• Учителю
  • Разработка урока по теме : Путешествие(5 класс)

Разработка урока по теме : Путешествие(5 класс)

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Цели урока:

Обобщение материала по теме "Traveling"; совершенствование навыков монологической речи;обучение диалогической речи

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент приветствие

-Good morning,children.Is every one here?I'm waiting for you to be quiet.I am glad to see you.(Good morning teacher.All pupils are present.We are glad to see you too.)

2.Сообщение цели урока

-We shall revise the material we have done this month:we'll listen to the stories about your trips and journeys,sing a song and act the dialogues out.

3.Речевая разминка

-A lot of people all over the world are fond of traveling.Modern life is impossible without traveling.Every day thousands of people travel either on business or for pleasure.Do you like to travel?

-Is traveling your hobby?

-What methods of traveling do you know?

-How do you prefer to travel and why?

-When did you travel last?Where did you go?

-Have you ever traveling by sea(by plane,by train)?

-Why do you think almost all people are fond of traveling?

-Why do many people prefect to travel by car?

-What do people usually do when they are on the plane(on the train,on the bus)?

-Do you think it is interesting to travel by sea?

Учитель по очереди задает вопросы всем ученикам группы,побуждает их аргументировать свои ответы.

4.Актуализация навыков монологической речи

-Some pupils have prepared the stories about their last trip.Listen to them and choose the most interesting and exciting story.

На данном этапе урока проверяется домашнее задание - монолог "My Last Trip(Journey)".Прослушивается 3-5 рассказов и выбирается наиболее интересный(удачный,волнующий,содержательный) рассказ.

-Have you got any question to Peter?

-I liked his story, and you?Why do you like it?

-Do you want to go there?

5.Исполнение песни

-It is time to remember our song "Rules and Regulations"now.Will you stand up?Sing the song together with the singer.Sing it alone to the music.

Учащиеся исполняют песню 2 раза.


7.Проверка домашнего задания

-Let's return to our topic "Traveling", It is interesting to travel for pleasure and to see new places,different towns and countries.But some people have to travel on business.Do you remember Denis Cook?Who is ready to act this dialogue out?Sergey will be Denis Cook and Alex will be the airport man.

На уроке уместно послушать 2-3 диалога.Перед началом прослушивания диалога учитель раздает катрточки нескольким ученикам для подготовки нового диалога.Желательно подготовить несколько вариантов карточек,сохраняя формулировку заданий(изменить время,день недели,сумму денег,пункт назначения)

8.Формирования навыков диалогической речи.Ролевая игра

-So you see Denis Cook is leaving for Boston.I know that four pupils in our group are going to travel too.They would like to buy tickets for the train and they want to know the ticket price and the thime of the departure.What questions can we ask to find out the price?(How much is the ticket?What is the ticket's price?)

-Can you ask about the time of the departure?(When does the train leave for Moscow?When is the train to Moscow?)

-Let's start then.

Учитель разыгрывает с учениками диалоги по карточкам.

Карточка учителя

Teacher:Hello!Can I help you?

Pupil:Yes,please.I would like a return ticket from Moscow to St.Petersburg on Saturday

Teacher:OK,we've got a few left

Pupil:How much is the ticket?

Teacher:300 rubles

Pupil:Oh,that is too much.


Pupil:Have you got cheaper tickets

Teacher:Sorry,but you can buy a single ticket.It is 150 rubles.

Pupil:I'm afraid I don't like the idea.Or it doesn't suit me.

Teacher:Just a moment.You can buy a return ticket for the slow train on Saturday morning.

Pupil:Really?When does the train leave for St.Petersburg?

Teacher:7'0 clock.

Pupil:How much is the ticket?

Teacher:Let me have a look.A return ticket is 200 rubles.

Pupil:Good.I'll buy it.Here is the money.

Teacher:Here are you.Hope you'll enjoy yourself.

Карточка ученика

Task 2 (1,5-2 minutes)

-You would like to buy a ticket from Moscow to St.Petersburg on Sunday.You need a return ticket and you have 200 rubles.Ask the booking-clerk questions about:

The ticket price;

The time of departure.

The teacher will play the part of the booking-clerk and will speak first:


To be active and polite;

To ask the questions;

To buy a ticket.

9.Подведение итогов урока и объяснение домашнего задания

</<span>-Thank you for you work,children.You were active today.Your dialouges and your stories were interesting and I liked them a lot.Now I want you to write down your homework:you will remember the material on the USA

-Collect your things,please.The bell has gone goodbye,boys and girls.

Учитель подводит итоги урока.

Домашнее задания:повторить темы:"Россия","Великобритания","США".


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