Речевая разминка
- Say everything you can about space. Give your answers to the questions.
На карточках:
1. What colour is the Earth if you watch it from space? Why is it so?
2. What helps our planet to keep warmth? 3. How many main planets are there in the Solar System?
4. Where are stars and planets?
5. How do people get into space?
6. How do we call people who work in space?
7. What do they wear in space?
8. What do we use to see stars?
9. What is the Milky Way?
10. What is the shape of the Galaxy? Keys:
1. If you watch the Earth from space it seems blue because there is much water on it. 70% of it is covered with water.
2. The Sun helps our planet to keep warmth.
3. There are 9 main planets in the Solar System.
4. Stars and planets are in the Galaxy.
5. People get into space by spaceships.
6. People who work in space are astronauts.
7. They wear spacesuits.
8. To see stars we use a telescope.
9. The Milky Way is the Galaxy (the star group). 10. It's a huge disc with a bulge in the middle.
IV. Закрепление приобретенных навыков
- Work in your teams and do the quiz. Listen to the sentences and
answer very quickly. Викторина
Учитель зачитывает по 6 предложений каждой команде.
1. The first man on the moon. (TV. Armstrong.)
2. A sudden shaking of the ground. (An earthquake.)
3. Tornadoes are most often in... (the USA).
4. Six Robinsons lived on the island of... (Ata).
5. The deepest lake in the world. (Lake Baikal.)
6. The hottest place in the world. (Sahara Desert.)
7. The Niagara Falls is in... (the USA).
8. The Yungay Earthquake happened on May 31st...(1970).
9. A long period of dry weather when there is not enough water. (A drought.)
10. The man who made the first telescope. (Galileo.)
11. The first woman in space. (V. Tereshkova.)
12. All space and everything that exists in it. (77ze Universe.)
13. The oceans contain... % of all the water on the Earth. (97.)
14. The Sun together with the planets going round it. (The Solar System.)
15. Space day in Russia. (12th of April.) 16. A very violent wind or storm. (A hurricane.)
17. Kingdom of birds. (New Zealand.)
18. The largest ocean in the world. (The Pacific Ocean.)
V. Физкультминутка
VI. Закрепление аудитивных и коммуникативных навыков *
- Work in groups. Make up a weather forecast in different parts of Russia. Prepare the task for other teams like in ex. 9, p. 39.
- Now imagine that one of you is a weatherman. Present your weather forecast. Other teams must listen and do the task.
- The last task of our game will show how creative you are. Open your books at p. 32, ex. 120. Choose any of the texts. Read them again. Close your books and retell it saying sentence by sentence one by one without a stop. That team which says more sentences wins.
- That is all for today. While the jury counts the balls say which of the tasks you found more difficult? Why?
VII. Подведение итогов урока
- So, we have the winners today. They are... They get a diploma.
Is given to the team "..."as the winner in the TV game show "Our Planet the Earth". October 2009
The other teams get certificates.
CERTIFICATE Is given to the team "..."as the participant of the TV game show "Our Planet the Earth". October 2009